Moultrie Mobile
Interesting read on Mtn. lions & wolves
Contributors to this thread:
standswittaknife 25-Nov-21
Jaquomo 25-Nov-21
Jaquomo 25-Nov-21
Dollar 25-Nov-21
Glunt@work 26-Nov-21

standswittaknife's Link

From: Jaquomo
Yet another reason why we desperately need wolves to be dumped in Boulder county.

From: Jaquomo

From: Dollar
The second to last paragraph is the interesting part specifically the last sentence.

From: Glunt@work
"Unexpected predator"?

Who didn't expect that introducing an apex predator and letting them go relatively unchecked for years would effect other predators?

Wolves in WY eat around 10,000 elk a year. There's only so many slices of pumpkin pie. When the long lost relatives show up unannounced around dessert time with their whole crew of kids, someone doesn't get a slice.

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