Sitka Gear
Grand Teton Mtn goat “culling”
Mountain Goat
Contributors to this thread:
standswittaknife 22-Feb-22
Ok...Russ 22-Feb-22
Mule Power 22-Feb-22
Huntcell 22-Feb-22
drycreek 22-Feb-22
krieger 22-Feb-22
drycreek 22-Feb-22
Inshart 22-Feb-22
Jaquomo 22-Feb-22
BULELK1 23-Feb-22
Mule Power 23-Feb-22
KHNC 24-Feb-22
DanaC 24-Feb-22
JohnMC 24-Feb-22
DanaC 24-Feb-22
JohnMC 24-Feb-22
Mule Power 24-Feb-22
Jims 27-Feb-22
RK 27-Feb-22
Mule Power 28-Feb-22
SB 01-Mar-22

standswittaknife's Link
Hmmm… who could do a better job at this and not cost any money??? Maybe even make some for more conservation?

From: Ok...Russ
Jimmy John?

From: Mule Power
There are less mountain goats than wolves in the lower 48. Doesn’t that mean they should be relocated if necessary and not killed? Shouldn’t they be protected by the ESA? It’s not like they’re killing livestock. Or is the answer to both no because they are not endangered over their entire range. Trick questions for wolf huggers. But actually very legit questions. And why instead of spending a bunch of F&G money can’t we have a hunting opportunity that raises money to help said bighorn sheep???

From: Huntcell
Your making way to much sense, time for a Crown Royal!

From: drycreek
Goats not native to the Tetons ? Really ? Just in the last few years or ? Who told the NPS ? Jeremiah Johnson ? John Colter ? Maybe I’m the dumbass here but I can’t believe that Mountain Goats were NEVER native to the Grand Tetons.

From: krieger
I'm with you , Drycreek, I call BS. Gov't shooting Mtn Goats out of their natural habitat while letting illegals invade our country from the South. I can think of a better way to use those resources...

From: drycreek
Goats not native to the Tetons ? Really ? Just in the last few years or ? Who told the NPS ? Jeremiah Johnson ? John Colter ? Maybe I’m the dumbass here but I can’t believe that Mountain Goats were NEVER native to the Grand Tetons.

From: Inshart
Yeah, but lets charge more for licenses because we are short of funds. Typical government dumb-ass's.

From: Jaquomo
This is one "common ground" where hunters and antis agree....for different reasons


BULELK1's Link
They have had draw tag hunting for these Mnt. Goats for a few years now.

They just are not getting the harvests they wanted from tag holders, mainly because the Mnt. Goats seldom come off the Park boundary and they couldn't be harvested inside the park.

I did a photo/scouting thread last summer up there. See my link above.

Good luck, Robb

From: Mule Power
Well if the problem is in the park make an exception to allow the solution to access the problem. Duh! It’s been done before in National Parks. Even if it hadn’t been how is picking them off from choppers any better?

And what became of the unethical reg stating hunters could not keep certain parts of the animal? Can’t remember if it was the meat or hide and horns. It seems to me that in many areas of life the more authority a person or organization is the dumber they are. This seems so freaking simple!

From: KHNC
Wonder what they would do if the wolves or lions were killing off the sheep?

From: DanaC
"Wonder what they would do if the wolves or lions were killing off the sheep? "

Probably rejoice. Because it's *good* when predators maul and tear an animal apart and start eating it before it's even dead, but *evil* when bad humans kill something cleanly and butcher it first.

Anti-hunters are ethically retarded.

From: JohnMC
Dana you missed KHNC's point.

From: DanaC
Did I? Seems to me they're happy with anybody BUT hunters solving their (perceived) animal population issues.

From: JohnMC
His point they are worried about bacterial diseases from the goats killing the sheep. But not worried about them dyeing from wolf or lion attacks. Nothing to do about hunters killing sheep as you said.

From: Mule Power
You can’t use wolves and lions in the same sentence. Lions are worthless as an emotion based tool to generate huge bucks to eliminate hunting. Wolves are the poster child even though they are very much alive and well and thriving in many parts of North America.

If it were lions killing sheep they might go exterminate them. If it were wolves they’d say oh well they have to eat to if we’re ever going to have hope of them avoiding extinction. Extinction will be a serious concern forever because it’ll take that long to have an adequate number of breeding pairs in the Florida Keys. Extinction…. Only humans can completely redefine something to support their personal profitable agenda. And now back to our regular program which is also absurd……

From: Jims
There is actually some evidence that mtn goats are in fact native to the Tetons....if you do some digging you can find this!

From: RK

So were sabré tooth Tigers I think:)

From: Mule Power
What about democrats in Washington DC….. are they native or do they need culled?

From: SB
There's always "too many" of something...until there's NONE!

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