Sitka Gear
Best Sheep Hunting Books
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
yooper89 22-Apr-22
Kurt 22-Apr-22
wildwilderness 22-Apr-22
Southern draw 22-Apr-22
Nick Muche 22-Apr-22
kota-man 22-Apr-22
Treeline 22-Apr-22
raghorn 23-Apr-22
TEmbry 23-Apr-22
yooper89 23-Apr-22
From: yooper89
100 day countdown is on. Any books out there - novel or instructional - that you all would recommend? I know O’Connor has one or two out there but from what I’ve found they’re tough to come by or rather expensive.

Just want something to get the blood flowing even more.


From: Kurt
Tony Russ from Alaska wrote several books on bowhunting Dall sheep in Alaska. A lot of it applies to CO Bighorns. He held the P&Y world record for a number of years but wasn't a one hit wonder.

Bowsite has a some good info in posts on hunting sheep too!

Congrats on the tag and good luck! What unit?


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
wildwilderness's embedded Photo

wildwilderness's Link
For Dalls you can’t beat the Rampages collection!

The collection of photos and historical data on Alaska and the stories is priceless. The best part is if you can buy it in person Lew will show you his personal collection of rams- breath taking.


Southern draw's embedded Photo
Southern draw's embedded Photo
This is a great book imo. Mostly about his time guiding and hunting AK .

From: Nick Muche
Sheep and Sheep Hunting if you can find a copy.

From: kota-man
I’ll second Nick…

From: Treeline

Treeline's Link
This thread has a tremendous amount of knowledge about sheep hunting. Well worth the read…

From: raghorn
Yooper89. I sent you PM.

From: TEmbry
Rampages is a pretty awesome set of books.

From: yooper89
Raghorn, thanks I sent a reply.

Appreciate it fellas!

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