onX Maps
Greenland was Great!
Contributors to this thread:
wildwilderness 14-Oct-21
Paul@thefort 14-Oct-21
wildwilderness 14-Oct-21
JL 14-Oct-21
t-roy 14-Oct-21
wildwilderness 14-Oct-21
Shug 14-Oct-21
Chief 419 14-Oct-21
Treeline 14-Oct-21
Treeline 14-Oct-21
Bou'bound 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
Chief 419 15-Oct-21
Zebrakiller 15-Oct-21
Treeline 15-Oct-21
Southern draw 15-Oct-21
sticksender 15-Oct-21
Shug 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
Treeline 15-Oct-21
t-roy 15-Oct-21
Oryx35 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
yeager 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
Bou'bound 15-Oct-21
JL 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
wildwilderness 15-Oct-21
Bou'bound 15-Oct-21
Treeline 15-Oct-21
t-roy 15-Oct-21
Bou'bound 17-Oct-21
wildwilderness 17-Oct-21
Ambush 17-Oct-21
BOWUNTR 18-Oct-21
wildwilderness 18-Oct-21
drycreek 18-Oct-21
Mertyman 20-Oct-21
TGbow 20-Oct-21
wildwilderness 23-Oct-21
Bou'bound 30-Oct-21
Bou'bound 30-Oct-21
Bou'bound 31-Oct-21
Bou'bound 23-Dec-21
BOWUNTR 24-Dec-21
wildwilderness 26-Dec-22
Bou'bound 29-Jun-23
Had a great opportunity to go to Greenland mid September. With travel still a concern to Europe, with a vaccine requirement, Lings Hunting Greenland had a lot of September open. I would be the only hunter there for the week I booked.

Looking at the rising cost of Caribou in Canada, Greenland made sense with a combo hunt coming out less than what most outfitters charged for Central Barren Ground Caribou by itself. Even though I live in Alaska Musk ox is still a tough draw (1-2%), and still costly even if you do draw. The area that was "first come first serve" is a lot harder to get and logistically a challenge.

From: Paul@thefort
So how "Great" was it?


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
tasty meat bull
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
tasty meat bull
To warm up I made a bonzai trip up the haul road. Found a nice bull and filled my first tag. made a couple of blown stalks on bigger bulls, and one missed long shot. Good to get it out before a big trip

From: JL
I've been to Greenland a few times doing MIA work. I'd love to go back on a hunt....there or Iceland. Hopefully there are some pics/vids/story top follow????

From: t-roy
Looking forward to this! Karsten and his crew were awesome when I went.

With travel as it was a Layover in Copenhagen was the route. I got into Kangerlussuaq and Karsten Lings picked me up. I was able to unpack and check my bow. Before I knew it Karsten asked if I was willing to head out for a quick afternoon scouting trip?

Of Course I was! we loaded up and I grabbed my bow. Saw some great country... and a heard of Musk Ox with a decent bull. We made a move closer to look at the bull- but the wind was bad and it took off. Was getting later so we headed back home.

On a bend Lucas- signaled he spotted an ox, so we stopped to get a better look- cow and calf by a lake. It was the tail end of the rut so we moved in closer to see if any more musk ox were with them- Old Bull with big boss! the tips were worn off but I like mass!


From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
Great people!! Lucas has a strong neck

From: Chief 419
Greenland is fantastic! I just got back from my second trip last Sunday. Getting there is half the fun, especially in the new Covid world order. Tuned in.

From: Treeline
Cool! Then what???

From: Treeline
Looked to be a good shot!

From: Bou'bound
That place is nothing short of epic

I was able to get another shot into the bull

The Bull didn’t go far and I had a big old ox my first day in the country!


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Shaggy beast
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Shaggy beast
My first shot was a bit low and forward but hit good blood vessels, the second was perfect double lung. Karsten recommends behind the shoulder and higher than lower- hard to tell with all the hair. They are awesome shaggy beasts.


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
(Still issues with mobile pictures)


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Northern Lights
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Northern Lights
It was later when I shot the bull so the picture quality was lower- Karsten and Lucas made short work of the bull, but night fall engulfed us before long. Was amazing to have the Aurora to entertain us on the way back

Don’t know why the photo shows different?

From: Chief 419
Shot placement is hard to judge due to the way the skirt hangs down. Our guide told us to aim center of hump, 18” down from the top. It took 5 shots to bring mine down. They’re tough critters.

Congrats on your bull! Looks like a good one.

