Mathews Inc.
2022 Mule Deer Meat Pole
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 18-Jan-22
Empty Freezer 18-Jan-22
Beav 20-Jan-22
Predeter 20-Jan-22
t-roy 20-Jan-22
Bowboy 21-Aug-22
Treeline 21-Aug-22
Dikndirt 23-Aug-22
midwest 23-Aug-22
Treeline 23-Aug-22
Beav 05-Sep-22
Beav 05-Sep-22
t-roy 05-Sep-22
JL 05-Sep-22
scentman 06-Sep-22
Nick Muche 06-Sep-22
Treeline 06-Sep-22
SteveB 07-Sep-22
midwest 07-Sep-22
APauls 07-Sep-22
goelk 07-Sep-22
sitO 07-Sep-22
iceman 07-Sep-22
'Ike' (Phone) 07-Sep-22
TEmbry 08-Sep-22
Beav 08-Sep-22
Treeline 08-Sep-22
Mike Ukrainetz 08-Sep-22
Nick Muche 08-Sep-22
Murph 08-Sep-22
Treeline 09-Sep-22
ki-ke 09-Sep-22
WV Mountaineer 09-Sep-22
Mark Rodo 09-Sep-22
Mike Ukrainetz 09-Sep-22
Dino 09-Sep-22
ND String Puller 09-Sep-22
Mike Ukrainetz 10-Sep-22
Dino 10-Sep-22
CTBobcat 12-Sep-22
Shaft2Long 12-Sep-22
Yellowcat53 12-Sep-22
t-roy 12-Sep-22
Mike Ukrainetz 18-Sep-22
Mike Ukrainetz 18-Sep-22
Mike Ukrainetz 18-Sep-22
JW 20-Sep-22
t-roy 21-Sep-22
JL 21-Sep-22
SteveB 21-Sep-22
Mike Ukrainetz 21-Sep-22
JW 21-Sep-22
Treeline 21-Sep-22
PECO2 21-Sep-22
JL 21-Sep-22
PECO2 22-Sep-22
Coulee 22-Sep-22
Dino 22-Sep-22
Quinn @work 23-Sep-22
PECO2 24-Sep-22
Bowaddict 24-Sep-22
LuvNovember 24-Sep-22
Ermine 13-Oct-22
HUNT MAN 15-Oct-22
Bowboy 15-Oct-22
Paul@thefort 15-Oct-22
t-roy 15-Oct-22
Treeline 15-Oct-22
midwest 15-Oct-22
BULELK1 16-Oct-22
Tony 16-Oct-22
t-roy 16-Oct-22
Mike Ukrainetz 16-Oct-22
goelk 18-Oct-22
JL 18-Oct-22
adam_cav51 23-Oct-22
SBH 23-Oct-22
Rgiesey 23-Oct-22
JL 24-Oct-22
Goelk 24-Oct-22
THP 14-Nov-22
Quinn @work 14-Nov-22
Treeline 15-Nov-22
COLO 3-D 20-Dec-22
Treeline 20-Dec-22
bowhunt 20-Dec-22
Bowboy 20-Dec-22
Treeline 20-Dec-22
COLO 3-D 23-Dec-22
12yards 23-Dec-22
Longshaft 24-Dec-22
Muskwa 26-Dec-22
Muskwa 26-Dec-22
muliemad 26-Dec-22
sticksender 26-Dec-22
pav 26-Dec-22
DGW 26-Dec-22
Muskwa 26-Dec-22
t-roy 26-Dec-22
Zbone 26-Dec-22
RK 26-Dec-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 26-Dec-22
Treeline 26-Dec-22
Bowaddict 27-Dec-22
iceman 27-Dec-22
Old Bow 27-Dec-22
Muskwa 27-Dec-22
Jaquomo 27-Dec-22
nmarchr 27-Dec-22
Longshaft 11-Dec-23
Twinetickler 13-Dec-23
Hondolane 13-Dec-23
Hondolane 13-Dec-23
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
I guess I get to this off first.

Here’s my 2022 AZ Mule buck I shot on the 12th of January.

Beautiful Buck my friend. You just had to call it a Mule Deer meat pole so my Coues wouldnt show up your mulie.. :)

From: Beav
Great start to 2022! Congrats!

