Osceola Turkeys - Florida
Contributors to this thread:Turkey
From: Nick Muche
Does anyone know of an outfitter or guide that may have an opening? Or a local willing to lend a hand? I’ve called every outfitter I can find on the internet over the past three months and couldn’t firm up anything due to them being basically booked solid. Understandable, as I’m late to the game, but if anyone has some info they’d share, I’d be forever grateful.
Have bow, will travel.
I heard Montana has turkeys .
From: JAW
I hunted with Okeechobee Outfitters a few years ago and will be hunting with them again this spring.
I have no idea if they have any openings for this spring, but they have donated a turkey hunt via auction to the Lehigh Valley Chapter of SCI. The current bid is $2,250. The hunt description references spring and fall 2022 and 2023, so they MAY be holding a spot open for this spring. Not sure. Might be worth calling them at 863-655-2454. If they do have a spot this spring, you'll need to bid soon, as the auction ends March 11. Good luck!
From: Nick Muche
Thanks Wade, I have talked with them and they didn’t have any openings. Thanks for the info on the auction.
From: Zbone
Nick - If you want a pure Osceola, make sure you hunt south of Orlando, birds north of Orlando are mixed with Eastern birds...
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Nick let us know if you find anyone and how the hunt went. Me and my brother are looking for someone for possibly next year. Pending availability. We’ve got condos here and said heck with it next year we’re taking the bows down and chasing some birds.
From: Whatthefoc
pm’d u
From: Nick Muche
Thanks folks, I’ve contacted all recommended options, one won’t take a bowhunter, but will see what the others say. Appreciate the help and if anyone else has an option I’m all ears.
From: Lawdog
There is always DIY public land. It might be a bit of challenge for folks who do not live here and are not familiar with the management areas, but it's doable.
From: bigswivle
I used to hunt next to fort drum management area, I don’t know how they do there turkey season(anything with our idiot FWC usually doesn’t make senseless) but that place is full of turkeys.
Was at 3 lakes wma last week and heard alot of birds. Always crowded on weekends but not too bad after the first week. 52000 acres of what we call romp and stomp.
From: bghunter
I sent you a pm
From: IABowhunter74
Nick, I sent you a PM as well.
From: Mint
I assume you called Hoppy Kempher at Osceola Outfitters since he is the best. When I hog hunt on his ranch I see more Toms than I can count.