Florida, airbows for gators ?
Contributors to this thread:Bowfishing
From: DanaC
DanaC's Link
Hey look, the camel is sneaking its nose under the tent flap
"Airbows for Alligators? Florida Proposes 24-Hour Hunt and Use of Powerful New Implement
If approved, new rules will allow gator hunting all day and all night, plus the use of airbows. Some hunters worry, however, that the bows may actually be too powerful "
From: bigswivle
The more seasons for them the better
From: RK
No kidding. Turn it loose on them.
From: Swampbuck
Plentiful have at um
From: TonyBear
Many years ago Art Lahaha was out bowhunting for walrus with some natives using a bow with a harpoon and line to try and demonstrate they could increase their recovery that way instead of banging away with a gun and hoping they died on the ice flow before diving with no chance for recovery. Kinda sounds like the same thing.
This camel in no way supports the airbow for other types of hunting, especially in the bow (real archery ) season. Its an air gun just has a arrow/bolt jammed on the rail or in the barrel.