From: Predeter
Heck of a buck! Way to kick off the year!

From: t-roy
Congrats again, Craig!

From: Bowboy
Okay folks we should be seeing some mule deer pictures since some states have already opened. Good luck everyone!

From: Treeline
One hell of a buck, Craig! Congratulations!

Looking forward to those velvet antlers to start popping up!

From: Dikndirt

Dikndirt's embedded Photo
Opening day Utah buck with my grandson Cash watching the whole thing go down!!!!
Dikndirt's embedded Photo
Opening day Utah buck with my grandson Cash watching the whole thing go down!!!!

From: midwest
Sweet buck and one of the best handles on Bowsite! Congrats James!

From: Treeline
Cool to have your grandson there with you! Congratulations on a great buck and an even greater experience!

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
Great hunt with my daughter here in Nebraska. Almost midday when I killed this one!

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
Great times! Wish she would have killed this one.

From: t-roy
Hope you tipped your guide well, Beav! Congrats, buddy!

That’s a great hunt. Nice deer gentlemen

From: JL
Congrats...nice one!

From: scentman
Very cool, guys and gals!

From: Nick Muche
That’s awesome Harlin!! Congrats!!

From: Treeline
Love that second picture with your guide in there, Beav! Beautiful buck! Congratulations!

She was probably holding out for a bigger buck and just letting you get that one to leave the door open… I imagine she will have plenty of opportunities to get a bigger one!

From: SteveB
So awesome!!

From: midwest
That's a beauty, Beav...congrats! Cute guide, too!

From: APauls
Bay to go buddy! I know you wish she shot it, but it's good to shoot stuff with the kids too. I am sure she is just as happy that you shot it as you would have been for her. Let her have the joy too! What a great memory

From: goelk
wow great bucks and cool memories

From: sitO
Great bucks fellas! Odd that all three on the "meatpole" are 3x4's

From: iceman
Nice bucks!! I'm hoping to contribute to this thread in a few weeks :)


From: TEmbry

TEmbry's embedded Photo
TEmbry's embedded Photo
We took a break from antelope hunting to finally get the monkey off my back and get my first archery Muley! The carnage road-trip continues for the Alaska Boys!

From: Beav
Nice job Trevor!!

From: Treeline
Congratulations Trevor! Nice buck! Well done!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Keith Gameson from Kentucky
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Keith Gameson from Kentucky

Mike Ukrainetz's Link
Keith’s buck gross scored 193. He was very thrilled with it since he said he would have been happy with a 160. Congrats Keith!

From: Nick Muche
Way to go Trevor!!

From: Murph
Beautiful buck Trevor after seeing pics beav sent you guys are building on an epic trip congrats good luck on SD goats

From: Treeline
Congratulations to Kieth on a beautiful buck up in Canada with Mike! Gotta be happy with that!!

From: ki-ke
Great buck Harlin! You hunt with the coolest people….

James, so cool that your grandson got to see the slay! I agree with Nick. Your handle is classic.

Good stuff fellas.

From: Mark Rodo

Mark Rodo's embedded Photo
Notice the small cut on his back... From a ducked arrow the night before...
Mark Rodo's embedded Photo
Notice the small cut on his back... From a ducked arrow the night before...
September 5th I caught up with a buck I had been watching during the summer up here in AB! Waited for him at the edge of a canola field and ended up shooting him at 10 yards! Awesome experience.

Awesome buck Mark! Two years in row!!

From: Dino
Rodo! Great buck man. Congratulations…

Great bucks everyone... it’s awesome when the kids get to be there too!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike McEntee from California
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike McEntee from California

Mike Ukrainetz's Link
65 year old Mike with his first big archery mule deer. The buck gross scored 206 with a 200 inch typical frame and 6 inches of non typical points. One 30 yard perfectly placed shot took the buck down and since Mike has Parkinsons and an obvious tremor it was no small feat for him to pull off the shot. Huge congrats to Mike! He is such a nice guy too.

Just to let people know we hunt our deer on mostly private land but the land is easily accessed by anyone else who draws a tag and asks for permission to hunt. We don’t have exclusive access to any land. It’s actually illegal to pay landowners for hunting access.

