Mathews Inc.
Pet peeves…Have any?
Contributors to this thread:
Shug 21-May-22
orionsbrother 21-May-22
t-roy 21-May-22
t-roy 21-May-22
ahawkeye 21-May-22
'Ike' (Phone) 21-May-22
Missouribreaks 21-May-22
Bearman 21-May-22
Guardian hunter 21-May-22
Zim 21-May-22
BTM 21-May-22
Bake 21-May-22
Bake 21-May-22
wyobullshooter 21-May-22
JakeBrake 21-May-22
JakeBrake 21-May-22
HDE 21-May-22
Rgiesey 21-May-22
Jim Moore 21-May-22
Meat Grinder 22-May-22
Meat Grinder 22-May-22
Gil 22-May-22
rattling_junkie 22-May-22
Meat Grinder 22-May-22
LFN 22-May-22
Shug 22-May-22
Sawpilot75 22-May-22
DanaC 22-May-22
Shug 22-May-22
DanaC 22-May-22
tobywon 22-May-22
Bou'bound 22-May-22
BTM 22-May-22
BC 22-May-22
Castle Oak 22-May-22
RonP 22-May-22
WV Mountaineer 22-May-22
DanaC 22-May-22
keepemsharp 22-May-22
sticksender 22-May-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 22-May-22
wisconsinteacher 22-May-22
RonP 22-May-22
Paul@thefort 22-May-22
Ambush 22-May-22
Woods Walker 22-May-22
t-roy 22-May-22
scentman 22-May-22
Beendare 22-May-22
Jaquomo 22-May-22
Phaseolus 22-May-22
cnelk 22-May-22
Pete In Fairbanks 22-May-22
Hank_S 22-May-22
sitO 22-May-22
Bearman 22-May-22
Ambush 22-May-22
Woods Walker 22-May-22
hawkeye in PA 22-May-22
goelk 22-May-22
BUCKeye 22-May-22
HDE 22-May-22
Cheesehead Mike 22-May-22
spike buck 22-May-22
Grey Ghost 22-May-22
drycreek 22-May-22
HDE 22-May-22
Brian M. 22-May-22
Bowbender 22-May-22
Blood 22-May-22
scentman 22-May-22
Sam 22-May-22
Twinetickler 22-May-22
Teeton 22-May-22
Shug 22-May-22
EmbryOklahoma 22-May-22
PECO2 22-May-22
billygoat 22-May-22
TheGreatWapiti 22-May-22
Jack Whitmrie jr 22-May-22
cnelk 22-May-22
JB 23-May-22
BTM 23-May-22
groundhunter50 23-May-22
Grey Ghost 23-May-22
Mhg825 23-May-22
x-man 23-May-22
Woods Walker 23-May-22
tobywon 23-May-22
spike buck 23-May-22
hoytshooter1 23-May-22
tm 23-May-22
TRnCO 23-May-22
canepole 23-May-22
hawkeye in PA 23-May-22
LINK 23-May-22
DanaC 23-May-22
Rut Nut 23-May-22
Jaquomo 23-May-22
TheGreatWapiti 23-May-22
LUNG$HOT 23-May-22
12yards 23-May-22
mooseslayer 23-May-22
Bowboy 23-May-22
badbull 23-May-22
DanaC 23-May-22
Grey Ghost 23-May-22
nchunter 23-May-22
'Ike' (Phone) 23-May-22
keepemsharp 23-May-22
Grey Ghost 23-May-22
BC173 23-May-22
Bearman 23-May-22
APauls 23-May-22
IdyllwildArcher 23-May-22
butcherboy 23-May-22
t-roy 24-May-22
DanaC 24-May-22
DanaC 24-May-22
Shug 24-May-22
x-man 24-May-22
Bake 24-May-22
Zbone 24-May-22
sasquatch 24-May-22
Dyjack 24-May-22
JohnMC 24-May-22
DanaC 25-May-22
t-roy 25-May-22
