drslyr - May-20 Mobile live hunt from Ma
Contributors to this thread:Turkey
From: drslyr
4:30 AM LIVE from Ma*
Live from NY Its Friday morning!
From: drslyr
Back at the Ny camp hunting the wild turkey again. Not expecting much action today as its pretty late in the season. I spaced out last weekened and left my computer bag with my laptop and various charging accoutrements on one of the chairs and drove off……. Not too bad….. only a 700 mile mistake…… well good excuse for more turkey huntin. Seeya’s in the stand!
From: drslyr
Can hear a hen or another hunter
From: drslyr
Was a real hen. Saw her and filmed her with some deer altogether! At least 2 hens are calling but no toms!
From: drslyr
All quiet now for an hr or so. Contemplating moving to a new spot in the woods where i have seen them in the past.
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
From: drslyr
Have moved and been setup 15 min or so. Called a couple times no answer. After an hr or so moving again to state land field edge!
From: drslyr
Moved again …. State land…. No camera… no decoys… just call gun and chair….. nuttin
From: drslyr
Guess its over….. saw 8 hens…. No bucks
No aneemuls were bloodied whacked, skunned or kilt during the scope of this hunt!
From: spike78
That elusive turkey is now costing you $1000 per pound ha
From: drslyr
Guess its over….. saw 8 hens…. No bucks
No aneemuls were bloodied whacked, skunned or kilt during the scope of this hunt!