Moultrie Mobile
Stika Blacktail In August
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Jeff.Thomp 18-Apr-22
t-roy 18-Apr-22
Treeline 18-Apr-22
TEmbry 19-Apr-22
wildwilderness 19-Apr-22
Amicus 19-Apr-22
KB 19-Apr-22
midwest 19-Apr-22
Panhandle Bob 19-Apr-22
midwest 19-Apr-22
Potro 19-Apr-22
pav 19-Apr-22
Beendare 19-Apr-22
wildwilderness 19-Apr-22
Jeff.Thomp 21-Apr-22
From: Jeff.Thomp
Is this a feasible option? Ive got a little one due the end of September so Im trying to put together a hunt that's early. Id love to chase these critters but don't know if it too far fetched that time of year.

From: t-roy
I believe the season opens in early August in a bunch of the units, so I’d think it would be very doable. Lots of guys on here with a bunch of experience hunting them. I’ve seen lots of velvet buck trophy pics on here as well. Hopefully, a few of them will chime in for you, Jeff!

From: Treeline
I’ve hunted them in November. My next trip will be in August. Not this year though, already have a hunt planned in August that conflicts.

I'll go!

From: TEmbry
I've hunted them in August, September, October, and November.

Each time frame is extremely doable, and all offer their unique advantages and disadvantages. August they won't be rutting obviously, and the bucks are typically found in bachelor groups bedded for most of the day. Thick brush, warm temps, to combat. Longer daylight hours means more hunting time. The bedding is a disadvantage to finding but an advantage to actually killing bucks once found. The coats in August are almost a bright orange color so they contrast nicely with the green undergrowth. Expect them to be up high. Kodiak doesn't have a lot of elevation gain to contend with, but everything is steep, wet, and thick brush can be almost impassible at times.

November is basically the opposite. They are rutting, stupid, and move 24/7. They can be found from the ocean beaches all the way to the peaks. No bugs, no warm weather, and the brush dying off makes it much easier to pass through. The brown winter coats blend perfectly with the dead vegetation so spotting them can be more of a challenge if it weren't for them moving around constantly.

I'll be back down there for 8-10 days this coming August :)


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Mid August Blacktail
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
Mid August Blacktail

wildwilderness's Link
I prefer August (season opens the first on Kodiak) for a DIY drop hunt.

Too bad the photos are lost from this old thread on an early August hunt

From: Amicus
My son shot a buck in August. It was still in velvet as well. Just my opinion but I think the horns are still growing while in velvet. The brush as mentioned, is something to deal with.

From: KB
PJ, if you're viewing that thread on your phone try turning so that your screen shifts to landscape orientation. About 75% of the pictures show up for me by doing this. Very cool old thread.

From: midwest
How are the bugs on Kodiak in August?


Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
Panhandle Bob's embedded Photo
I did POW late August and black bear starting on September 1st. A little fishing too. Beautiful country.

From: midwest
That's awesome.

From: Potro
I will like to do this hunt in Kodiak in late November next year Just looking for a guide

From: pav
Researched / considered Kodiak in August, but chose a November 2022 rut hunt for my first Kodiac experience instead.

From: Beendare
Midwest,” How are the bugs on Kodiak in August?”

I’ve done 2 August hunts…and doing another this August.

What you quickly realize is when the wind blows- and its almost always blowing- the bugs aren’t bad. When there is a lull in the wind, or when you get down in some of those canyons in the windshadow, those bugs come up out of the tundra and it can be brutal.

Since I started spraying a set of clothes with permerthrin, its been much better in fact my last AK drop camp I only had one bite.


Thanks for that tip to turn the phone sideways. Nice that some of the pictures show.

From: Jeff.Thomp
Thanks all for the info!

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