Mathews Inc.
Angry Bowhunter is back!
Contributors to this thread:
DanaC 28-Feb-22
sticksender 28-Feb-22
JohnMC 28-Feb-22
DanaC 28-Feb-22
Dale06 28-Feb-22
From: DanaC

DanaC's Link
And a mite peeved over $300 not-so-custom turkey calls

From: sticksender
The article closes with this gem:

"As always, I’ll remind you to know where your dollars go and support the real hunters out there. AND, SHOOT TURKEYS IN THE FACE WITH A SHOTGUN, NOT WITH A BROADHEAD. TAB OUT!"

From: JohnMC
I heard their next article is going to be about a little fella from Massachusetts with a female name. That wont shut up about his TDS on hunting forums.

From: DanaC
How's that DDS working out for ya , John ? ;-)

From: Dale06
If you want to spend $300 on a turkey call, have at it. It’s your money. I have two box calls and a slate. Don’t think I have a hundred dollars total in them. Have arrowed about 40 turkeys while using them. And plan to arrow a few more this April.

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