drslyr - May-07 Mobile live hunt from Ma
Contributors to this thread:Turkey
From: drslyr
6:58 AM LIVE from Ma*
A diehard hunter never gives up till the fat turkey gobbles! The ol goat clawed from his bed this am with the cloud of disappointment rearing its ulgy turkey neck in his mind. TOO tired, gonna rain, listen to that wind, stay home in your nice warm cave he thought….. No get your ol lazy huntin azz up, you aint got many yrs left on the planet. Up and out he crawls. Your spots gonna be loaded with guys….. it’s Saturday…. Remember opening day with the 4 vehicles……. He arrives at the spot….. amazing…. No one here……a lil glimmer of hope….. he begins the grueling journey up the mountain down the other side then back up again listening intently for any far off gobbles. Silence the entire hike. Gets to his ambush location and sets up. Sits down with his back to the ol pine and prepares to try to entice the wary ol warrior to answer. Never gets the chance to call as a thunderous gobble emits from the spot he usually sets up. Anticipation leaps in his heart and his soul is renewed. The cat and mouse game proceeds. The turkey is still in the tree and begins to gobble furiously at 500 yds. The ol man answers with one short call on his trusty box call. Turkey violently answers back. He calls no more….. 20 min go by and the turkey gobbles from the ground over the crest of the hill. The ol man answers with one short squeak and puts the call down and waits patiently. The turkey keeps gobbling and appears at the crest of the hill. He see’s the decoy but is extremely wary pacing back and forth gobbling. After 10 minutes he breaks and begins to slowly come down gobbling almost nonstop. He closes the distance to about 50 yds. Then 45. Ol man hunter can take no more. He raises the remmington 1100 bought on layaway at k mart several decades ago. The turkey is veering away……SHOOT……. Bam….. the turkey is hit and runs…
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
And then…..
From: Moons222
Does the ol warrior chase him down!?
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Maybe he’s still running moons….
From: Rut-N-Strut
The anticipation is killing me!!
From: DanaC
Last sighted running through Elm Park in Worcester...
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Just had an old man run thru my decoys in Fitchburg. He’s covering some ground today haha
From: spike78
New name Gump
From: drslyr
Read the end of the story at noon!
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
From: drslyr
So wounded turkey went 150 yds across the field and croaked at the edge of the woodline in the field. He was 19lbs 3/4 “ spurs…. Maybe 9” beard…… DONE.. Came in at the wrong angle to catch on video but i made a recovery video i’ll post after editing!
From: Rut-N-Strut
Way to go!!! You definitely earned it
From: DanaC
From: jdbbowhunter
From: Beav
From: drycreek
Congrats drslyr ! I bought the 1100 I used to have at a Gibsons about a hundred years ago…..give or take a few……
From: drslyr
I added a hastings barrel capable of 50 yd shots with a extra full screw in turkey choke and pushed it to the limit at 45 to 50 yd shot today!
From: BAT
Nice job Slyr, congrats!
From: drslyr
Now onto Ny camp to fill some more turkey tags unless those big bearz eat me up!
From: Bou'bound
Yu dun gud
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Awesome John!
From: Jimbo
You da man, Slyr! Good job.
From: Blood
You must be in the witness protection program wearing your mask in the hero pic. ;)
Nice story and bird.
From: spike78
Yup he’s Henry Hill from Goodfellas keep it quiet though.
From: drslyr
From: drslyr
Video in a couple minutes
From: drslyr
drslyr's Link
From: Moons222
Slyr is slayin them
From: drslyr
Turkey 2 leftovers
From: drslyr