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Well I missed out on my Idaho elk tag, next up is Wyoming archery mule deer.
I'm not looking for spots, units, areas to hunt or anything. Just would like to see some pics of Wyoming mule deer!
Helps me remember why my alarm clock goes off at 4:45 to get my butt to the gym and train for this upcoming September!
They are everywhere! Yes Wyoming is a beautiful city.
I wasn't aware the people of the city of Wyoming loved gambling so much. That's fantastic. Thanks Olsen!
In addition to great gambling they do have a few mule deer too
That would be a gamble to kill that mule deer in that spot :)
LOL. That's a fact.
I'm giving myself a dollar if I can get a pic to orient correct this year.
Wyoming buck, not an archery take though.
I'm pretty excited for my trip, thank you to those that put up pics of their Wyoming bucks.
This will be my first mule deer specific hunt, hoping for a good/decent representative of the species (4 point, hopefully 4 years old or better).
I know that with living so far away and not being able to scout in person it may be tough-just looking forward to the experience first and foremost.
I've read some books/am still reading them, and trying to figure out how to virtually scout for good deer territory.
I have a bunch of 3pt pics, we target "management" bucks on a private property. They are all at least 4 1/2 yrs old . Terrain varies where you'll find them. Good glass is a must I would say, although these are rifle takes binos or a spotting scope is how we found them all. Note in the area we hunt the older bucks tend to regress pretty interestingly, the forks get smaller and extra points starts showing up, crown points so to speak.
Ya, those are good lookin deer. Beautiful colors.
All from the Sheridan/Buffalo area.
Fantastic pics!
I'm down 6% body fat percentage, added 12# of muscle and have been (mostly) eating really well outside of a couple cheat meals and beers.
I've got a new resistance activated release that I haven't been practicing enough with, that will ramp up now that it's tolerable outside.
Got my Iron Will heads in the mail, will order some regular solid blades that I can put into the ferrules for my trip out West, i'll use the IW Wide's for my Iowa whitetails.
Dang excited, been doing some e-scouting and reading up on all the mule deer books I can find.
Wyoming is a great place for sure. I never hunted bow but killed my share with a rifle. Some areas have been hit hard by Blue Tongue and then drought. You will love the scenery and amount of animals. Mulies are such a blast to hunt. As mentioned above, good glass really helps.