What Seat Pad…
Contributors to this thread:Mule Deer
From: 'Ike' (Phone)
For glassing…I had a Therm-a-rest, which disappeared!
From: Heat
I use the pad that came with my Lone Wolf stand. Not the most comfy but light and durable.
From: SBH
Helinox chair zero….can be worth its weight in gold sometimes. Got one on sale but they are kinda spendy.
From: 'Ike' (Phone)
I need to look at those Matt…They intrigue me!
From: Empty Freezer
I carry a tripod chair from REI. $20 and extremely light. I slide it in an old wool sock to keep it quiet while ive got it in my pack. Works for me.
From: SBH
They’re pretty sweet. Very light, pack well and super comfortable. Buddy had one on a mule deer hunt awhile back. I was making fun of him on day one and by day 3 behind glass I was threatening his life if he wouldn’t let me use it.
From: 'Ike' (Phone)
Lol...I like it! Empty, that's not the nut cracker like the old blind tripods is it?!? I'll look it up at REI!
From: Empty Freezer
not sure.. Hasnt cracked a nut yet.. Ive carried one of the foam pads and used that with the chair and it made it alot more comfortable.
From: Lawdog
Turkey chair. Pick your brand. I added a carry strap to mine, or I can just strap it to the bottom or side of my pack.
From: Reggiezpop
I love my Helinox, when you’re on flat land or hard land. The feet tend to sink fairly easily.
From: 'Ike' (Phone)
'Ike' (Phone)'s Link
Reggie, this is why I wanted to see this one, eliminating that problem…Was not in stock of course, but I’ll find one to look at…
From: 'Ike' (Phone)
Went with this one, we’ll see…
From: Scar Finga
I have the zero, but it's pretty small! Weighs a pound... Ike, I like that one! What does it weigh??
From: 'Ike' (Phone)
Sorry, 1.7# …
From: Ermine
I carry a partial thermarest z lite. I have one of those Helinox chairs too. But hardly ever use it. The foam pad is much lighter and easier to carry around. The chair is comfy and works good for close to the truck type of stuff
From: Rut Nut
I’ve been using a cheaper version of the Helinox for years. Just put some flat rocks under the legs if ground is soft. Always goes with me for backpacking, bike-packing or float trips.
From: Brotsky
Z lite pad for me too, carry it everywhere pretty much. Saved me many a wet arse.
From: Mule Power
Damn you people! I have a Helinox and love it. But it does sink into the ground and I never saw that one before. My birthday is June 17th. If anyone was looking for an idea there you have it.
From: speedgoat
I’ve carried a z lite pad for years and still do sometimes if I’m going super lightweight. I bought a helinox a couple years ago and use it more and more all the time. It’s sure nice to have a backrest some of the time.
Crazy creek chair for me.
From: Kurt
Cut down Z-Light (3 or 5 sections...they weight 1 ounce per fold...3 or 5 oz total) for backpack hunting. Folding chairs from heavy to light for near truck, SxS or quad.