10,000 Missouri Hogs "Removed"
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standswittaknife's Link
Fair chase? :-)
Not "killed" but "removed". People do eat wild hogs. More boogeyman info about the "dangers" of eating wild game like covid and cwd in deer.
I "removed" some wild hogs, butchered them and put them in my freezer. Then I ate them and liked them on the plate. I "removed" them with bow and arrow.
What diseases are they worried about?
"What diseases are they worried about?"
Lawyers would be my guess.
Good. We don’t want them here
Glad they are staying aggressive with controlling them down there. Hope they don’t make it to my part of the state.
They can carry lots of different things. Wash up thoroughly after handling meat or organs.
No need to wash up for me, I hope the damn coyotes eat them and die. I don’t eat the nasty bastages, just drag them off.
State G&F's love wild hogs - Fed Govt pours money into the G&F coffers for wild hogs to be killed
but don't let sportsman do it - oh no, that'd make too much sense !
Or, charge out-of-state sportsmen big $$ to hunt them.
I’ve eaten parts of several feral hogs. They were younger ones, 50-80 pounds. They were fine eating.
We love feral pig meat. But then again we wouldn't hunt them if we were going "Just drag them off into the brush". Not really what we do with things that have excellent meat. That sounds like laziness to me. Great meat. Cool animals. Very smart. Need controlled like all wildlife. The right way, for the right reasons.
They are excellent most of the time, when handled right. "Just dragging them off into the brush" is missing an opportunity for sure.
I’d bet a lot of money that the people who don’t drag them into the brush, also don’t live with them. Don’t have to farm or raise cattle with an animal that is NOT Native, that destroys and destroys land and fences and crops and fields.
ELKMAN, if elk ate carrion would you be so quick to eat elk ? A damn hog will literally eat anything, including it’s own young. They do millions of dollars worth of damage every year here. They run deer out of my food plots and eat what I planted for deer. Don’t look down your nose at me when you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.
Lots of coyotes killed every yr that don't get eaten or made into coats.
LOL @ elkman. People have no idea how destructive they can be
And… 10,000 more moving in as we speak. LOL
And… 10,000 more moving in as we speak. LOL
Haha, truth
For years, coyotes have ridden on the backs of hogs to invade new territory! Reports are everywhere, especially on the squatch websites. Hogs are great swimmers! The coyotes figured this out and hitch a free ride on the hogs back to cross the river into MO. No way to stop them. Too efficient!
Will not be too long before the Center of Biodiversity, will try and protect them also..... I am surprised the US Humane Society is not watching that..................
They are like mice, and just ruin landscape. I have hunted them also, lots of fun, but no way can hunting manage them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
My buddy runs them with dogs in MO and shoot the heck out of them.
Front shoulder from a Texas hog. Smoked on the traeger then foiled it.
I figure its merely a matter of time before they make their way north to Iowa :-/
Boatman71, At some point, hogs can't handle the cold. I don't know where that line is but I'm sure someone on here already knows. Is Iowa north of that line? I read about a homesteader in Delta co. Colorado who tried to raise hogs free range and failed early last century, iirc.
One night of damage. Almost an acre of bell pepper destroyed
One night of damage. Almost an acre of bell pepper destroyed
Bigswivle……..do they run electrical fencing around those vegetable fields?
That’s my field t-Roy, lol. It’s surrounded by net wire but they always find a way when hungry. Yes I’ll put electric fence around the stuff I’m planting in a couple weeks. Problem is they’re smart, I would spend hours out there at night with thermal and I swear they knew when I left.
That sucks, bigswivle! That would definitely tend to put a little bit of extra hate in one’s heart!
I can't speak for everywhere in Missouri, and I don't have my thumb on the pulse of the issue, so to speak. . .
In my area in SW missouri there were actually some guys trucking in wild hogs and releasing them several years ago. My understanding is they got that stopped (and they made it a felony to do so). I live around a large lake which has many thousands of acres of floodplain and Corps of Engineers owned public lands. I know the MDC has been trapping at different times very heavily around here. To the point that they closed down some public land areas for brief amounts of time while they were trapping. My understanding is that they didn't want human pressure to interfere with their trapping (and they closed them in seasons where usage wasn't heavy, not like they closed public lands during rifle deer season).
Even though there is a lot of public land, many of these areas do have crops and pastures close, which were being hurt by the hogs.
I don't agree with everything the MDC does, but they aggressively pursued eradication of these animals, which I whole-heartedly agree to.
As to the cattle being non-native and the personal attack, I will not respond.
