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Bill to Ban CO Mtn Lions
Contributors to this thread:
standswittaknife 12-Jan-22
Shotgunwilly 12-Jan-22
yooper89 12-Jan-22
ryanrc 12-Jan-22
Jaquomo 12-Jan-22
Pat Lefemine 12-Jan-22
standswittaknife 13-Jan-22
Surfbow 13-Jan-22
Glunt@work 13-Jan-22
Treeline 13-Jan-22
Missouribreaks 13-Jan-22
HDE 13-Jan-22
Jaquomo 13-Jan-22
smarba 13-Jan-22
Oryx35 13-Jan-22
APauls 13-Jan-22
Paul@thefort 13-Jan-22
Paul@thefort 13-Jan-22
ryanrc 13-Jan-22
Jaquomo 13-Jan-22
hunt forever 13-Jan-22
Jaquomo 13-Jan-22
Missouribreaks 14-Jan-22
smarba 14-Jan-22
bowbender77 14-Jan-22
ryanrc 14-Jan-22
Jaquomo 14-Jan-22
Jaquomo 14-Jan-22
Guardian hunter 14-Jan-22
standswittaknife 14-Jan-22
D31 14-Jan-22
Old Bow 14-Jan-22
Old Bow 14-Jan-22
Old Bow 14-Jan-22
Old Bow 14-Jan-22
Pat Lefemine 14-Jan-22
Jaquomo 14-Jan-22
Pat Lefemine 14-Jan-22
hunt forever 15-Jan-22
Glunt@work 15-Jan-22
Cornpone 15-Jan-22
Pat Lefemine 15-Jan-22
DanaC 15-Jan-22
Paul@thefort 15-Jan-22
'Ike' (Phone) 16-Jan-22
Jaquomo 17-Jan-22
Huntiam 17-Jan-22
Huntiam 17-Jan-22
standswittaknife 18-Jan-22
DanaC 18-Jan-22
Paul@thefort 19-Jan-22
Paul@thefort 19-Jan-22
LBshooter 19-Jan-22
Bou'bound 20-Jan-22

standswittaknife's Link
Better start contacting your CO legislators.. Boulderites introduced this to stop all hunting of lions and bobcats.. lynx too but... slipped it onto the floor and now it’s to the voting process. Can’t believe these idiots are on the ag committee…

From: Shotgunwilly
Here is what I am sending my state senator and house representative, feel free to copy and paste.

I am writing you to express my opposition to SB 22-031. in my opinion The proposed legislation seeks change current Colorado law taking wildlife management out of the hands of the trained professionals at CPW who follow the highly successful North American Wildlife Conservation Model and instead circumvents this process by attempting manage wildlife by voter apathy and misinformation.

As my elected state senator I want to hear how you plan to vote on this recently proposed legislation.


From: yooper89
This state is going to hell in a hand basket.

From: ryanrc
Emails sent. Thanks

From: Jaquomo
Couldnt get it done through the commission.. If this doesn't work, here comes the initiative.

From: Pat Lefemine
In 1988 I fell in love with Colorado after my first hunting trip there. I dreamed of moving there one day.

I’d never consider it now. What’s happened to that state is a travesty.

California happened to this state.. it’s fn horrible..

From: Surfbow
It's not California, it's just liberals democrat running amok in this state with no one to check their power.

From: Glunt@work
Don't take what you have for granted. I grew up here and did. It was such a great place I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to ruin it.

Unfortunately the cancerous growth has spread to Montana, Wyoming, Georgia, Even Texas is no longer immune to this cancer spreading.

Like Locusts they need to keep Moving after destroying where they inhabit. Unfortunate they are usually Locusts with money and can influence community policy.

From: Treeline
Danny, you beat me to it! Thanks for putting this up here.

So many sneak attacks from the anti-hunters happening across the west! Sickening!

Please help by contacting legislators in Colorado, even if you are a nonresident!

Unfortunately they leave California, but bring their losing socialist culture with them.

From: HDE
Just ignore them and keep hunting them...

From: Jaquomo
The funding for the wolf initiative mostly came from CA.

From: smarba
Is there anything NR can do? Someone we should send emails to?

From: Oryx35
Here's an pre-filled action alert for those wanting an easy button.

From: APauls
I always find it interesting when people move to somewhere else because they like it better, but then find the need to have the mindset of where they were from take over where they now are because that is what they are used to. Like don't you get it - the end result of that mindset is a place that you wanted to move away from???

I am not anti-immigration at all but I find the need to question when people flee a country because it's so terrible to live in and they come to Canada and then fight to instill the law and culture of the country they came from. The end result of that was a place you had to flee from remember? I feel like the obvious thing is that if you want to move somewhere because you like what they have the most natural conclusion is that you should do your best to assimilate into what it is that you liked about it. And if you don't like it - don't move there. I dunno, I'm prob too simple minded. I did an exchange as a student to Germany for 9 weeks. I did my best to assimilate there and had a great time. Had some classmates who fought it tooth and nail and kept talking English and sticking together. They didn't enjoy it nearly as much or get near the immersive experience. Then why go to live there? Makes no sense to me.