BTM 25-May-22
Biobow 25-May-22
gray1 25-May-22
Juancho 25-May-22
sitO 25-May-22
Jim Moore 26-May-22
DanaC 26-May-22
Rut Nut 26-May-22
hawkeye in PA 26-May-22
MQQSE 26-May-22
nehunter 26-May-22
Nemophilist 26-May-22
Rut Nut 26-May-22
hawkeye in PA 26-May-22
Whatthefoc 26-May-22
Jack Whitmrie jr 26-May-22
Pop-r 26-May-22
badbull 26-May-22
Norseman 26-May-22
tobywon 27-May-22
Bearman 27-May-22
Tilzbow 27-May-22
DanaC 27-May-22
DanaC 28-May-22
BTM 28-May-22
DanaC 30-May-22
Kannuck 30-May-22
Bottomdweller 30-May-22
Bearman 30-May-22
BOHNTR 30-May-22
Bearman 30-May-22
Machino 30-May-22
Thisismyhandle 31-May-22
Whatthefoc 31-May-22
DanaC 31-May-22
scentman 31-May-22
smarba 31-May-22
tm 31-May-22
timex 31-May-22
JohnMC 31-May-22
Thisismyhandle 01-Jun-22
Bou'bound 01-Jun-22
Brun 01-Jun-22
Bou'bound 01-Jun-22
RK 01-Jun-22
Brun 02-Jun-22
HUNT MAN 30-Dec-23
fuzzy 30-Dec-23
Zbone 30-Dec-23
Aspen Ghost 30-Dec-23
2Wild Bill 30-Dec-23
Zbone 30-Dec-23
TGbow 30-Dec-23
Huntiam 31-Dec-23
DanaC 31-Dec-23
huntr4477 31-Dec-23
DanaC 31-Dec-23
Hunts_with_stick 31-Dec-23
fuzzy 31-Dec-23
KSflatlander 31-Dec-23
LBshooter 31-Dec-23
Zbone 31-Dec-23
Highlife 31-Dec-23
Zbone 31-Dec-23
bluedog 31-Dec-23
Zbone 31-Dec-23
Highlife 31-Dec-23
Zbone 31-Dec-23
wyobullshooter 31-Dec-23
KSflatlander 31-Dec-23
Jack Harris 31-Dec-23
Grey Ghost 31-Dec-23
Grey Ghost 31-Dec-23
fuzzy 31-Dec-23
Md2bintn 31-Dec-23
Highlife 31-Dec-23
BoilerRoom 31-Dec-23
HDE 01-Jan-24
fuzzy 01-Jan-24
scentman 01-Jan-24
bluedog 01-Jan-24
fuzzy 01-Jan-24
bluedog 01-Jan-24
Bake 01-Jan-24
midwest 01-Jan-24
Grey Ghost 01-Jan-24
drycreek 01-Jan-24
DanaC 01-Jan-24
Matt 01-Jan-24
fuzzy 01-Jan-24
Bou'bound 01-Jan-24
muliemad 01-Jan-24
Groundhunter 01-Jan-24
Rock 01-Jan-24
Bou'bound 01-Jan-24
Scoot 01-Jan-24
Nick Muche 01-Jan-24
Coyote 65 01-Jan-24
fuzzy 02-Jan-24
Mule Power 02-Jan-24
fuzzy 02-Jan-24
Mule Power 02-Jan-24
Grey Ghost 02-Jan-24
fuzzy 02-Jan-24
Grey Ghost 02-Jan-24
HDE 02-Jan-24
Mike B 02-Jan-24
btnbuck 02-Jan-24
fuzzy 02-Jan-24
jjs 02-Jan-24
HDE 02-Jan-24
Canepole 02-Jan-24
Bent arrow 02-Jan-24
Stoneman 02-Jan-24
fuzzy 02-Jan-24
BC 02-Jan-24
Matt 02-Jan-24
RK 02-Jan-24
fuzzy 03-Jan-24
fuzzy 03-Jan-24
fuzzy 03-Jan-24
From: Shug
Anyone have anything that just aggravates them? Personally when watching and reading some archery/bow hunting info and people refer to “ running “ x sight or broadhead etc all I can think is what a putz!! That and when my wife watches regular definition channels when we pay extra for HD… that is all Ty for letting me vent.