From: Zebrakiller
I have to do this hunt

From: Treeline
What an awesome animal and hunt! Congratulations WW!

That one is still lurking on the edge. When they allow traditional bows, I will go if I haven’t won the lotto in Alaska… Just too bad us trad guys couldn’t go early as the price was right when they started. All the compound guys got the deals, dang it!


From: sticksender
Nice ox, congrats.

Did you also try for Caribou? Where did you stay during the hunt?

From: Shug
Anyone considering Greenland should seriously look into Karsten. Top quality outfit with amazing people… and considerably less expensive than other outfitters in Greenland…. At least when I went.

Yes Karsten is less than the other outfitters, and he is the real deal. Has the most Musk Ox in his concessions and trophy quality. Even though he is Danish decent, he was born and raised in Greenland. Lives there year round and is a hunting machine with his son Lucas. They monitor the herds, manage populations. And I am most jealous they still get to hunt Walrus, whales and polar bear! I may need to move to Greenland......

Next up was Caribou. Coming into the trip, this is what clinched the deal for me. Looking at Central Barren Ground Caribou prices it was a no brainer to go to Greenland. P&Y young recognizes this herd as such, though there has been some discrepancy with B&C, SCI, and G$CO.

I was willing to shoot any representative animal since I know Caribou can be fickle. Wide open spaces and wind also make shots difficult on wary animals. Even though I wasn't picky, Karsten said he wanted a respectable one for me.

We glassed a number of herds 5-20 animals but no shooter bulls. Finally a tall bull looked good enough for them and was in a stalk able area. I said lets go for it and see what happens. I have had many stalks fail on caribou and wanted to up my chances.

We made a move, and the bull actually came closer while out of sight. We had to backtrack to get the wind right and out of no where the bull turns and walks right at us!

Karsten hits the ground I range him at 45 and draw. No time to film, as I release as the bull turns to go back. We hear a solid hit and this is what we see right after!

The bull was hit hard. The entrance was a bit back but exit was good. It walked out of sight. We crept over to where we could see it and it was bedded but head still up. I don't like to see animals suffer so moved to make a finishing shot. The bull stood up as I drew, but it didn't go far after that


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Greenland Caribou
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Greenland Caribou
I didn’t think it would happen so fast but I’m never one to complain about a bit of luck!

Less than 24 hrs in Greenland and I had my combo


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
In talking to Karsten for the biggest bulls he says in the velvet they can be spotted a bit easier, but farther hiking. A good time for the full white winter capes would be during the rut about first week of October. The big bulls always show up then.

From: Treeline
Awesome! What a spectacular and special trip! Two excellent animals in short order! Congratulations! Now what? Any fishing???

From: t-roy
Spectacular! Brings back some great memories, for sure!

You didn’t happen to get any video of Karsten or Lucas packing your muskox out? That, in itself, is almost worth the cost of admission!!

From: Oryx35
Congrats! Thanks for sharing!

With a whole week left and being the only hunter there I was up for shooting a second Musk Ox! The trophy fee to add one on is minor compared to the opportunity and within the concession there really isn't a limit to the number they can harvest. Thus some outfitters (enter a well known name here _____) have over harvested their areas of trophy bulls and had to move to new area...

We took a day to care for meat and hides and good food made by Hanne.


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
at their house in Kangerlussuaq, hot shower, WiFi, great food


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Karsten has an area a new road was going in that he had not been in since early summer, but saw a big Musk Ox then. I was up for exploring the new area to see what was going on. I did not bring a rubber blunt or judo point and not wanting to break arrows/broadheads we took his Suppressed Subsonic 22 for small game!

Congrats, looks like an awesome hunt!!

I guess image tools aren't working either...


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
arctic hare
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
arctic hare
I got a number of Arctic hares for Hanne's pot. A nice fat one


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
greenland ornaments
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
greenland ornaments
I had seen this neat Inuit Ornament display at their house. Hanne is part Inuit and she showed me how to make them out of the ptarmigan crops. the seeds inside make each one unique-

You have to be careful teasing out the crop. Make sure there are no holes in it. pinch off one end and inflate through the other, then pinch. Let dry! For you bird hunters out there may make a cool addition to the Christmas tree this year!

We covered a lot of ground that day without turning up a musk ox. That area is not in Karsten's concession but a public area. He had a couple special tags to hunt there. On the way back we saw a couple herds to the North, which was on his concession. We had a plan for the next day.

