Moultrie Mobile
Caribou Decoy
Contributors to this thread:
Mad Trapper 23-Dec-21
Zackman 23-Dec-21
WI Shedhead 23-Dec-21
Jaquomo 23-Dec-21
blue spot 24-Dec-21
DanaC 24-Dec-21
BULELK1 24-Dec-21
Mad Trapper 24-Dec-21
Pat Lefemine 24-Dec-21
LKH 24-Dec-21
Pocoloco 24-Dec-21
Pocoloco 24-Dec-21
Pocoloco 24-Dec-21
JSW 24-Dec-21
bowonly 24-Dec-21
From: Mad Trapper
I am looking for a Montana Caribou Decoy. Anybody have one for sale?

From: Zackman
Treeman has a lot of blow-up decoys you can borrow…

From: WI Shedhead
Danny Ferris said he was in the process of getting one together. Would like to try that myself this fall.

From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Tom, absent a caribou hat, these dekes work pretty well. :-)

From: blue spot
That decoy appears to have a large rack. Does a large rack give better results?

From: DanaC
Probably scares away the smaller bulls.


BULELK1's embedded Photo
BULELK1's embedded Photo

From: Mad Trapper
Not quite what I had in mind. Do they really work?

From: Pat Lefemine
Ned uses them, but only in cornfields.

From: LKH
Fellow named Jack Harrison loaned a small bull caribou head with the cape loose underneath. It was constructed so your head fit under and you could see. It was heavy and it didn't take long before your neck got sore.

We tried it on the Haul Road one year but the bou would not tolerate you getting closer than about 60 yards. We were hunting with trad gear so it didn't do us much good and we only did it one year. That was back when there were a lot of bou along the road and we had numerous opportunities. Would probably be okay for the compound guys.

From: Pocoloco

Pocoloco's embedded Photo
Pocoloco's embedded Photo
Decoys do work! Sometimes a white planket or sheet will do the trick. Woodland with MVO in NF.

From: Pocoloco
Decoys do work! Sometimes a white planket or sheet will do the trick. Woodland with MVO in NF.

From: Pocoloco

Pocoloco's embedded Photo
Pocoloco's embedded Photo

From: JSW
I took a bow mounted mule deer decoy to Newfoundland since it had the largest rack. I had the wife sew a white t-shirt to the body so it kind of resembled a small caribou. I shot my bull early on the first full day of hunting so I never got to try it out. I had confidence that it would work though. Some guys swear by the white shirt or jacket approach.

From: bowonly
Yeah, the white shirt with arms over the head had a few bulls interested on my NFL caribou hunt. The guide was pretty experienced with the tactic. It just has to be the right timing and the right bull.

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