From: Dino
Mike! That’s a very cool story! Kudos to you for making a man’s dream come true. Class act my friend!

From: CTBobcat
That buck is 206"?

From: Shaft2Long
Thumbs up to all!

From: Yellowcat53
Those are great bucks Mike. Do you have to be vaccinated to enter Canada?

From: t-roy
Great buck, Mike! Congrats to you and the hunter!

CTBobcat, yes it’s a 206 gross non typical. A 199 6/8 main frame and 6 2/8 non typical points. Mike couldn’t get into a better position for photos due to his limited mobility.

And yes visitors to Canada have to be vaccinated to enter, same as visitors to the USA. It’s a ridiculous rule for both countries!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Fred Soares from California
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Fred Soares from California
Here’s Mike McEntee’s buddy Fred with the buck he took in the same week, 190 gross. It was a main frame 178 with an extra inline point on the left antler, and another small point tucked in on the right antler hard to see them. Huge brows, almost like a whitetail! Two happy hunters that week.

(By the way we score all of our bucks at the dinner table with everyone in camp watching every measurement taken and the avid score guys arguing about exactly how to do the questionable measurements.)


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
A better perspective of both bucks. Two happy 65 year old buddies! Both bucks were massively heavy and long tined which helped the scores.

From: JW

JW's embedded Photo
JW's embedded Photo
Been a while since I could contribute to this thread. Colorado 9/19/22 68 yard shot.

From: t-roy
Congrats, JW!

From: JL
JW...congrats! Heck of a shot at 68.

From: SteveB
Canada set to drop the vaccine requirement September 30.

SteveB, that is the best news I’ve heard in 2 1/2 years of government torture! Hopefully it truly happens and the USA drops their vax requirement for visitors too!!

But more importantly I hope bow hunters post some more mule deer pics!! This can’t be all the mule deer killed by bowsiters or it’s a lame bunch?! Haha

From: JW
Thanks t-roy and JL.

From: Treeline
Heck, Mike, I have been trying to get a tag in my home state thru all the drawings and leftover/return tags with no luck. Pretty discouraging…

From: PECO2

PECO2's embedded Photo
PECO2's embedded Photo
PECO2's embedded Photo
PECO2's embedded Photo
Colorado buck, 15 yards, Montec 125 gr. BH, Diamond Black Ice bow. He went maybe 50 yards.

From: JL
^...that one looks like he has whitetail antlers.

From: PECO2
"^...that one looks like he has whitetail antlers." There are a few around here like that. I like it, happy to finally get one.

From: Coulee

Coulee's embedded Photo
Coulee's embedded Photo
Hopefully some of you old Boys still use this forum. There is something called instagram you know.

From: Dino
This is the original IG. Nice buck mate.

From: Quinn @work
Congrats PECO2!

My instagram application got rejected due to not having a flat brim :(

Bowsite it is.

From: PECO2
No instagram or twatter for me. I spend a lot of time in fb jail though.

From: Bowaddict

Bowaddict 's embedded Photo
Bowaddict 's embedded Photo
Been watching this one behind house on my place off and on last few months. Only buck we’ve seen on our place besides a forky this year. Never really rebounded from the cwd “cull” years!


LuvNovember 's embedded Photo
September 5th 2022….. such a fun hunt. Spot and stalk mule deer. Nothing like it
LuvNovember 's embedded Photo
September 5th 2022….. such a fun hunt. Spot and stalk mule deer. Nothing like it
September 5th 2022

From: Ermine

Ermine's embedded Photo
Ermine's embedded Photo
Colorado buck. Tough hunting this fall. Finally found this buck at the end of the season


HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
Mt 10-15-22 12 yards . Love this game!! Hunt

From: Bowboy
Some great deer taken folks congrats!

From: Paul@thefort
I can see why you guys love mule deer hunting. Fantastic animal for sure. Nicely done by all. Paul

From: t-roy
Nice!…congrats guys!

From: Treeline
Gotta love them mule deer!

From: midwest
Congrats all...some really great deer!

