That look of pure excitement your son has is great!
Seeing everyone’s pictures with there young kids on bowsite over the years really inspired me to get my daughter out with me as much as I can. Her first trip to the archery range was before she was a month old. She’s not quite 2 years old now, taking her on a short overnight turkey hunt sometime this month, hopefully we’ll have a trophy pic to add.
Dang Beav! Guess I didn't expect anything other than a bunch of dead birds. Did ya'll give a couple days after the opener to feel safe before you started?
Had to share this one. Biggest hooks on any bird I've ever taken...1-5/8". Came in silent right at the beginning of prime time, 8:15 a.m. First time I've ever had one beat up the hen deke, too.
t-roy says he thinks it will gross boone but won't net. :-(
It is one a friend (Jewel Leadford) made for me several years ago, it is a hinged T/D and is my dedicated Turkey Bow. But I have also taken some other animals with it. Jewel pasted away this past Dec. so the bow is even more special to me now.
Missouri bird. Not the biggest one around, but a fun hunt with a good friend. Weekend cut short by work and weather, so I took what I could get before having to head home.
Congrats everyone....I don't even have a hero pic for this bird. I shot him and his gobbler buddy and 6 Jake's pummeled him for about 10 minutes. I had to wait another 10 minutes for them to run off. I tried not to burn up the area so this is pretty much the only pic I have. Lol
Grandson's first turkey...opening day of Indiana's youth season. Slow start for gobbling action...but the birds finally started talking late morning. Great day in the turkey woods for both of us!
My son's opening day Indiana longbeard. First ever opening day bird and first bow kill spring gobbler. I think Dustin is hooked on bowhunting turkeys now!
Spring turkey is by far one of my favorite hunts of the year. Sharing it with the best of friends makes it that much better. Congrats to all and best of luck to those still hunting.
Lets hear some details with the picture. Set up with dekes? Shot yardage. Blind? Anybody taking these critters with a bow and no blind? Seems almost impossible to me but I'd like to see if it is and gets some pointers on how to make that happen. Nice birds everyone!!!!
Tough, frustrating hunt when dealing with a bunch of asexual, apathetic birds, this morning. Had a pile of birds out in the field in front of us this morning. They couldn’t have cared less about our calling or decoy setup. Finally had a few jakes wander close enough to the blind, for a shot. My years of yoga finally paid off, when I had to bend, twist and contort around enough to be able to get a shot off at this guy out of one of the side windows.
Gia had a tough season on the longbeards but took this Jake when she had the chance.. it brought a smile to her face so that’s what it’s all about. Softball and trips limited her time, which is fine. :-)
I had a great season as well. Called, gobblers gobbled, gobblers came in and I shot gobblers. Just like that.
Orion, don’t believe everything you read in the news and media especially from Commifornia or you’re just as much of the problem … I came clean and spoke the truth and delt with it. I’ve moved past it as you should too. Life’s great when you live it the right way without living in the tabloids. :-) now let the meatpole remain just that.
My youngest son, Sam, shot a big Tom with a shotgun his first year and has been chasing them with a bow the last couple years and couldn't close the deal:) Yesterday after school he called in 3 Toms to the decoy at 12 yards and made a great shot. One of the other Toms attacked the carcass when he fell over and put on a show as well.
Finally connected on a turkey with my bow! I've lost 2 jakes with my bow and almost considered stopping hunting turkey's with my bow. Was using NAP Killzone's and switched to the NAP Gobbler Getter Broadheads. I know Broadhead choice doesn't matter as much as shot placement but I wanted to switch things up so I thought I'd give it a shot. Got to my blind at 5:45pm and after a little while some crows flew overhead ,cawed, and a couple of toms gobbled at them in the distance. So I let out a few yelps and waited a little bit. After about 5 minutes I let out a few more yelps and heard a couple of immediate gobbles and they were just inside the woods that I was next to. So I sat and waited and about a minute later I saw the red and white head pop out from the woods and walk in to the field. I gave a few real quiet clucks and he headed my way and crossed in front of me at 10 yards. I shot and that broadhead knocked him over and he didn't get up. He was lighter than I thought he would be at 19 pounds. He had a double beard 9.5 inches and 5.5 inches and the spurs were just over an inch. In the over 10 years that I've hunted turkeys, this is only the 2nd bird that has gobbled coming in to my calls. The other 2 birds I've taken came in silent.
For our Canadian May long, often referred to as the May two four (we buy a lot of beer here in packs of 24), we travelled stateside with 6 of us Bowhunting Turkeys. Had an awesome weekend working some late season birds!