Mathews Inc.
Talk about Restraint
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Bou'bound 22-Dec-21
JL 22-Dec-21
spike78 22-Dec-21
Rgiesey 22-Dec-21
scentman 22-Dec-21
tobywon 22-Dec-21
IdyllwildArcher 22-Dec-21
Dale06 24-Dec-21
Ken Taylor 24-Dec-21
Shuteye 24-Dec-21
Wv hillbilly 24-Dec-21
Zbone 24-Dec-21
buckeye 25-Dec-21
scentman 25-Dec-21
Missouribreaks 25-Dec-21
Jeff Durnell 26-Dec-21
From: Bou'bound
What the heck is that

From: JL
That looks like a black phase squirrel with a touch of white.

From: spike78
Damn that’s a bigger trophy then a deer! Here in MA we have a bunch of all black grey squirrels and I’ve been itching to get one mounted. I’ve even seen them with silver tails and one albino.

From: Rgiesey
I would’ve shot that. Hunted an area in Illinois full of white fox squirrels. My 8son missed one before we found they were protected

From: scentman
Look like pepe le pue got his girl!

From: tobywon

tobywon's embedded Photo
tobywon's embedded Photo
Very cool, just started seeing black squirrels around my house this year .

I definitely would have shot that and mounted it. That's a really cool looking squirrel.

From: Dale06
For many years I had an albino squirrel on my bird feeder frequently. I suppose there must have been more than one cause I don’t think their life span is that long. Lots of the gray ones got .177 disease, but the albinos got a pass.

From: Ken Taylor
A large proportion of grey squirrels in the Southern parts of Quebec (like where my daughter lives) are black with an occasional albino. They're all protected.

But a true black and white one like in the picture I have never even heard of... that must be extremely rare.

From: Shuteye
Great looking squirrel. I would never shoot it just take pictures.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Very cool looking squirrel. I seen my first albino at work a couple months ago.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Very cool looking squirrel. I seen my first albino at work a couple months ago.

From: Zbone
Eastern grey squirrels come in many different color phases...

From: buckeye
I'd let it live myself, I feel I'd miss seeing it running around the yard if it was in my freezer. Plenty of regular squirrel to eat. Very unique critter!

From: scentman
Let the little guy live, seems he has brought you some nice entertainment during these weird times... maybe he will someday be bowsite mascot lol ;0)

No reason to kill it.

From: Jeff Durnell

Jeff Durnell's embedded Photo
Jeff Durnell's embedded Photo
Well that's different. Yes I'd let it live too. Good choice.

Here's another squirrel with some odd color markings. Looks like a fox squirrel with black and white stripes down its back. It was coming into the bird feeders a couple of years ago, but I haven't seen it since.

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