From: yeager
Congratulations on your Greenland hunt…..I just got back last Saturday. Was with Chief 419 and Sticksender. We went with Frank Feldman and everything was absolutely fantastic. My bull was like yours, old with worn tips, but had nice bosses.

We got onto a herd with a nice bull. We moved in close to get a better look- the bull still had black tips and good bosses. The wind shifted and the musk ox bumped, but not too far.

I had a choice to make- shoot this one or hold out for an even better one? Karsten said there was always a bigger bull out there, but did I have enough time? and was I willing not to get another? Lucas, the quiet type spoke in Danish to Karsten- which he told me later was that I was crazy for not shooting that big bull right away! haha

The plan was to sit on this herd- we watched them bed, while Lucas took the atv and would scout for another herd in the area and see if a bigger one turned up. I ate an early lunch and watched the big bull take a nap.

Lucas returned having only found 4 small bulls in a group. I knew this bull was bigger than the last and the stalk was on. Lucas videoed from afar while Karsten and I moved in close. I ended up again getting two shots on the bull!!

Here is the view Over the shoulder- once we moved in close I ranged the herd, The bull was a bit further back than the others, but on top of that My hand had gotten cold from sitting out eating lunch etc. So when I drew and went to my release I punched the trigger with my cold hand!! The shot went off prematurely and I hit the bull low and back :(

Now I'm sure you were all thinking what the heck was I doing between shots? Haha-

I was shaking with excitement like usual but my hand was cold and I grabbed the second arrow and went to draw it popped off the string, leaving the nock on the string and shaft on the the ground! I couldn't get it put back so methodically put my bow down, put the nock back on the shaft, nocked the arrow and finally went through a normal shot process with good results


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Karsten and Lucas Lings
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Karsten and Lucas Lings
Didn’t go far and not to be disappointed a great musk ox and great hunters


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Long horns and black tips


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Good boss as well

From: Bou'bound
does he have a website. what is the name of the operation

From: JL
Congrats and thanks for telling the story and posting the pics and vids as the way they happened.


wildwilderness's Link
This is their website

Hanne usually responds to the email, and you can call on the phone as well if they aren’t in camp


Back at their shop and meat lockers they Caped out the bulls- necessary to get a good score since the horns fit so tight to the skull!

The first went 103” and the second went 107”. Very rough scores but nice bulls with a bow


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Caped out


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Another cool trophy at the house, too bad the US doesn’t allow importation of marine mammals. I still may have to hunt walrus some day after listening to the stories from Karsten!

Treeline- they may allow trad bows for caribou some day, but I doubt musk ox any time soon. They are the perfect animal for it!

Maybe you can justify a “compound “ like an Oneida bare bow with fingers? I say the trip is worth it.

No fishing this time- the River froze early and we didn’t go in the area conducive to it.

From: Bou'bound
That place is nothing short of epic

From: Treeline
Will keep dreaming…. Well done! Excellent work!

From: t-roy
I saw Karsten’s walrus skulls in their house, as well as the “Christmas ornaments”. Pretty cool how Hanne makes those!

From: Bou'bound
What are you’d ion with the trophies and how is that handled.

The trophies are transported to First Class Trophy in Denmark free of charge, I think via boat. They handle it from there.


From: Ambush
Heck of a warp speed rollercoaster hunt for the first couple of days!! Congrats on three great animals! Nice touch with the mini vids to help tell the story.

I'd say you did pretty darn good... congratulations. Great adventure. Did you get to have some fish soup... delicious? Ed F

No fish soup but they did have some muktuk (whale blubber), and fried the caribou fat from the bou I shot.

The did talk about someone dyeing from eating kiviaq (fermented birds stuffed in a dead seal) that wasn't made properly!

From: drycreek
Great adventure, thanks for taking us along !

From: Mertyman
Congrats on an awesome trip!!!!

What are you having First Class do on your two ox?

From: TGbow
Awsome!!..that was a hunt of a life time

I had one skinned for full rug and the other for a shoulder mount. Will see how it goes.

The caribou as a euro

From: Bou'bound
Any others with feedback on this outfitter.

From: Bou'bound
Any others with feedback on this outfitter.

From: Bou'bound
Any others with feedback on this outfitter.

From: Bou'bound

I went with Karsten in April 2018 and shot 2 muskox. Incredible adventure. I would recommend him to anyone. Ed F

Just to revive the recent Greenland musk ox interest. I did have the skulls Officially scored. Would love to go back with Karsten Lings and shoot a couple more!

From: Bou'bound

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