My peeves are wild, free range peeves. I do not believe peeves should be domesticated.

I don’t “run” sights or broad heads, I more accurately hike them.

Ironically, I do sometimes “run” my hiking boots when training.

Curiously, I would prefer it if many of the shows my wife and children watch would be “no definition” TV.

Have fun Shug!

Short bloodtrails!!

From: t-roy
I hate it when guys turn a perfectly good hunting related thread into a political one.

From: t-roy

From: ahawkeye
Litter. Not returning shopping carts. Not watching your kids in a parking lot. Not raising your kids. Stupid people trying to make a statement when they don't know how to articulate their thoughts. Not closing lids correctly on items in the refrigerator. Not emptying drink cups/ bottles before throwing them in the trash. Baseball parents that think they know the rules. Coaches that argue calls in rec league beyond what is expected in a rec league. People sticking their noses in business that is not their's.

Baseball parents?!? Try Cheer moms…Lol

I do not have any.

From: Bearman
I'd run this site outta bandwidth!

The phrase is "I couldn't care less" not I could care less. If you could care less you could care less which you don't. Always bugged me. Have fun

From: Zim
Mine is random draw hunt lotteries since 2012. I’m 0 fer 400 during that time span despite ~350 points and even a few with 15%-40% odds. Lol. Unbelievable.

From: BTM
Amen, Guardian! My contribution: People who leave their phone number on my answering machine faster than I can write it down, i.e., a ten-digit number plus a four-digit extension in 0.43 seconds. Bonus: when they mumble their name and/or company.

From: Bake
Where to start?

1. People driving slow in the left lane. Drives me insane.

2. People leaving reviews for gear after just receiving it or after very little use. I’ve literally seen reviews on cabelas that said “looks great out of the box. Can’t wait to use it!” Like WTF?!?!? You haven’t even USED it yet and you’re posting a review?!?! Part of this is the fault of companies. I bought a pair of Kuiu pants about a month ago and they sent me an email asking for a review. How can I review an item after a month?!

3. Dirt nap. Swamp donkey. Harvest. “Clip” (it’s a magazine you dumb&@$).

I’ll think of more

From: Bake
I’m with BTM too. Happens all the time. Mumble name and then say phone number at the speed of light.

1.) Bake hit on one of mine. I harvest crops. I kill animals.

2.) When people refer to Wyoming hunt areas as units.

From: JakeBrake
Phrases tdr have become popular like “let’s go”or “baby” (As in big buck down baby”)

These phrases used hunting or anywhere else need to end!

From: JakeBrake
Phrases that have become popular like “let’s go”or “baby” (As in big buck down baby”)

These phrases used hunting or anywhere else need to end!

From: HDE
When people use the word "irregardless".

When your talking with someone and another guy that knows them walks up and interrupts the conversation as though you're not even there.

People interrupting or speaking over you when you're in the middle of saying something.

From: Rgiesey
Who is Ty? I hate it when people abbreviate everything. I can never figure it out.

From: Jim Moore
Slow drivers in the left lane is a good one. My latest one that sends me nuts is people bringing their "fur babies" into grocery stores and restaurants. Oh, and calling them "fur babies." Us

Another is almost all of the hunting shows on TV. I truly think that these things are nothing but ammunition for the anti's to use against us. I'll probably get flamed, but hey....personal peeves, right?

From: Meat Grinder
People posting online using "could of", "should of", "would of" instead of the correct contractions "could've" (could have), "should've" (should have), "would've" (would have). Like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

From: Meat Grinder
Oh, and people who don't use turn signals.

When someone doesn't do what they said they would do.

From: Gil
People who correct grammar but make grammatical errors while doing so. For example, Meat Grinder's misplaced punctuation.

Gil that's funny but true.

From: Meat Grinder
My English teacher always said I used too many commas. Lol.

