Sitka Gear
Nilgia hunt on King Ranch
Contributors to this thread:
Husker 16-Feb-22
Zebrakiller 16-Feb-22
drycreek 16-Feb-22
MQQSE 16-Feb-22
Sean E 16-Feb-22
Zebrakiller 17-Feb-22
JG 29-Mar-22
RK 29-Mar-22
TK 29-Mar-22
JTreeman 29-Mar-22
RK 29-Mar-22
Dino 29-Mar-22
JTreeman 29-Mar-22
Zbone 29-Mar-22
Green Chile 09-Oct-22
Bigpizzaman 09-Oct-22
fuzzy 10-Oct-22
Doc 04-Aug-23
fuzzy 04-Aug-23
fuzzy 19-Dec-23
Zebrakiller 19-Dec-23
fuzzy 19-Dec-23
JSW 20-Dec-23
Bou'bound 20-Dec-23
Zebrakiller 20-Dec-23
Buffalo1 20-Dec-23
fuzzy 21-Dec-23
From: Husker
I’ve been talking with Weston at the King Ranch about archery hunting Nilgia. He only does 3 day hunts. Can you kill one in 3 days with archery gear???

Also said the Nilgia took a hard hit with the freeze last year and said I should wait a couple years before going hunting them. Anyone have thoughts about that?

Would really like to do an off season hunt for exotics down there but want to make sure I’m not jumping into a hunt too fast. Looking for place to hunt free range Axis deer next year.

From: Zebrakiller

Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
Husker i hunt Nilgai every year. Not king ranch. I do feel they did take a hit this last year but still plenty of Bull around. I personally always book 5 days I have done 3 days but with a bow and by noon second day your thinking half the hunt is over and start to rush, Nilgai are not an animal that is good to be rushed.

From: drycreek
I know that the freeze hurt the axis a little in the Hill Country but I’ve not heard that it hurt the Nilgai. Nilgai are mostly in S Texas and I’m not sure the freeze was that bad down there. Most of the axis damage was antler development being arrested. Lots of axis bucks with underdeveloped antlers. It hit blackbuck pretty hard but they are pretty tiny.

I’m booked for that hunt on the King Ranch next January. Hope it works out.

Man what a bull zebra

From: Sean E
They did take a hit last year, but seem to still a have good numbers. I bowbhunt them near the king in south texas. If you can get down there when a front is coming through its a good time to walk and stalk them. To stalk them on the ground it helps alot to have a good wind. The ones I have shot doing this have been when the leading edge of a front is coming through. If not hunting over a waterhole is your best option, they are random times when they drink so best to sit as long as you can. Typically they stop on the edge of the woods before they come drink, look around, then come in. Don't rush the shot they should drink for a couple of minutes so either draw before they walk in or wait until they are drinking. They can see, hear, and smell great.

From: Zebrakiller

Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
We sit sun up to sundown I have killed most mine between 11 and 3

From: JG
I’m looking at this hunt too

When is the best time to hunt them?

The summer has to be a killer for a long sit on water hole but I bet it would work

Zebra is there another camp you’d recommend vs king?

From: RK
I just got back from my annual Nilgai cow hunt near the King. Nilgai did get very hard from the cold last year. I heard some estimates were 12+ % death loss. The exotic market has not rebounded yet. Axis and Blackbuck took huge losses, statewide. Replacement costs are through the roof

The ranch we hunt had significant losses but still had great numbers of bulls and cows. My guy does not do any Archery hunts.

There are some other places down that way that may do hunts. PM me if you want their names

Maybe the king will sell you a couple of one day hunts to get to five days. Would not hurt to ask anyway. Price might be a problem, but maybe

I’m with zebra killer three days is probably not long enough. I would also believe what the king is telling you. If they are not chasing your money then I would say their numbers are way down

Good luck.

From: TK
We hunt King every year & just returned from our archery hunt. It was one of the worst hunts we have had. According to the King Ranch staff the loss last yr from the Feb freeze was 40%.

From: JTreeman

JTreeman's embedded Photo
JTreeman's embedded Photo
An acquaintance was there in the last couple weeks, said it was a horrible hunt, numbers way down. We had a hunt planned for July, but I think we are most likely canceling at this point.