You guys are doing damn good-------->

Congrats All,


Congrats gentlemen !! For this eastern boy. Mule Deer capture the west even more so than elk. Elk lived and still live in the east. But To me, Mulies are iconic symbols of the west.

From: Tony

Tony 's embedded Photo
Tony 's embedded Photo
My 2022 saskatchewan mulie. It didn't go as planned, with a poor initial shot, but I was very grateful to be able to still recover him the next morning.

From: t-roy
Beautiful buck, Tony! Congrats!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Blake Luse from Montana with Mike’s Outfitting in Alberta
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Blake Luse from Montana with Mike’s Outfitting in Alberta
This was Blake’s 4th muley hunt with us this past Sept 2022. 173 gross on this one. He says that the mule deer bowhunting is so much better here than at home and with us having several great bucks scouted out that he would rather come to Alberta. He killed a 202 score buck a few years ago with us too.

From: goelk

goelk's embedded Photo
goelk's embedded Photo

From: JL
^...Congrats on the trad kill!!

From: adam_cav51

adam_cav51's embedded Photo
adam_cav51's embedded Photo
2022 Region F General Season mule deer with the bow! After hunting for 10+ days up in the high country, running into more griz than deer, and not even getting an opportunity at a buck I was feeling pretty discouraged. Having just moved to Wyoming earlier this year, I was limited to the non-wilderness areas. The bucks I did see were high up in the wilderness where I couldn’t hunt. This made all the effort I was expending to get up there seem futile. Regardless, I prepared for the general season determined to take my first mule deer still using my bow. I completely re-located and changed elevation from where I had hunted during the archery season. On the first day of season, I began to gain some valuable intel. Everyone I talked to at the trailhead later that night hadn’t seen anything, so I knew I was onto something. The next morning I set out super early and got into glassing position well before first light. Five minutes after legal shooting light began, I spotted a group of four bucks far off and watched them work into a group of trees to bed down. With a perfect wind for the stalk, I made sure the bucks where settled in and let my thermals get right. Not long after I began my stalk. Between the bucks and I laid incredibly steep country, rivers, and many other obstacles. So I traversed down the cliffs and faces to the rivers and used contractor bags I had in my pack as make shift waders to get across. After covering around two and a half miles, I slowed down and prepared for the final push. I managed to slip into fifty yards of the bucks and released a perfect arrow. The buck I shot ran twenty yards and piled up! I thought to myself, “I can’t believe I actually did it!” But that excitement was short lived as I realized that I’m solo in grizzly country, have meat on the ground, and in an area that a mauling took place the day before. So I quickly tagged the buck and began dragging him out to an open area where I had a good visual around me if a bear was to approach. I snapped a few photos and made quick work of the buck, loading him up in my pack and headed on back to the trailhead. I couldn’t be more stoked to get it done with the bow and to tag my first animal in the great state of Wyoming!

From: SBH
Congrats Adam. Great recap and job well done!

From: Rgiesey
Congratulations Adam!

From: JL
Congrats and great story.

From: Goelk
Thanks JL I was able to put a stalk on him. Wind was really tough this year. Was able to get about 15 yards before wind change and he stood up I was able to get a arrow in him. First longbow kill. I usually shoot a recurve but at old age I had to step down to 54pounds from 60 I couldn't pull back. I had a few chance at elk too but they were spikes. Call both to about 15 yards. Got into few cow elk too but to far for me at 40 yards. I can shoot 40 but not accurately.

From: THP

THP's embedded Photo
THP's embedded Photo
11/13 Colorado, 35 yards

From: Quinn @work
Looks like a little further shot than 35 yards? :)

From: Treeline
Beautiful buck, Tyson! Congratulations!

From: COLO 3-D

COLO 3-D's embedded Photo
COLO 3-D's embedded Photo
I al ready posted this on the Colorado page, but here he is again.

From: Treeline
Dang, Henry! Was expecting one of those hard horned late season bucks in the prairie! Great buck! Congratulations!

From: bowhunt

bowhunt's embedded Photo
November 15th 28 yard shot
bowhunt's embedded Photo
November 15th 28 yard shot

From: Bowboy
Nice deer guys!

From: Treeline
That’s a beauty, bowhunt! Love them chocolate antlers!