From: LFN
infomercials posing as hunting shows, "Smoked um", especially when you could plainly see it was in the guts. and "Baby mama"

From: Shug
You people are effd up…

From: Sawpilot75
Podcasts that talk about the same old thing over and over and over and over…

From: DanaC

From: Shug
You people are effd up…

From: DanaC
Shug, that's 'F*d' up ;-)

From: tobywon

tobywon's embedded Photo
tobywon's embedded Photo
I think everyone has pet peeves, but I try not to sweat the small stuff :)

From: Bou'bound
When people lie to themselves

From: BTM
Incorrect use of the word "literally." 99% of the time it's superfluous or flat-out incorrect. A few examples from hunting shows: “My stomach was literally tied in a knot.” “The buck came to us literally on a string.” “My heart literally jumped out of my chest.” “The buck literally walked on top of us.” “The deer literally turned itself inside out as it escaped.” “My head literally exploded when I muffed the shot.” “The bull literally vanished into thin air.” “We were literally sitting ducks.”

From: BC
Not too much gets to me except people texting while driving. Very inconsiderate and dangerous.

From: Castle Oak
Hypocrits; left lane creepers; hair dyed an obnoxious color; size 2 yoga pants on a size 20 ass.

From: RonP
When people lie to others.

Corner crossing is considered trespassing.

Greedy politicians on both sides that put themselves ahead of country and their constituents, and the constituents that continue to vote for them.

My household hasn't saved $2500/year in health care cost since the passing of the affordable care act, as promised.

Poor workmanship and lack of care about doing a good job. I see this a lot in my line of work with new home construction. The bar has definitely been lowered. It's sad some of the crap that is being built that then gets passed off as acceptable.

The demise of the manual transmission.

Nearly every pet peeve posted above.

People are my pet peeves.

Some examples are canceling a hunting or fishing trip. I must be a doozie. Because I’ve had that happen about a half dozen times.

I don’t like liars.

I hate it when people are late. My time belongs to me. If I decide to give it to someone, I see their situation the same way and make sure I’m on time. I expect the same in return.

I can’t stomach disrespect.

And, last of the short list I’m sharing, I really have a hard time with people who blunder through life as if it’s a video game. There ain’t no reset button. Better do the best to get it right the first time. There may not be a second.

From: DanaC
" The demise of the manual transmission. "

hehehe, my clutch master cylinder failed yesterday on my way to a shoot in RI. 60 mile towing bill, never got to fling arrows. Stuck with no wheels until Monday, need a rental until my mechanic can even 'look at it.' Last effing manual tranny I'll ever own.

From: keepemsharp
This new trend on TV where one third of the pix is clear and the other two thirds are just out of focus fuzz, what is that all about.

From: sticksender
The older I get, the easier for silly trivial things to be annoying. At least I've passed step one....admitting the problem. Step two is remembering I'm healthy, have a great family, and can hunt nearly as much as I want.....the glass is more than half full.

Going to the store and people leaving grocery carts or Home Depot lumber carts 15’ from my truck in a wide open parking lot…no matter how far away I park, there’s always an idiot close behind

"Dude. Dude, you smoked him. Dude" Repeat 50-75 times in a video clip.

From: RonP
People that need an alarm clock, sleep past 3AM and aren't being productive by 4AM. :)

"Last effing manual tranny I'll ever own." DanaC, are you sure there's never been an auto transmission that failed and left anyone stranded?

From: Paul@thefort
At 82 years, I have gotten over all of my "Peeves", pet ones or not. Just moving on!

From: Ambush
People who are half hour away and say "I'll be there in like five minutes".

People at service counters that promise to phone and they never do. That has gotten substantially worse over the past two years. Maybe they just can't face another costumer who is angry over broken promises.

From: Woods Walker
WV and RonP...X2!!!!

I would only add....People who can't/won't admit when they're wrong.

From: t-roy
People who don’t have the courtesy at least let you know that they’re going to be late, or even worse, not going to be able to make it to a scheduled job/meeting. 99.9999% of everyone has a cell phone anymore. I totally get it that things can come up, but at least, have the decency to try to let the other guy know, cell service notwithstanding. Drives me bat$hit crazy. It “LITERALLY” takes just a few seconds. …….That was for BTM ;-)

From: scentman
Watching msm and knowing everything they report is one big lie!

From: Beendare
Anti Hunters!

It bothers me that hunters/ bowhunters will spend $$$$ on the latest gear but then won’t contribute to anyone of a few organizations that are working for hunters rights.

From: Jaquomo
Published hunting articles that allow shopworn cliches like, "I held for what seemed like an eternity". Whenever I read anything that "seems like an eternity" I turn the page and move on. Most editors have journalism backgrounds. They need to use them.

