Sitka Gear
Nv Done
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
BULELK1 27-Apr-22
wildwilderness 27-Apr-22
WI Shedhead 27-Apr-22
Tilzbow 27-Apr-22
IdyllwildArcher 28-Apr-22
BULELK1 28-Apr-22
Mark 28-Apr-22
BULELK1 29-Apr-22
wildwilderness 30-Apr-22
wildwilderness 30-Apr-22
BULELK1 01-May-22
$244.00 Out the Door with the 2022 license. Not bad at all.

I've got the Double Digit Points Jinx on Sheep and Elk dang it------> I just don't seem to draw any tag/species/state when I go into Double Digits Points.

I was hopeful that a Non-Ressy Bow Ram tag would be available this year but nope, just Ressy tag's, have fun!

I wonder how the new 1 horn Ram tags will draw attention/applicants?

Good luck, Robb

I haven't looked but what does a 1 horn ram look like? are there many of them?

From: WI Shedhead
Thiers a good podcast with huntin fool a game and fish guy from Nevada explains all the hunts for this year, good listen. Doesn’t sound like the number of tags will in crease. Damn drought

From: Tilzbow
I hunted (once) and helped on at least 10 sheep hunts in NV. With scouting that adds up to 60 to 80 or so days afield and I’ve yet to see a 1 horn ram as far as I can remember. I passed on the draw for that reason.

I don't have time to do the scouting, or else I'd have put in for the 1-horn hunt. Seems like a great idea, but you'll need either a) incredible luck, b) inside knowledge, c) a guide, or d) a bunch of time to scout in order to fill that tag.

It's definitely a great way to get a sheep hunt for someone who would otherwise not have a sheep hunt. I wonder if the biologists/wardens (b. inside knowledge) are going to help out at all. There's got to be enough of these rams in order to get them to make a tag for them.

I have a friend who killed an 11 year old Dall in AK who had a broken horn. Broken horn rams live longer because lots of people will pass them. There was an abosolute giant DBHS in California killed a few years back that had one broken horn.


BULELK1's embedded Photo
BULELK1's embedded Photo
Not the best pic.......but ya get an idea.

Good luck, Robb

From: Mark
The 1-horned hunt is residents only. Mark

Thanks Mark, correct.

Good luck, Robb


wildwilderness's embedded Photo
One horn
wildwilderness's embedded Photo
One horn
I see Nevada sent out an email with the one horn tags.

I see it’s defined as one horn is less than half the length of the other horn

I see Nevada sent out an email with the one horn tags.

I see it’s defined as one horn is less than half the length of the other horn

They would make a very kool Euro mount for sure.


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