Mathews Inc.
when to use male decoys?
Contributors to this thread:
NEIAbowhunter 27-Feb-22
jimss 27-Feb-22
Glunt@work 27-Feb-22
4nolz@work 27-Feb-22
sitO 27-Feb-22
Dale06 27-Feb-22
'Ike' (Phone) 28-Feb-22
badlander 28-Feb-22
midwest 28-Feb-22
Too Many Bows Bob 28-Feb-22
RD 28-Feb-22
HUNT MAN 28-Feb-22
Dale06 28-Feb-22
Paul@thefort 28-Feb-22
Paul@thefort 28-Feb-22
Dale06 28-Feb-22
Pete-pec 28-Feb-22
TD 28-Feb-22
Pat Lefemine 28-Feb-22
TonyBear 28-Feb-22
TonyBear 28-Feb-22
trkyslr 28-Feb-22
Paul@thefort 28-Feb-22
trkyslr 28-Feb-22
scentman 28-Feb-22
I'm in Iowa if that makes any difference. I got into turkey hunting again about 5 years ago. I was taken as a youth hunter once and got a nice tom and then it was probably 10 years later I started going again. I'm still pretty new at this. I've shot 2 Jakes and 1 tom in the past 5 years. When I first started I bought a tom and hen decoy and struck out that first year. I used just the hen the following year and shot a jake. I've used the tom off and on but have never had birds come in. I bought a jake decoy to pair with the hen on advice from a friend and shot a nice tom last year with just the hen out again as they weren't coming in to the jake/hen set up. I'm just curious if there's a point in the season where they work well/don't work? If I'm setting them up wrong or why they never seem to come in when I have a male decoy out. Two years ago I had 2 lone toms out in the field 100 yards away gobbling and strutting but after about 5 minutes they just left. My buddy used a jake/hen combo and a tom came in and beat the crap out of his jake. What are your thoughts on using tom/jake decoys?

From: jimss
A tom with hens is often similar to a bull elk with cows. If the bulls sees competition for cows he may take his cows and run for the hills. The same thing can be true with a tom with hens. Toms sometimes leave hens later in the day but that's not always the case. The later in the spring the more hens will be heading to nest during the day and more toms will spend searching for receptive hens. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and perseverance to be successful. Turkeys are pretty darn unpredictable. One thing for sure...if the turkeys see a decoy without movement.....and see the same decoys set up in the same area....with the same calls used from 1 day to the next they likely will avoid them. It often helps to change things up and try something new. Some guys say that turkeys have p-sized brains but that's not the case with most of the turkeys I hunt on pressured public land turkeys.

From: Glunt@work
I use a single hen, sometimes a single jake, and sometimes both. They all work sometimes and they all don't work sometimes. I've had opposite reactions to an identical set-up the same morning in the same spot. One tom comes in, sees the set-up and can't leave fast enough. 20 minutes later another tom comes in and stands around next to the decoy(s).

On pressured ground (which I hunt a lot) sometimes I ditch the decoys and brush in the blind really well if more than a couple toms don't seem to like the looks of things.

From: 4nolz@work
Iowa season is broken up into 4 seasons-it seems like gobbler decoys work best early in season later on toms are reluctant to fight and later tom decoys attract groups of maturing Jake's.

From: sitO
You're going to get a lot of different answers...truth is that no two Tom's are going to act the same. Try different sets and see what you have the best luck with, Jake/hen is generally the most consistent where I hunt. Springtime in the woods is a good time no matter what!

From: Dale06
I use a half strut DSD jake and one or two hens. I set the jake at 9-10 yards in front of my blind and the hens about five yards and a bit to the side of the jake. I’ve had great luck with this set up. The gobblers come to the jake 100% of the time. I usually hunt the first two or so weeks of the season only.


'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo
'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo

From: badlander
I have a DSD Jake and a DSD full strut tom that uses a real fan and real wings.

I’ve killed birds off of both, but have had better success with the full strut decoy. Typically, I have that set up with a breeding hen and 1 or 2 other feeding hens nearby.

Usually these are mid morning or after roaming birds. I don’t have much success off the roost with that set up.

From: midwest
Same as Dale06. Late morning till midday is when I've had the best action.

I have a decoy I call "old Humpy", because it's a tom mounted on top of a hen as though they were breeding. I've had birds come in and attack it. Works pretty good. TMBB

From: RD
The best bowhunting turkey hunter I know uses a jake all season long, shoots bird in multiple states each year. Uses a Dakota decoy.


HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
Dsd jake and hen Combo and midday action is a good recipe for me

From: Dale06
I saw 8-10 toms fighting, chasing and playing grab ass with each other last week. Thought a little early but they’re getting fired up.

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
This set up has worked in Neb, Kansas, and Colorado. Subordinate tom over a hen, with two hens trailing off.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
This set up has worked in Neb, Kansas, and Colorado. Subordinate tom over a hen, with two hens trailing off.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
when a tom?? Late March in Neb through Mid May. Seems to work all season.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
when a tom?? Late March in Neb through Mid May. Seems to work all season.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
string from tom decoy (around neck ) back to blind. Added motion. Pass string under log to keep string movement low.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
string from tom decoy (around neck ) back to blind. Added motion. Pass string under log to keep string movement low.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Seems to work.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Seems to work.

From: Dale06
Paul, I’ve used the string tied to a decoy and run back to the blind. Decoy movement has helped in some cases. I usually put the string on a hen at 5 yards from the blind.

From: Pete-pec
I use this, that, the other, and Sometimes nothing. No two turkeys are the same. Half strut jake, a hen, and a full jake fan has brought in a lot of birds for me. Add a gobble or two with your diaphragm call, and you just never know?

From: TD
Dang Paul..... you are heck on things with feathers..... =D

From: Pat Lefemine

I limit out every year at my NY property. I have tried everything, by far my best results are with a lay-down hen, a standing hen, and a single jake. I use DSD dekes.

NY sucks for deer hunting, but it's outstanding for Turkeys - especially since I have a big flock on my land and nobody turkey hunts in the area. But I've had good results in other states with a similar setup. Dekes are 10-15 yards away.

From: TonyBear
Depends on the time of year, the mod of the individual turkey and the flock.

Called them in to hens, jakes, full strut tom decoys. Also they come in silent to hen, a group of hens, hen and jake, or a strutting tom.

Other times if you pattern them no decoys at all are necessary.

Lastly, some just don't like decoys period.

If they were that easy to bowhunt wouldn't be many left.

That said still fun to try different techniques, spruce up decoys with wing feathers, real tail feathers and a chase now and then to try and get to a new set-up without them spotting or hearing you.

From: TonyBear

TonyBear's embedded Photo
Can't beat the real thing
TonyBear's embedded Photo
Can't beat the real thing

From: trkyslr
Hmmm interesting I keep seeing this DSD brand…. Might look into them.

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Woops x2
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Woops x2
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
or try a Tom on a stick as the decoy
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
or try a Tom on a stick as the decoy

From: trkyslr

From: scentman
Whatever Paul@thefort says to do!

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