Moultrie Mobile
Blind Hubs and Poles
Contributors to this thread:
Rock 28-Feb-22
4nolz@work 28-Feb-22
4nolz@work 28-Feb-22
Rock 28-Feb-22
smarba 28-Feb-22
4nolz@work 01-Mar-22
smarba 01-Mar-22
Bowfreak 01-Mar-22
Rock 01-Mar-22
Shuteye 01-Mar-22
smarba 02-Mar-22
Buck Watcher 02-Mar-22
'Ike' (Phone) 02-Mar-22
4nolz@work 02-Mar-22
smarba 02-Mar-22
4nolz@work 02-Mar-22
Rock 02-Mar-22
From: Rock

Rock's embedded Photo
Rock's embedded Photo
I am looking for Pop-up Blind Poles and Hub sets for a project I am working on. If you have Hubs and Pole sets or just the Hubs (I have plenty of Poles I could use) from a Blind that is no longer useful I would be interested in buying them from you. I could just order these new from one of the Blind manfacturers but am hoping to find something cheaper in case this does not work the way I want it to.

What I am doing with them is using them to build Blind Panels (single and possibly double) from cloth that I have similar to the singles I recently made for a Texas Hog hunt (see Photo). If anyone has any of these please PM me and we will try to work something out.

From: 4nolz@work
Need closeup pictures of hubs and lengths.I have quite a few I've saved.

From: 4nolz@work
PM me

From: Rock

Rock's embedded Photo
Rock's embedded Photo
Rock's embedded Photo
Rock's embedded Photo
Rock's embedded Photo
Rock's embedded Photo
4holz, I can use any size or style as they would not have to match and I can always replace the poles if I need to. The ones I have now are 4 pole hubs formed with "U" shaped steel brackets. The poles in the panels I made are 43 1/4" long from top of hub to end of pole when folded up.

The most important piece that I need are the hubs as I have plenty of pole to work with.

Pictures are of 2 different hub/pole sets I currently have.

From: smarba
Rock just thinking out loud here, but since you have an industrial sewing machine you probably don't even need hubs. Just a group of 4 sleeves/pockets in the center of your panel that the rods slip into. Same thing as the outer corners of your panels.

From: 4nolz@work
maybe but the material wouldn't be stretched tight? hubs allow to fold up for carry

From: smarba

smarba's embedded Photo
If Rock makes $ millions with this idea, I'd like 10% LOL
smarba's embedded Photo
If Rock makes $ millions with this idea, I'd like 10% LOL
I understand that the poles need to be slightly longer than the fabric to create the tension. But I think it may be possible to create a "hub" only from a pocket of material.

On one of my blinds I can flex the poles enough to slip them out of the corner pocket without having to unbolt the center hub. It's a factor of how deep the corner pocket is.

Sort of hard to explain but maybe a sketch would help. Might be possible to sew a 4-pocket center "hub" along with corner pockets that Rock could flex the poles and slide them into, which would still allow for folding and tension on the fabric when deployed. The center "hub" I'm describing isn't really much different then a location where 3 corner pockets come together in the corner of a normal blind.

From: Bowfreak
If Rock gets rich on this he could spend his fortunes on hookers and bowhunting and then blow the rest. :)

From: Rock
Smarba, Nice thought but it will not work as there is nothing to keep the poles from folding the cloth in the opposite direction. If you look at the hubs on your Blind you will see that the poles can only rotate in one direction from the hub. The opposite direction has metal that keeps the pole from going that way which is what keeps the panel tight and flexed outward. Do not think I explained that well but if you look at the hubs in your blind you should see what I mean.

From: Shuteye
I have lots of the rods from years of ground blinds. My wife builds great tomato support cages from them. Cucumbers too. They work great at this application. She has some snaps that put them together and can be undone and reused.

From: smarba
Ah, you're right Rock. Although if you bolted an aluminum plate or circle over my center pocket system that should work.

From: Buck Watcher

Buck Watcher's Link
Incase you were unaware - - - AmeriStep makes a 30" tall, 3 panel like you described. I bought 2 last year for my Buddy's kids. Work great. Under $30 ea. Ameristep Throwdown.

I used to have a couple extra, let me look…

From: 4nolz@work
Box sent today Rock

From: smarba
Hmm, Cabela's EZ Portable Ground Blind is pretty close too. At that price can't afford to try and make one...

From: 4nolz@work
Yeah but that's no fun!

From: Rock
Buck Watcher, 30" is way to short for what I am trying to do, mine will be 66" tall.

Was also told Primos makes something similar but theirs is 35" tall I believe.

Have not looked at Cabelas yet, but will.

Lot more fun to build my own and I have plenty of camo cloth from when I was building Blinds years ago.

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