From: COLO 3-D
Treeline, I have never tried hunting Eastern Plains bucks. I have always wanted to, but the lack of access is a barrier.

From: 12yards
Nice bucks guys!

From: Longshaft

Longshaft's embedded Photo
Longshaft's embedded Photo
November Utah extended archery 177

From: Muskwa

Muskwa's embedded Photo
Muskwa's embedded Photo
I normally don't post much... and this year was a good one. I shot 8 animals (all different species) in 2022. I am proud of this deer because of the hunt itself. My muley was taken after the longest November of my life.... but the best moment in my hunting career will follow this picture of horns that simply does not matter... (pic to follow)

From: Muskwa

Muskwa's embedded Photo
Muskwa's embedded Photo

My 12 year old boy with a 67 year old bow!!

He made his first set of cedar arrows this summer... and shot the biggest deer on the mountain in my opinion!!

Don't take days like this for granted guys... cheers to a Happy New Year!

From: muliemad
Love your post Muskwa congrats on a great buck and even better trophy your son's deer with a recurve!

From: sticksender
Outstanding Joe....congrats to you both.

From: pav
First photo is great...second photo is AWESOME! Congrats to you both!

From: DGW
Very special Joe!! Memories being made.

From: Muskwa
Thank you all! (Maybe I should post here more often...)

Happy New Year guys!! Stay safe and keep the wind in your face!

From: t-roy
Awesome pics, Muskwa! We would love a little more detail on your hunts, especially on your son’s. Very special moment, for you both!!

From: Zbone
Some beautiful buck folks, CONGRATS to all!!!

Muskwa - Way cool the little guy with the recurve, special deer...

From: RK
Your son with his deer is priceless. He is happy with his Got to love it!!

T-Roy x2!! Congrats Muskwa and little muskwa!

From: Treeline
Congratulations to you and your son, Muskwa! Sounds like you both had a fabulous season!

From: Bowaddict
Congrats to you and your son joe!! And yes they do grow up fast!

From: iceman
Impressive, Muskwa!

t-roy x 3!

From: Old Bow
Nice deer everyone!

From: Muskwa
Thank you for the nice words guys! I had a great year. I had some hunts bounce into this year due to COVID and then I drew some tags I wasn't expecting. I make my own bows and arrows and choose to limit myself as a result, but a lot of pretty arrows left my string this year. With the recurve I shot a Coues deer and a Javelina in Arizona, Eastern turkey in Wisconsin, Florida alligator, Antelope here in Colorado, a bear in Wisconsin with a whitetail added on and ten this mule deer back home again. ALL DIY (except the Alligator being a damage tag/ trespass fee... still DIY)

I drug my kids to the Dakotas during the cold snap we had in November. My 12 year old sat in a tree stand for over a week and never got a shot opportunity. The coldest day being minus 15. My boys have been tough little wrestlers their whole life... but this was a different type of "toughness".

Back home for our mule deer hunt, Tyson sat in a treestand above decoys for a few days before we finally decided to put his boots on the ground the last few days. We made a lot of mistakes and he learned why I always say "They are full time animals and we are part time hunters". Haha.

We managed to get close to a big mature doe, and he made an 18 yard shot with his little 35 lb Damon Howatt recurve. When that arrow buried to the fletching in that deer... my heart exploded!

All you dads out there know what I am talking about. My house is full of impressive mounts and I have some incredible stories... but nothing compares to teaching your son how to gut his first deer. It just doesn't compare.

That is great. The young man shooting a Wiley doe with a recurve. Congrats !

From: Jaquomo
Fantastic, Joe!. Congratulations on an awesome season in so many ways!

From: nmarchr

nmarchr's embedded Photo
nmarchr's embedded Photo
nmarchr's embedded Photo
nmarchr's embedded Photo

From: Longshaft

Longshaft's embedded Photo
Longshaft's embedded Photo
November Utah extended archery 177

From: Twinetickler
Long, how in thee hell did you kill the exact same buck, and take the exact same picture, two years in a row???? ??

From: Hondolane
Long how do I get a tape measure like yours?

From: Hondolane
First 5 or 6 inches must be cut off

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