From: Phaseolus
I had a boss who was a vegan animal rights activist…

From: cnelk
2 faced people - the kind that are nice to your face and then stick it to ya when they can

People in small flat states pontificating with advice about what firearm to carry in Alaska for bear protection...!


From: Hank_S
Pete...good one!!!

From: sitO
Corn-pile sitters calling themselves hunters

From: Bearman
Guys that spit.

From: Ambush
Fighting with pic orientation on BS.

The price of corn going up September 1st!!

From: Woods Walker
"Guys that spit."

You mean chew spit, or "hawkin' up a loogie" spit (also known as a "double yolker"!) ?


Traffic speeders running the right lane or using the ramp area to pass especially when I'm towing.

From: goelk
corner crossing LOL

From: BUCKeye
I dislike the word "venison" and prefer to know that it's whitetail, mule deer, antelope, moose, etc.

From: HDE
Rgiesey - Ty is "teen talk" for Thank you I do believe.

"I seen it"

Liberals that have allowed/promoted wolves decimating the deer herd in northern Wisconsin and destroyed deer hunting.

Deer hunters that try to be all cool like the YouTube heros and say "I have a set in there" instead of a "stand".

Deer hunters who bait on public land and stake claims to public land and the deer that they are attempting to domesticate.

People who ride their UTV/ATV/truck anywhere they want and ignore road closures.

From: spike buck
People leaving half empty pop cans or water bottles in my truck. Or the guys or gals who chew, spit in a bottle and leave them in my truck. LOL, so when you come to camp you know not to.

From: Grey Ghost
Having my order of pancakes served with frozen butter in wrappers. ;-)


From: drycreek

drycreek's embedded Photo
drycreek's embedded Photo
For the spelling nazis. ;-)

From: HDE
Chew spit bottle left behind is easy to fix. My truck, my rules, no chew and spit where I can see it...

From: Brian M.
Smokers discarding their butts out of the vehicle window like the world is their friggin ashtray. Especially at stop signs.


From: Bowbender
People that live in new developments complaining about loss of habitat when a bear wanders thru the area.

From: Blood
Here…. I win….

Anyone in the archery industry who refer to peep height as peep Heighth. (Not a word).

You all sound like morons.

Now, get off my lawn. :)

From: scentman
Buckeye, I call venison "speed beef"... my urban relatives call it " deer meat"... to each there own I guess, long as I have some in the freezer is what I care about.

From: Sam
The word “Harvest” ….. Dammitt, we kill shit.

From: Twinetickler

From: Teeton
Lol, some of you need to go to therapy.

I had to think for a while. But the only thing thats got my panties in a wad is, me thinking my bow organization now supports xbows.

From: Shug
Grey Ghost when I go out to eat the first thing I do before I order my meal is ask the waitress to put 3 butter pats in her cleavage to soften them up..

Brian M… that’s one of my big pet peeves too. Especially when the douchebag flips it out and it hits my vehicle.

As far as hunting pet peeve… the term “pro staffer”. GTFOH

From: PECO2
Anyone who must have the latest and greatest anything. I don't give a shit how you spend your money, I just think it is ridiculous. Also people who think you need the newest game changing camo pattern every year. Also libtards.

From: billygoat
Did you catch anything?

According to Merriam-Webster, harvest: to gather, catch, hunt, or kill (salmon, oysters, deer, etc.) for human use, sport, or population control. Pet peeve - know-it-alls who clearly don't. Can't we all get along?

People who can't be on time, it's just rude. I have parted ways with several hunting partners over it, they don't even have enough gumption to call and say they are going to be late. Once that happens they get left behind.

From: cnelk
^^^ for sure. If you hunt with me either keep up or catch up.

From: JB
People who use the floss picks and drop them right where they finish. Even when a garbage can is 3 feet away.

Being forced to pay at the pump and the damn receipt printer won't work.

From: BTM
Idiots in hunting camps who don't open the actions on their rifles, and then sweep everyone in camp with their muzzles. Also, outfitters who allow such carelessness.

