Wilgabeast - Apr-25 Mobile live hunt from Ma
Contributors to this thread:Turkey
From: Wilgabeast
4:33 AM LIVE from Ma*
Put the birds to bed lastnight now I have to get in real early to get set up before any light . Trying with a bow , no blind how ever I did go in midday this week and build a make shift blind from a turned over tree stump and brush ! Wish me luck! Shoot straight boys go get um
From: drslyr
Wish me luck to not get shot
From: Wilgabeast
Side note. They are dam near impossible to get drawn on without a blind . Had two huge toms Land at 15 yards and the second they got behind trees I tried to draw and they flew off . Then the rest knew something was up. Now taking out the shotgun ans going running and gunning
From: Wilgabeast
Side note. They are dam near impossible to get drawn on without a blind . Had two huge toms Land at 15 yards and the second they got behind trees I tried to draw and they flew off . Then the rest knew something was up. Now taking out the shotgun ans going running and gunning
From: drslyr
Always did well with the blind wilga. I used the double bull matrix 360. Its canvas and heavy prolly 25 lbs but you can fit your whole family in it!
From: Wilgabeast
At my second location and I got a bird gobbling back
From: Wilgabeast
The Tom shut up quick . Fingers crossed that means he is heading to me
From: Wilgabeast
The Tom shut up quick . Fingers crossed that means he is heading to me
From: Wilgabeast
Just called in 5 immature birds . I took one at about 35 yards
From: Pyrannah
From: drslyr
Congrats wilga
From: Wilgabeast
Now I’m saving the last tag for a big boy