drslyr - Apr-26 Mobile live hunt from Ma
Contributors to this thread:Turkey
From: drslyr
4:44 AM LIVE from Ma*
Day 2 turkey hunt. Wow this game is tough for this old bugger. 4 am iz mighty early. Going back to the same place as yesterday only about a half mile away to a traditional roosting area. Hit or miss. Walked through it on my way out yesterday without seeing any sign. We see how it goes…. Seeyas from the stand!
From: drslyr
Got the place to myself today. No trucks parked at the parkin space!
From: drslyr
S I L E N C E !
From: drslyr
Back to the field edge i was at yesterday. No hunters no turkeys!
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
they killed em all yesterday
From: Mhg825
They learn fast,gobble = death
From: drslyr
No gobbles....did spook a turkey at 70 yds walking to my second stand while I was moving thru the thick brush. Tomorrows another try!