Also "hunters" who party all night and keep the rest of the camp from sleeping. (Apparently, they came to drink, party, and escape the old lady rather than actually hunt.)

Joe Biden....................................... never thought this country would be lead by a man, this dumb

From: Grey Ghost
Getting a waitress without enough cleavage to warm my butter. ;-)


From: Mhg825
Getting older and having everything hurt from doing nothing!!

From: x-man
People passing off their opinions as facts.

From: Woods Walker
GG....I love your priorities!!! ;-)

From: tobywon
I like warm maple syrup with my pancakes too, move over butter!!! :)

From: spike buck
Ha... I use the word "Harvest" all the time!!

From: hoytshooter1
Rob (wyobullshooter), the unit thing "literally" drives me crazy... glad I'm not the only one

Castle Oak, I'm with you on the yoga pants... but I will appreciate the effort it took to get all that size 20 into a size 2

Turn signals and slow driving the left lane. And then when you pass them on the right side.... they flip you off. A**hats!!

From: tm
Anybody that I give a ride to that light up in my vehicle. Also if I invite you over leave you damn dog at home and be on time, damn I'm getting kinda anti social so better quit.

From: TRnCO
People that release helium filled balloons.

I just want to kick em in the groin and tell them to STOP LITTERING!!!

From: canepole
You know when I saw this thread pop up I'm thinking there's not much that bothers me. Shoot, after reading all the different post I realized that more than half the things here bug the sh*t out of me. Oh yeah, rubber-necking on the highway should be grounds for execution!

Big rigs passing going up hill at the same speed and the passing one being in the no truck lane while the other driver is passing a truck in the truck lane.

From: LINK
TM I’m with you on that one. I have always had dogs but I can’t stand dog people. You know, the ones who have to take their mutt everywhere. Then when it gets in a fight with another dog persons mutt in public they get bent out of shape.

From: DanaC
Oh! But my widdle doggie-woggie is like my child and has to go everywhere with me!

There's reasons I don't keep a baseball bat in the truck... ;-)

From: Rut Nut
People who have “Pet Peaves!” ;-)

From: Jaquomo
Some states call them zones, too. And in CO they are technically called GMUs - Game Management Units. Need to take a class to figure all of this out!

Minnesota calls them zones.

“Did you catch anything?“ ^^^ This Along with lefties and E-bikes. That’s pretty much it.

From: 12yards
Loud crunching of food. LOL. Even though I know I do it too.

From: mooseslayer
Waiting to pay for gas behind some fat lady buying a pack of cigarettes and a diet coke while she's contemplating which lottery ticket to buy that will make her rich, all while I'm in a hurry.

From: Bowboy
Truckers pulling out on the interstate trying to pass another truck and only going 1 mph faster.

From: badbull
Some good ones on here. I would add that one of mine is that the media does not seem to know the difference between a cartridge, bullet, shell, or shot.

Guys who hunt with a failure decoy but think it’s superior to a failure pile;-)

From: DanaC
'Zones' here in MA. Used mainly for allocating doe permits.

From: Grey Ghost
New jeans that are sold with intentional rips and tatters. Especially when older women try to rock them.


From: nchunter
Starting about 10 to 15 years ago commercials where white males were emasculated idiots and women and minorities had all the answers. I figure a democrat president in 10 years will give me some kind of award when my hit song "say it loud, I'm white and I'm proud" comes out to beef up the self esteem of the sorry state of white men.

‘Smoked him!’ Quads/Vehs on no travel trails…Garbage in the forest, wetlands wherever…Not picking up your fricken shotgun shell empties and ‘oh I shoot a auto loader’ doesn’t cut it! We won’t talk about drivers, tweeks and the BLM/Antifa!

From: keepemsharp
Bowboy: have been there going West on 80 through Neb, the truckers will take MILES getting bye one another.

From: Grey Ghost
Being on the east coast, when my Colorado Avs game starts at 9pm.


From: BC173
TM, you’re right on the lighting up in someone else’s rig. Not in my truck you won’t. One thing about people who smoke. If your gonna be stupid, you better be tough. But, I guess my biggest pet peeve is stupid people. How did this country become so dam dumb. And let’s not forget, crossbows. :)

From: Bearman
Barking dogs. (Other then for a reason) .one of my favorite hunting spots has a neighbor, although about 400 yards through the woods that has a yellow lab that barks NON STOP. I purposely try to hunt there on windy days to drowned out the noise. How a person can tolerate a barking dog totally bewilders me.