From: Paul@thefort
I just contacted each member of the Colorado Ag Committee, objecting to this bill and why. My next contact will be the Senate and House members, in case it gets out of the AG Committee.. Perry Will, on the AG Committee, is a strong voice for Colorado's Wildlife and Sportsmen and a past staffer of the Division of Wildlife. Paul

What can you do? The same.

From: Paul@thefort
Mr. Will, Ag Committee, another attempt to take the scientific management of Colorado's wildlife from the hands of the CPW and CPW Commission. Little by little, anti- hunting individuals and groups will continue to chip away at the North American Big Game Conservation Model.

I would hope this Bill will not get out of Committee. I will contact each member of the Ag Committee and Senate to express my objection to this bill.

Thank you for your work in behalf of Colorado's wildlife and Sportsmen.

My best, Paul Navarre, Ft. Collins Colorado.

From: ryanrc
Paul, can you provide email addresses? I will follow your lead.


From: Jaquomo
I'm sending emails as well. Hopefully this won't make it out of committee and we can force them to spend the time and money to put it on the ballot

From: hunt forever
We has hunters REALLY REALLY need an organization with the sole purpose of protecting hunting rights in the US. It should have no other objective and be a setup as a nonprofit. Pack it full of lawyers. Then we as hunters generously donate money to thr cause. Surely, hunters dropping a ton each year on hunting can donate good amounts of money to protect what they love. Surely!!! If something isn't done and soon we will lose our passion.

Just my opinion

From: Jaquomo
Hunt forever is correct. The difference is that hunters can't even agree among ourselves on what is important, while ARAs are united in their goals and driven by a strong emotional passion. Hunters have a passion for hunting; not so much for preserving it anymore.

When hunters are voting to limit bear hunting, end trapping, and introduce wolves, even becoming public faces and spokesmen for those campaigns, we know we are screwed.

If bowhunting gets on the ballot in CA or OR, I guarantee most bowhunters will be like, "Meh, I won't ever hunt there anyway, so no big deal".

Excellent post ^.

From: smarba
I used the link provided by Oryx35 to submit my input.

I received a positive reply from Senator Sonneberg almost immediately as follows:

"Unfortunately, there are those in the legislature that don't understand the impacts of changing an ecosystem. They also don't understand that these animals are along the front range and an increased population will mean attacks in the urban areas as well as rural areas.

I indeed will be opposed to this bill and will do what I can to educate my fellow legislators on the unintended consequences of this potential new law.

Thanks again for reaching out to me. Thank you, Jerry Sonnenberg Colorado Senate District 1 4465 CR 63 Sterling, CO 80751 970.581.8648"

From: bowbender77
Calizona and Calirado share the same problem.

From: ryanrc

ryanrc's Link

From: Jaquomo
Matt, they still have the Hug a Hunter campaign but rebranded it with a different name and not quite so hunter-oriented.

From: Jaquomo
I emailed my State Senator, Joann Ginal, one of the sponsors, and focused my message on keeping wildlife decisions in the hands of the biologists and managers in CPW, not with uninformed legislators or voters. I didn't say anything about lions and bobcats. Didn't get a response.

In our community in Northeast Ohio we had a bunch of retired people whose property taxes ran a couple hundred dollars a year. Then us baby boomers who couldn't say no to their kids moved in and build big houses in a gigantic School. When are kids graduate we all leave and guess whose taxes went from $300 a year to $6,000 a year. Yep that's right there left holding the bag. Sad how we don't consider the people that live there first

Emailed Kerri Donavan and have not had any response.

From: D31
When politicians are looking at voter interest in a subject they have a sort of scoring system. If you say yes or no on a poll it counts as 1 vote, if you take the time to send a mass email that counts as 10 votes. If you write your own original email it counts as 25 votes. If you take the time to call their office its 50 votes. What gets the most votes is a hand written letter because it takes the most effort it is calculated as 200 votes. This is not an exact science but a good friend of my late father who was a lifelong politician always said. IF THEY ARE HAND WRITING LETTERS YOU BETTER BE PAYING ATTENTION BECAUSE THATS THE GROUP WHO IS GOING TO PUT YOU IN OR TAKE YOU OUT OF OFFICE. It is a lost art form today but still gets their attention quickly.

From: Old Bow

 Old Bow 's embedded Photo
 Old Bow 's embedded Photo

From: Old Bow

 Old Bow 's embedded Photo
 Old Bow 's embedded Photo

From: Old Bow

 Old Bow 's embedded Photo
 Old Bow 's embedded Photo

From: Old Bow
Everyone gets a piece of the pie except the animals that the mountain lions eat .

From: Pat Lefemine
Like it or not, we hunters are lumped in as conservatives. So when Democrats are in charge they have little motivation to help us, or push back on the activist agenda.

This is sad but in our polarized society it’s true. Even though hunting has a lot of support from both sides of the political spectrum.

