Sitka Gear
WY moose calves
Contributors to this thread:
DonVathome 26-Oct-21
Pete In Fairbanks 26-Oct-21
APauls 26-Oct-21
wytex 26-Oct-21
WYOelker 26-Oct-21
DonVathome 26-Oct-21
From: DonVathome
I was elk hunting in wolf country and we saw a lot of calf moose. My WY friend said he has heard the moose are starting to adapt and calf recruitment is up? I think most cows had 2 calves.

In Alaska, research has shown there is little significant wolf predation on moose calves from birth until winter. Most neo-natal predation on wolf calves is from bears, black and grizzly. There are many other sources of protein for wolves during summer, but by winter, wolves again become a significant mortality factor on young moose.

From: APauls
That's interesting Pete. Wolves are smart. Letting em pack some meat on those bones before they need em in the winter lol.

From: wytex
I'm betting they only had 1 calf but nice to hear of the positive recruitment. We saw almost all cows with calves in the area we hunted this fall as well.

From: WYOelker
I agree with the idea that now is not the time to count the calves. Next spring will tell us how they do. I think the wolves need the deeper snow to really hit the moose hard. I also feel that the moose get hard after the elk have migrated out into the lower open flats.

I know last fall we were watching 3 pairs of cow calves. By the end of January 3 pairs had turned into 1. With the 2 cows not having a calf. Not sure if they were killed by wolves, but in my unofficial little example 66% died over winter.

From: DonVathome
Fudge, I was hoping it was a good sign.

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