Mathews Inc.
license Fees
Contributors to this thread:
Starfire 09-Mar-22
t-roy 09-Mar-22
4nolz@work 09-Mar-22
4nolz@work 09-Mar-22
4nolz@work 09-Mar-22
t-roy 09-Mar-22
4nolz@work 10-Mar-22
wisconsinteacher 10-Mar-22
Starfire 10-Mar-22
ahunter76 10-Mar-22
From: Starfire
I was looking at out of state hunting costs and put this together. Sometimes it is hard to see whether you need a license and habitat fee in addition to tags so if anyone sees a mistake let me know. IA Tag $119 License and Habitat$144 = Total $263 (must draw) NE Tag $128 Habitat $25 = total $153 (can purchase up to 3 tags) SD Tag $100 = Total $100 WI Tag $60 Habitat $5 = Total $65 (Must Draw and non residents can usually only get last season

From: t-roy
I believe you’re correct on Iowa. One suggestion I’d make for Iowa. If you know for sure that you are going to hunt, go ahead and apply for the tag, however, you can almost always get a leftover turkey tag in pretty much any zone in the state, (they almost never sell their NR quota) so If you’re a bit uncertain wether you’re going or not, I’d wait and get your license and tag last minute.

From: 4nolz@work
t-roy zone 4 usually has more applications than tags for 4th season.Last year I didn't draw , 2 years ago a buddy didn't draw.Muzzleloading shotgun has 1500 statewide tags they never sellout.Last year I reapplied mlder.But most draws are successful.

From: 4nolz@work

4nolz@work's embedded Photo
4nolz@work's embedded Photo

From: 4nolz@work
(MLder 150 not 1500)

From: t-roy
I tend corrected, 4nolz! I hadn’t looked at it in a couple of years. I’m wondering if it was Covid related?

From: 4nolz@work
Yessir I'm thinking more apps from people skipping during covid

Btw the Knight ml shotgun with TSS shot is very very effective


From: Starfire
I called IA DNR and they have leftover tags for 6 & 7. I started looking at this because I originally was going to go to NE. I have not hunted Turkey in IA for years because of the cost. But with the cost of gas I figured out its actually a cheaper hunt because its closer for me.

From: ahunter76
Good luck to anyone "paying" that kind of $$ for a Turkey tag. I've arrowed a few but never got crazy about Turkeys. Thank goodness. I now live in N.E. Ia & the areas I hunt I've seen a decline. Last year, a first, Deer hunting (many hours in the stands) I nevefr saw ONE Turkey.. My son, an hour away in Illinois sees them almost every time out. Again, Good Luck. I won't be going.

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