When CO turned blue, I suspected there was going to be a long term erosion of hunting opportunities and it’s happened faster than I expected.

Hopefully the other Western states see this and fight hard to reject it.

From: Jaquomo
Lots of other erosions happening in Colorado too...

From: Pat Lefemine
“ In the 2020 presidential election, Colorado was considered a safe blue state. Joe Biden handily won Colorado with over 55% of the vote by a margin of more than 13% over Donald Trump.[2] In the 2020 state elections, Democrats retained their majorities in the state House and Senate. Democrats also picked up both U.S. Senate seats and gained a numerical advantage for the U.S. House delegation.[9]”

GG, You can live in denial all you want but the facts are the facts. But for all of our sakes I pray that you’re right.

From: hunt forever
I believe the attempts to increase predators numbers is a double edge sword. 1st To control wildlife population so that hunting isn't as necessary. 2nd Once hunting is banned there's no need for personal ownership of guns.

Long and short, it's another way to attack the 2nd Amendment.

Best example is Canada!!

From: Glunt@work
We may not be all the way blue but when the state house, governors office and Electoral votes keep going blue, thats blue enough. California has a ton of Republicans, about the same as the entire population of Colorado. It doesn't help them much.

From: Cornpone
State name change next...from Colorado to Colofornia.

From: Pat Lefemine
Your better off there than CT or NY. Just calling out the facts, your state is blue - not quite as bad as ours however. I hope it never gets that way.

BTW, New York has more red counties than blue counties. It's meaningless, Denver, Boulder decide your state like NYC and Albany decide NY. Every county in CT is blue - we're F'd.

From: DanaC
'County populations ' don't mean much anymore. 'Congressional districts' are a better way of looking at it. That said, remember districts are drawn by those in power to maintain power.

(And the history of district drawing in the US is shameful, to be polite about it.)

From: Paul@thefort
Colorado House and Senate Agriculture Committee members,

Science based wildlife management, by the trained wildlife biologists of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Dept., is again under attack here in Colorado. These CPW staff members are in the field every day to assure that Colorado's wildlife is doing their best under all conditions for all Coloradans to enjoy.

We witnessed this attack with Ballot Initiative 114, Wolf Introduction and now a similar bill is being introduced to prohibit the taking of Mountain Lions and Bobcats by the general public hunting and trapping community, with current legal methods, as allowed by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission regulations.

There is no doubt, efforts like SB 22-031 will continue to erode the North American Big Game Conservation Model.

Keep Colorado's wildlife managed by science and not by legislation or the ballot box, by denying HB 22-031 to move forward.

My very best, Paul Navarre, sportsman, Ft. Collins Colorado

We have Northern and Southern CA...We now have Eastern CA, once called Colorado...

From: Jaquomo
Actually we still have Colorado, but there is a small chunk of Calirado that has the most voters, the most crime, the most murders, the most restrictive gun laws, the most gang violence, the most "everything bad in society", and coincidentally, the most sick liberal voters. They even have people crapping on the sidewalks in Calirado, just like the big brother a couple states West. Colorado as we knew it is gone, because of the Democrat mental illness on the Front Range steering policy decisions.

From: Huntiam
Read this earlier today pretty fitting for this thread I imagine …

From: Huntiam
Sorry don’t no how to post clickable link i can copy and paste tho

From Kerry Donavan.. a supposed "rancher" democrat.. seems like an oxymoron to me... not too encouraging of a response either. Need more to contact her: Hello Danny, "Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on SB22-031 concerning the hunting of bobcats, lynx, and mountain lions in Colorado. I appreciate you voicing your concerns about the way this bill may affect conservation and predator populations.

The bill hasn’t been scheduled yet, but I understand your concerns and will keep these in mind when the bill is presented to the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Please don’t hesitate to write again if you have additional concerns.

Best wishes, Kerry Donovan Senate District 5"

From: DanaC

DanaC's Link

From: Paul@thefort
Hello Paul,

Thank you for reaching out to me regarding SB22-031. As of right now, some of the original sponsors have removed their names from the bill. If SB22-031 comes to a vote before me, I will be voting no. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me in the future about issues that are important to you.

Sincerely, Representative Barbara McLachlan House Agriculture Committee

From: Paul@thefort
Donald Valdez House Agriculture Committee Wed 1/19/2022 12:03 PM ?Dear Paul Navarre,

Thank you for emailing Representative Valdez about SB 22-031. This legislation was introduced by Senators Jaquez, Lewis, Ginal, and Representatives Amabile and Duran. Representative Valdez opposes this legislation as predators do need to be managed with conservation. Feel free to reach out again when there’s an issue that’s important to you

From: LBshooter
Poor Texas , going to catch calivid, and maybe Montana and a few other states. The libs planned this whole export of liberals to invade states and turn them blue. In 5 years give or take you'll see Texas turn purple at the very least and others like Florida. The libs leave thier states do to the out of control gov regs and bring their politics with them.

From: Bou'bound
the good news is this is all temporary

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