From: APauls
People spending a month researching the internet and becoming instant microbiologist / _____________(name your vocation). 10 years of schooling and learning means nothing compared to a few minutes on YouTube. After that feel free to correct the professionals on where they went wrong.

I hate it when I'm driving and someone passes me, pulls in front of me, and then slows down to a speed slower than I am/was traveling.

Why would you do that?

From: butcherboy
Having to use way too much TP to clean my hairy ass! No, I will never manscape, ever. A bidet might be installed on my toilet in the near future.

From: t-roy
Guys that are experts on equipment or products, that tell others that a particular product or piece of gear is a sham or is bogus, and the people who try/use it are idiots, yet they have never tried it themselves. Also, guys that worry WAY too much about how some other guy spends his own money.

From: DanaC
Bearman, my neighbor has a rooster. Starts crowing before first light. And yeah, other neighbors have asshole-dogs.

Butcherboy, those disposable 'baby wipes' are a blessing.

From: DanaC
Sorry Rocky, but typing 'authoritarian' all the time is more work ;-)

From: Shug
I thought I was the nutty one!! Just thought of another… When people bleat at a bear to stop it… at least pop your jaws or blow at it… something natural

From: x-man
When people post general threads on the equipment forum. :)

From: Bake
Some good ones here

When a person walks out of a public door, and doesn't check behind them to see if they're dropping a door on the person behind them. I've gotten where I make sure and say "Thank you" in a very sarcastic tone when that happens.

In general, people who don't pay attention to those around them and use common courtesy.

From: Zbone
Left lane drivers... If you're not passing another vehicle, get the he!! out of the left lane...

From: sasquatch
Hoards and hoards of people who need Apple air pods hanging in their ear or ears 24/7

From: Dyjack
People who don't buy a bow until they draw an archery tag because "it's got better odds, and I didnt need a bow until I had a tag."

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo
Lot of get off my lawn types! Oh and I like my AirPods. Having to hold a phone to my face is beginning to be a pet peeve of mine.

From: DanaC
I hate it when people use any and every issue to beat their political drum. I despise some pols to pieces but I don't blame them every time it rains.

From: t-roy
The inconsistency of the pop up ads on Bowsite.

Just when I get in a good rhythm of being able to quickly click on the X to close them out, they disappear for awhile.

From: BTM

BTM's embedded Photo
BTM's embedded Photo
"New jeans that are sold with intentional rips and tatters. Especially when older women try to rock them." Yep, nothing says "shallow" like deliberately torn jeans.

From: Biobow
When I go into a convenience store to get a cup of hot black coffee and I have to wait for the Latte and Cappuccino drinkers who are taking up the entire serving area trying to figure out what syrups, flavored creamers, sweeteners, Almond Milk and other crap to put in their coffee. Then leave a sticky mess.

From: gray1
I have described this a few times .When you go to by some lunch meat (not a good place for a impatient person) the person being waited on is ask how would you like that roast beef.They pinch there fingers together and say a little bit thinner.They bag that and say anything else.Yes a half pound of that turkey.Then they make a slice and says how’s that thickness.Then they hold there fingers up and say a little bit thicker.They bag that up and say will that do it ?Id like a little of that bologna.They produce a slice and say how’s that is that good.They put there hand up and pinch there fingers together and say a little bit thinner.

From: Juancho
Leftists , arrogant people, and those that say they shoot "TRAD". Never heard anyone saying they shoot "COMP" , or a "RIF" or a "PIST" or a "REV" , because it's just plain stupid

You remember the thread a few years back on what everyone did for a living? Were there any psychologists?

Lots of angry people here;-)

From: sitO
Guys who would suggest others need a Psychologist, when it's painfully obvious it's them that needs a Psychologist

Lol Kyle. Baiting works, eh?

From: Jim Moore
Another of mine, along with the GD fur babies in restaurants and stores. People who blow their noses at the table. Puck! Makes want to dump my plate in their faces.

