Ram down in Co S38
Wild Sheep
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Fantastic ram!! We need the details!
Apishipa SWA or private land?
Congrats to hunter.... Terrain looks like desert bighorn country...
Wow, what an impressive ram!
Congrats please post a story!
Awesome! Congratulations.
Beauty! Nice to see great sheep coming out of there again!
Heavy ram!! Congrats on a beauty! If you don't time for words, a few more pics will be worth a few thousand :)
Great ram, congratulations
Congrats. Looks like a Montana or Canadian Bighorn with the mass.
Those bases gotta be kissing 16 inches for sure.
Awesome! Congratulations.
Great ram! Congratulations!
Nice awesome deal congrats!
What a beauty. He may be a "book" ram. Congrats sir and very well done!
What a stud! (The sheep lol) Congratulations!!
This was indeed a Aphisapa ram. Hunted 14 days total first five with help the last 9 solo. The sheep seem to cycle thru the wildlife area randomly and only hang out for a day or so before they move on. I only saw 1 ram in the first 5 days. I Was fortunate the meet up with a local rancher who gave me permission to hunt some adjacent land and doubled my hunting area With excess to this additional area I was able to locate the sheep almost everyday I spent several days trying to get on a lone ram that consistently appear to bed then allow me to circle up on him which usually required crossing the entire canyon complex only to watch him move off into section of the canyon totally inaccessible to humans. Eventually i located the ewes at first there were 8 together with no ram. The next morning there were 21 ewes and 1 ram i spent the rest of that day attempting to get ahead of this bunch only to end up at sundown watching them bed below me with the ram some 90 yard away. The next morning the band had increased to 26 ewes and still only one ram. I watched them move like a flock of birds randomly changing direction as they fed along the canyon floor I had learned not to make a move on them until i was sure of where they were heading. This morning the entire group bedded at the base of the canyon rim i had been glassing them from I knew there was a bench on the rock wall half way down the canyon wall i could get to and above them. The stalk went perfectly and i ended up in the cover of large boulders 40 yards above the ram After ranging him and while drawing my bow multiple ewes which i was not paying much attention to went on red alert. The ram was now on his feet and jumped up on a boulder for a better look he was now 45 yard but broadside slightly quartering towards me. It was now or never and i probable made the best shot of my life. I knew the shot was good but my 68 yr old eyes are not as good as they once were The ram went 80 yards into cover and appeared to go down. Out of an abundance of caution i waited till the following sun rise to climb down to the bottom of the canyon to recover my trophy of a life time.
Very nice....congrats on your success in a tough unit!
beautiful animal Frank! I bet that was one of the longest nights of your life , waiting to recover that Ram. Wow!
Beautiful, massive ram! Congratulations
Thanks for the inspiration! Love sheep hunting in the rut
Congratulations! Great job.
Congrats! Great ram. Thanks for sharing the story and photos with us!
Beautiful animal, congratulations!
Congrats! Gives me something to daydream about during that uneventful drive between La Junta and Walsenburg.
Thanks for sharing, Awsome.
I have to give brandon powell credit for intel he gave me during the sheep meet and greet at no limits archery in july also credit to my friend and sheep mentor gene moore who's advise made this happen.
Congratulations!!! That is an awesome ram, he has some mass on him for sure.
Nice ram! Congratulations!!
I don't know much about sheep but that one is very pretty....congrats.
I am trying to figure age, 6 years, 7 years maybe
Congratulations, great ram! I had that tag in 2011.
Spectacular! Thank you for the story!
That unit has had some tough times due to domestic sheep and goats getting into where the sheep live.
When I talked to the biologist out there, they were not very optimistic and said that they had not even done any counts for a number of years. He anticipated that they had lost most of those sheep due to pneumonia.
There have been several guys hunt that unit and not even find a ram over the last few years. Particularly if they we’re planning to hunt the public land with no private land access lined up.
Glad you found such a great ram on your hunt!
Definitely a Hunt of a Lifetime!
Congrats on a great hunt well done Lewis
Grats! How big were his bases out of curiosity?
Congratulations on a great ram.
That’s awesome. Congratulations.
I'm guessing he's six years old? Looks like he had some great growth in the first four years. Tough one to count rings for sure.
Great ram congratulations
Thank god for CO ranchers that will still allow a bowhunter to access their property. I'm sure you thanked him and followed up with him on your success. I bet he was glad to hear you got a good one.
Congrats on the dream ram. Thanks much for sharing.