I will state, unless you live in Missouri and have to live with these animals. . . you don't really have a right to argue this. As a Missourian, I feel I can speak for some of the locals and farmers and cattle producers: We don't want them here. We're happy with the MDC expending OUR tax dollars (and we have a state sales tax that goes directly to MDC) to eradicate these animals as best they can.
(Mic Drop)
elkster, I don't know where the line is, but Iowa does have farmers that allow pigs to range outdoors in fenced in fields year round. The majority are in confinements but there still a few that raise hogs the old fashioned way :-)
We are in Carroll county and have never seen them, and we would like to keep it that way!
KHNC, I would love to see actual proof of a hog, domestic or wild, allow a coyote to hitch a ride on its back to cross a river. I’m willing to bet if a hog can cross a river, a coyote could to, on its own.
Bake described it correctly. The MDC took matters into their own hands after many botched attempts by hunters. MDC would spend weeks baiting a trap in order to catch the entire group of pigs. Some hunter would stumble upon this trap in the woods and sit down and wait for some pigs to come in, he would shoot 1 or 2 and the rest of the group scattered and got a quick education. MDC has been aggressive in the hog removal program and has basically told hunters to leave them alone - the MDC is far more capable of controlling the population through trapping then we hunters are shooting a pig here and there.
I’m also down in SW MO and I don’t know anybody here with a favorable opinion of hogs.
Believe me… we never wanted them in Oklahoma either. But now they’re here. My bet is Missouri will have the same problem in the near future, despite the trapping efforts. You can say you killed said amount, but there’s more, just on the border of where sounders were trapped, waiting to do damage.
Lost Arra's Link
Cool trap developed by the Noble Foundation in southern Oklahoma.
That’s a neat trap Lost Arra, but no trap known to man will keep trapping hogs. It’s the same with shooting hogs. Hogs are smarter than deer, or maybe they’re just more paranoid. You can trap them a couple times then you generally have to move the trap and start over. Even then they may avoid the trap for days if not weeks. But…..all that time you still have to bait the trap because the coons and the deer are eating it every night. I still try to trap them but it’s a losing situation.
Troy, I have a hog wire fence around most of my place and I’ve gotten tired of patching it where the hogs have torn it up or made holes in it. I’m not kidding or exaggerating either. There’s an oilfield lease road that runs parallel to my N line and my theory is a pumper drives down the road and scares a bunch of hogs or just a large boar and bam ! , the fence has a hole in it. I’ve stood beside my trap, which is built from cattle panels, when a small boar, (140/160 lb.) hits it in a full blown charge, and he rattles the whole trap. Cattle panels are much tougher than hog wire, and a 200/250 lb. boar could knock a hole in a hogwire fence easily.
We are so far behind the curve we will never win this war. The state should have done something many years ago but it buried its head in the sand and pretended there was never gonna be a problem. The dumbest among us (and non-landowners) were happy to have something else to hunt. They didn’t concern themselves with the fact that hogs are so destructive, after all it wasn’t their land. So here we are with a problem for which there is no solution.
So many thoughts on the issue. I had property with hogs in Oklahoma before I moved to New Mexico and killed alot of hogs there. What I didn't do is drag them in the brush. Even if it meant sacrificing sleep, I dressed them, skinned them, quartered them and put them on ice, then processed them as time allowed. We had mulitiple freezers and freeze driers going at all times. Ended up stacking up alot of meat. Occasionally gave some away. I would be okay with efforts to eradicate them, although they will likely fail. What I am not okay with is people being lazy and wasting the meat. Kill as many as you like, but justifying dragging them into the brush because they could have eaten carrion is just justifying laziness.
pdk, would you eat a buzzard ? How about a coyote ? I don’t kill hogs just so I can drag them off, I kill them because they tear up my property, run deer off, and eat my food plots. If you can’t comprehend that I don’t dress them and eat them because I’m lazy, then you must be stupid. I don’t eat them because I don’t eat nasty critters. To each his own, and you can eat all of them you want.
You are lazy and wasteful. They destroyed my property as well. You act like carrion is a major part of their diet. If you believe that, you are not only wasteful and lazy, but stupid.
Even if you don't want to eat them, there are piles of people who would love the meat. I had a waiting list of people who wanted the meat. Of the hundreds that I have killed, I always had a home for the meat.
Let's start playing a little nicer boys & girls. Name calling and personal insults are not productive. Things are already out of hand.
My bad. Good call kevo. Bad mood and a little bit of a bug leads to bad manner on my part. I apologize to drycreek for name-calling. Still feel the way that I feel on the topic, but no call for that behavior.
