Sitka Gear
Wilgabeast - Apr-26 Mobile live hunt from Ma
Contributors to this thread:
Wilgabeast 26-Apr-22
drslyr 26-Apr-22
Wilgabeast 26-Apr-22
Wilgabeast 26-Apr-22
From: Wilgabeast
5:33 AM LIVE from Ma*
Just set down across the steeet from the birds that I had roosted above me yesterday let’s see if I can pull one in

From: drslyr
Good luck beast

From: Wilgabeast
Had a ton fired up first thing he was coming hard . Pops over the ridge with a hen . 65 yards , hen checks out my decoy for a few minutes turns around and leaves taking him with her

From: Wilgabeast
Done for the day , have some family stuff to take care of. I will be back tomorrow

  • Sitka Gear