Mathews Inc.
CO small game license code?
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Iowabowhunter 17-Mar-22
boothill 17-Mar-22
Iowabowhunter 17-Mar-22
Iowabowhunter 17-Mar-22
PECO2 18-Mar-22
Hey all,

trying to buy my preference point for CO muleys-can't seem to track down the code for the small game license that I need to purchase along with my preference point.

Looked all over the website and am coming up goose egg.

Any ideas?

From: boothill
Go to website and on the right hand side to buy & apply link, it will open up and say go hunting and fishing, hit that drop box and you will see but small game and habitat, those have to be in your cart before can fill out and get your PP.

Please disregard my ignorant question, got it figured out!

Thanks Boothill!

From: PECO2
No worries, we know it is a complicated system.

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