I have nothing to apologize for. This is still America, (however temporary that might be), and I get to feel about hogs exactly how I want to and so does pdk. I think I made that clear in the post after he accused me of being lazy.
I give a bunch away and I drag a bunch off. Haven’t lost a bit of sleep over either one, get over yourself snowflake
LOL. I guess anyone calling a slob like you lazy is a snowflake, Conner.
drycreek, I have seen 6 or 7 hogs eating a 6 point buck once. I've seen approximately 50 hogs per year for 20 years while hunting for perspective. I know how destructive they are. Shoot and trap all you can. However, casting shade on everyone who eats feral hogs is a hard position to take. Are you in favor of eating "industrial" hogs and chicken whose living conditions are worse?
I've only killed 2 in my life, and ate both of them. It's not a critter that I'd want a steady diet of. And if they invade my property, it will be war until one of us is no longer standing. They are filthy destructive animals that serve no purpose, IMO.
Bottom line is if there are people close by that will eat them, and if you aren’t willing to eat then yourself or take the effort to give them away, it is pretty hard to argue with the moniker of lazy.
They are filthy destructive animals that serve no purpose, IMO.
“They are filthy destructive animals that serve no purpose “
Damn GG you have described liberal Democrats perfectly..
Several years ago, someone dumped a baby pot-belly pig on my property. I assume they were citidiots who thought it would be a cool pet, then realized their mistake. I found it laying on my dogs beds in my garage when I returned home from running errands. It was tamed and very trusting of humans. Based on my wife's desires, I gave that pig every opportunity to become part of our animal family. I named it Bacon.
When the little bastard starting rooting up my wife's landscaping, and became aggressive towards our dogs, that's when my wife had a change of heart. That's when Bacon actually became bacon.
I can't imagine having a bunch of wild Bacons tearing up my property. It won't ever happen as long as I can still aim and squeeze a trigger. And I won't have any remorse over letting them rot in the woods.
Good riddance that all states should be serious about. I have a couple places in south AR, that I saw more hog sign this past hunting season, than I ever have. And I saw less Turkey than I ever have. But the hogs have gotten smart and are only seen on trail cams at night.
elkster, I believe I said more than once that anyone else can eat all of the nasty bastards that they want to. I DO NOT care. And I’m not gonna kill and clean hogs for somebody else to eat when I won’t eat them myself, but y’all do all of that you want to.
Now, I’m tired of sparring with the adolescents so y’all get to killing hogs and cleaning them for the lucky recipients. Don’t forget to double wrap or vaccum pack now…….
I can see both sides of perspective here. On one hand they are after all made of meat and taste good. I've killed 3 in past years and they made for great eating. On the flip side, if they are causing destruction of property (which I know they do) it's just like trapping mice in your kitchen or whatever. At some point killing and butchering hogs becomes a lot of work and as stated, there's simply not enough time and energy to butcher them and try to give them away. Plus even though as an occasional visitor hunting them is fun, to a landowner who has to deal with them full-time it's nothing but fun.
I'd love to come to somebody's ranch/farm and hunt them, but certainly recognize my killing a couple doesn't make a dent in the population and may make it harder for the landowner to kill them by helping contribute to the pigs becoming nocturnal.
No easy answer unfortunately. I read of places putting a radio collar on a "Judas hog" and using that to find the herds to kill them. Seems like a valid method if you can get one collared in the first place and avoid shooting it during the mayhem.
All I know is tonight’s dinner was delicious. Pork Stroganoff that had been freeze dried as part of a balanced meal. Some fresh greenhouse lettuce didn’t hurt.
Fact. They cause more damage than coyotes ever dreamed of.
I have eaten some but soon as the freezer is full I shoot them on sight and leave them lay. They do tremendous damage to my ranch.
Fact: hunting will never eradicate them. When I retire I will be trapping them and try to sell them. If no takers will shoot and leave for the buzzards. They have to feed their young too!
Fact. They cause more damage than coyotes ever dreamed of.
I have eaten some but soon as the freezer is full I shoot them on sight and leave them lay. They do tremendous damage to my ranch.
Fact: hunting will never eradicate them. When I retire I will be trapping them and try to sell them. If no takers will shoot and leave for the buzzards. They have to feed their young too!
I want to hog hunt but while I want to, I'm glad KS has towed a hardline on them. Not sure how long they can keep them at bay, but i've never seen any sign of them in the woods I've been in. I've come close to killing a few when I lived in NM but if anyone has a good place to go in MO or OK, I'd love to find a time to do that. I'm pretty adept with butchering as well so I wouldn't have any problems with the meat.