Small Game
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Well, here we go again! Hard to believe that this is the eleventh Yard Hopper Goose Season starring Chase the Wonder Dog. Chase will be 13 years on Feb. 14th. He still has, the passion, the strength, the will to keep on going. Maybe he is just doing it for more treats.
Good luck, Chase and Paul!
This first day was only suppose to be a scouting day but I set up the blind next to the pine trees and gave it a try this morning not knowing what to expect. There were geese in the area and on the lake across the road but one never knows where they will fly. Mostly they fly over looking for better pastures but some times................................
Oh yeah, been waiting for the annual hopper thread!. Good luck Paul and Chase!!
Back in the blind after set up, I notice movement to my left. No, not geese.
Back in the blind after set up, I notice movement to my left. No, not geese.
I was not even tempted.
I was not even tempted.
Good luck Chase, and thanks for taking Paul along again!
Lots of geese flying high. I needed the low fliers
Lots of geese flying high. I needed the low fliers
this is better, local yard hoppers
this is better, local yard hoppers
but they turned away and landed a few yards away
but they turned away and landed a few yards away
This thread is always a treat! Good luck Paul and Chase! Don't spare those treats;)
I added some red to it's feathers
I added some red to it's feathers
down and out!
down and out!
All seemed quite for awhile so I stepped out of the blind to make an adjustment to the decoys. Well my timing was ok as I was still hidden next to the pine trees when a single goose just drops in without a sound., just a rush of wing noise. Fifteen yards! I quickly get back into the blind, picture, bow in hard, aim, arrow on its way, WACK! As I said, one never knows then it will happen.
Following. I always enjoy this thread.
first retrieve of the year. I know he has done this 90-100 times during the past 10 years and it never get old seeing him doing what he was breed and trained for.
first retrieve of the year. I know he has done this 90-100 times during the past 10 years and it never get old seeing him doing what he was breed and trained for.
Well that deserved a TREAT for sure.
Well that deserved a TREAT for sure.
Chase had not heard the goose land, so he did not quite know what was happening but when I picked up the bow and sent an arrow out the window, well he knew something was up. I unzipped the door and out he went, seeing the dead goose 15 yards away.
One of the best threads of the year!
Way to go Paul and Chase, getting it done on day one!
Thanks Paul for sharing your hunts with us and I'll be looking forward to future installments. Always great pics and write ups.
That didn’t take long, good start.
I look forward to this thread every year. Great start Paul & Chase! Following along.
Nice Paul and Chase....Paul remember, it's been 11 years for you, but Chase has been doing this yard hopping for over 70....hahaha.
Yep, Chase is 78 years, figuring 6 human years, and I get to turn 82 years in March. Two old timers just having fun. Hey, just numbers!
So it is approaching 9:15 and I will give the hunt unit 9:30. There are still a few geese flying around. Wait, here comes a small flock, and they are looking. They look but fly on. Here comes two more, I call, they set their wings and land in bow range. Little do they know there is a killer just yards away. Camera first and then bow in hand.
Chase is lined up on the goose. "Dead bird, Fetch!"
Chase is lined up on the goose. "Dead bird, Fetch!"
I settle the pin on the closest goose and pull the trigger. WACK!
Well, that was fun for both of us.
Well, that was fun for both of us.
A good day for sure with bow in hand and dog at one's side.
A good day for sure with bow in hand and dog at one's side.
You just can't beat a couple old dogs out having a good time! :) Congrats Paul and Chase! I hope my lab looks as good as Chase when he reaches 13 years of age. Hell, I hope I look as good as Paul when I hit 70 let alone 82! Ha!
Brotsky—I hate to tell you, but you don’t look that good now… ;)
Nice going Paul, look forward to this one every year. Better than Christmas IMO, but I admittedly don’t like Christmas that much…
Woohoo ! The yardhopper thread is one of my favorites ! Congrats Paul and Chase on making it another year, we’re all getting a little older. Paul, what day in March is your birthday ? Mine is the twelfth, I’ll be 75 and not fit to carry your lunch !
Great start... go get 'em you old dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe fun for you but also for the rest of us reading this, Thanks.
Great start Paul, tough to beat time well spent in the blind with your pup!
Look at you guys getting it done on Day 1! I think Chase earned some extra belly rubs tonight!
Yard Hopper double on a "scouting day"? Shaping to be a great season!!!
Congrats Paul & Chase!!!
Paul and Chase making bowsite great again ! Way to go.
Thanks Paul !
Heck ya, great start! I love these threads.
Great start to your season!
Love this! Awesome Paul! Can’t wait to follow along!!
One of my very favorite threads!
YES, this is the "funnest" thread to follow on Bowsite.
Great start! Thanks for taking us along again.
I love this thread. Look forward to it every year. Go get em Paul and Chase.
Congrats Paul! Great start!
Excellent......congrats on a fantastic start to the season.
Great 1st day, congrats to you and Chase. Been waiting for this thread to start.
Congrats Paul! And yes, Chase deserves an extra treat!
Fun Paul and Chase! Enjoy your adventures!! You are a legend! Oh, you too Paul!!
This is becoming my all time favorite posts ever on here. Good on you Paul! Was just driving past a huge field full of geese today and was wondering if you were going to start your thread. Much appreciation!!
Way to go Paul! Congrats!
Congratulations, I have been waiting for you and Chase to get er' done again this year. One of my favorite threads.
Dead Goose waddling!
This thread always signals the end of a season and is a better marker than New Years day. And it snuck up on me again. Congrats to you both for wringing everything out of the ride and loving it!
That is pretty cool......
Thank you Paul and Chase for helping keep us all sane in these trying days!
Love that picture of Chase retrieving his prize. Nothing better than a dog working with his freind and partner. It definitely deepens the bond between the two.
Hey wait for me i'm all in again.
Fun time Paul-------->
Good shot man,
Another that always enjoys this thread.
Great to see you and Chase out chasing the yard hoppers again. Looking forward to watching you both work with Teal soon as well. Merry Christmas Paul, Jeff.
Was waiting for this thread and getting a little worried about you and Chase (especially Chase because he is getting a bit long in the tooth).
Once more into the breach..... Great start! Last year it was a few trips in before connecting? No matter, that's hunting. Sometimes the hunting gods are smilin'. Sometimes not. But you (and Chase!) get out there and still get at it. And then you say.... "did that just happen?" Awesome.
Many thanks for takin' us out with you again Paul. Very much appreciated.
I just knew you guys would like the beginning of the eleventh Yard Hopper goose hunt. This was the first time I had hunted this early as in the past ,after Christmas. Hard to tell how the season will be but it is up to the geese to stay in the area. Last year it was soooo dry and the geese ended up in greener pastures. I just posted a Sky Carb recipe, that turned out really great and tasty. I will keep hunting until I can't. Thanks for the nice comments and for following along. Paul and Chase
WOW that's Awesome ! Great job
Lots of fun Richard. Enjoy the new year. Paul