Homemade Turkey Decoy
Contributors to this thread:Turkey
From: JohnMC
So I meant to buy a Ultimate Predator Turkey decoy from Danny Farris at the CBA Banquet since he is also on the CBA board. However by the time I got over there he had already locked them up. So a buddy has a heads up version had had had good luck with it the last couple of years. So last night I am getting stuff ready to head out after work today hunting. I grabbed a fan and decided to see if I can figure out how to mount one on a bow. First version using a coat hanger was a bust.
I had a old bow stand that mounted on Stabilizer and basically used two arrow shafts to prop up the bow. I printed the head and body of turkey I photoed recently. Glued on cardboard, put packing tape over it and zipped tied to fan.
I used a arrow shaft using Stabilizer mount and some plastic tubing zip tied to fan to mount to bow and this is what I came up with.
From: JohnMC
From: JohnMC
From: JohnMC
From: JohnMC
This version one. Now it mounted high just above to side of sight but I think might be realistic enough to kill a turkey.
From: JohnMC
One more at the office in back
From: JohnMC
If this shit works next year I might have to make my own bow, shafts and broadheads.
From: t-roy
You need a bigger office!
From: JohnMC
That's just a hallway.
From: air leak
Nice job, very realistic. Too realistic. Having said that, you have a better chance of seeing Bigfoot, than me crouched behind a fanned out turkey decoy. This is a great way to get shot by some idiot. Just my opinion.
From: JohnMC
It is all on private bow only season. Hunt rolling prairie type stuff. I'll take my chances.
From: Juancho
Very creative. I thought about doing something like that , but I found last year some nice turkey decoys at Cabelas for 16$ . I got me two and they did what they supposed to to very well. I got two more just a couple of days ago.
From: JohnMC
I've got some Dave Smiths in the truck unfortunately they were not $16 but they work. Killed a lot of turkeys that way. Always confident if I put up blind and decoys I'll get a Tom to come, but my goal this trip is to kill one sneaking up and using the fan decoy. Might work, might not but going to try.
From: groundhunter50
I do something alot like what you do,,, however I use an umbrella
From: 2Wild Bill
This is a great way to get shot by some idiot. Just my opinion. X2, Me too.
A few years back we lost a bow hunter to someone who shot at him calling from behind a bush.
From: Paul@thefort
John, an another option to be hands free, mound the decoy on a stick , with a strong spike like point ,push into the ground, thus allowing you more freedom of movement.
John, an another option to be hands free, mound the decoy on a stick , with a strong spike like point ,push into the ground, thus allowing you more freedom of movement.
From: Paul@thefort
I also use both, ie, attached decoy and staked out decoy. A good hid and effective.
I also use both, ie, attached decoy and staked out decoy. A good hid and effective.
From: Cornpone
Fore and aft pics of a foam deek I never used, added a fan and mounted to stabilizer hole.
From: Cornpone
From: cnelk
This is how I modified my Montana turkey decoy