I agree in general that 3 day archery hunts are pretty short, my partners have discussed this with the ranch and they have made it clear the hunts are 3 days and that is that, if you want more they would consider booking 2 back to back (6 days total). That gets a little pricy for me, but not necessarily for some guys. It’s the King ranch, they can kinda do what they want.

All that said I’ve been on hunts more than once where multiple bulls are killed on 3 day hunts. In fact on the hunt that I killed the bull in the pic I passed another nice mature bull the last morning as well. It’s a great hunt when it’s decent, and the King Ranch is a special place.


From: RK
Well said Jim

From: Dino
Great thread. Thanks for posting…We have been thinking of booking the 3 day Nilgai hunt as well. Have u fellas stayed on the ranch as an “all inclusive “? How’s the pig hunting there?

From: JTreeman

JTreeman's embedded Photo
JTreeman's embedded Photo
I’ve never done the booking, one of my buddies handles that, I’m just lucky enough to be invited sometimes. My understanding was it’s basically one “Bowhunting package” no option for off ranch lodging. All nilgai archery are on the Norias division which is pretty far south of town, not really any other lodging options with in 45 min or so i don’t think. That said the lodging situation has greatly improved the last couple years. Really never mattered to me, but their newly remodeled accommodations are pretty nice. But if it came down to it I would prefer the old situation and a lower price, but that’s just me.

I believe hogs used to be unlimited on that hunt, but if I’m not mistaken they now have a limit of 1 or 2 per hunt. There are lots there. I know back in the day I shot 4-5 on one hunt, but I think those days are over.


From: Zbone
Heard Nilgia are pretty elusive and hard to get within bow range, so figured they'd be petty hardy to kill, but guess not if a freeze will kill them?

From: Green Chile

Green Chile's embedded Photo
Green Chile's embedded Photo
Me and a friend hunted nilgai on the King ranch early this year. We were booked for earlier but the King Ranch biologist called us to suggest a later hunt due to the large amount of winter freeze kills. Exactly as everyone has said here. We hunted January 15 and saw very few nilgai. We took 2 with rifles but I didn't see any good bowhunting setups. I understand they have a different area for that. We drove all afternoon after our hunt looking around and saw very few nilgai.

From: Bigpizzaman
As others said, give it a couple years to rebound, this “Global Warming” has been tough on those critters!

From: fuzzy
This is one of the few "travel away from home" hunts I'm still interested in.

From: Doc

Doc's embedded Photo
Shot in 1998
Doc's embedded Photo
Shot in 1998
Doc's embedded Photo
Shot in March of 1996
Doc's embedded Photo
Shot in March of 1996
How much are the tree day archery hunts nowadays? I hunted them back in 1996-98 a few times and was fortunate enough to take a number of them on three-day hunts.

From: fuzzy
What's the range for most shots Zebrakiller?

From: fuzzy
Ttt tis the season guys, anyone going or has ?

From: Zebrakiller
I wish but we are headed back to Africa instead Texas prices are out of control right now

From: fuzzy
Thanks Zebrakiller

From: JSW
The hunt is just too short. I went a number of years ago with 2 other guys. One guy killed, the other 2 never got a shot. It was fun but I won't book any hunt that doesn't allow for enough days to have a proper bow hunt.

From: Bou'bound
nilgai would be neat to hunt, but what really intrigues me would be their turkey hunts. 2 days for two birds at $5,200. Those have to be some very special turkeys. Price does not even include meals, but fear not you can add them on. Need to find a buddy to pay his $5,200 since there is a two sucker, i mean hunter, minimum.

Includes 2 turkeys • 2 day hunt/2 nights lodging • 2 hunter minimum required • Maximum 2 hunters: 1 hunting guide • Meals not included (full kitchen facilities available) • Meals can be added on for an additional fee • Arrive the night before the hunt

From: Zebrakiller
JSW I always try and find someone that will do 5 days min

From: Buffalo1
Check out “Texas Nilgai Hunters” on Facebook. Lots of good outfitter, equipment and related information

From: fuzzy
Buffalo1 thanks I'll do that

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