As mentioned above, simple courtesy and respect for those around you is vanishing and nearly extinct along with common sense.

From: DanaC
People who refer to their pets as 'fur babies'.

PETS, dammit.

Juancho, I sometimes type 'trad' because I tend to mis-spell 'traditional' and I hate correcting that crap ;-) (Usually I say I shoot 'recurves'.)

From: Rut Nut
Everybody who voted for this bumbling idiot that we (have to) call President! I watched his press conference the other night about the school shooting ("FOR GOD'S SAKE.........") If this man were not in the White House right now..................................................he'd be in a nursing home! : (

LOL Perry

Lazy thread hijackers. It seems just when I am getting into a thread on Bowsite, some lazy bum comes along and has a line about “not intending to hijack” the thread, but then hijacks the damn thing anyway.

From: nehunter
TV Hunting shows!

A 30 minute show is about 2 minutes of the actual hunt, the rest is commercials or the hunter talking about sponsors.

A celebrity hunter carrying a "Heater Body Suit" to the stand when it's October and 60 degrees.

From: Nemophilist
Liars. I can't stand them.

From: Rut Nut
Hawkeye- it’s really NOT funny at all! The man can’t even read a teleprompter “for God’s sake!” : (

Rut, I hear you. Hope to stop in and see you guys in August.

From: Whatthefoc
Many hunting celebs … heck there’s one who’s name is only a couple letters away from actually being ‘pet peeves’.

People who show me a picture of their bow kill and they have a crossbow. Go ahead, flame me but there is a difference, and I could care less what you killed it with. Just don't tell everyone it is a bow kill.

From: Pop-r

From: badbull
Anyone else hate "laugh track" TV ?

From: Norseman
People that are totally unaware of their surroundings.

That’s about it, but it covers so many scenarios.

From: tobywon
How about reading a thread on Bowsite and toward the end finding out it’s 10 years old…haha

From: Bearman
Fat chick's in yoga pants Fat chick's with tats n face piercings. Fat chick's sitting on a beach trying to catch a tan. Being behind a Fat chick in line at the grocery checkout lane. I just shake my head seeing all the junk "food" they lay out. Fat chicks. Parents that allow their kids to become fat!!

From: Tilzbow
Paying good money for expensive products that don’t work, don’t fit, break, etc. Same with poor service. Unfortunately both are becoming more commonplace in recent years.

From: DanaC
Bearman, you can learn a lot about nutrition by going to the grocery store, and find you a fat mid-20's woman with a couple of fat kids. Look at what's in the cart. Chips, white bread, cookies, soda, cake, cupcakes, juice 'drinks', more chips and ice cream.

It's like a textbook on bad eating habits. Empty junk calories.

From: DanaC

DanaC's Link
Petzal's peeves ;-)

From: BTM
Women in grocery stores who go into some sort of trance and wander down the center of the aisle at 0.01 mph, oblivious to those trying to get around them. Keep to the right, ditz!

Another peeve: Nosy and/or pushy people.

From: DanaC
BTM, or the oblivious ones with the cell phone talking loudly as they stop dead in the aisle.

My pet peeve is people who argue taste in foods. Like when I post "I had a great plate of spaghetti and meatballs" and someone just *has to* pipe up with "I HATE meatballs!"

Well good for you, Sunshine, but why did you come here to rain on my parade? Go drink your friggin pumpkin IPA and eat your onion-and-anchovy bagel with organic peanut butter and artisanal ketchup. In peace!

From: Kannuck
I agree with a lot of these...

A couple more that make me cringe:

People who chew their food with their mouth open. You look like a farm animal.

People who wear their sunglasses indoors.

You know who wears sunglasses indoors? Blind people and a$$holes.

Unthaw!!!??? Drives me crazy even when I say it! :)

From: Bearman
Luke Bryant type country music makes me wanna puke!

Political posts on a bowhunting website.

From: Bearman
Hunting involves politics. Sad but true.

From: Machino
For Juancho and Jack. Compound guys saying crossbows aren't bows. Neither are compounds. Face it, please. Make bowhunting great again

I hate when people don’t answer a text message. I especially hate it when they have their phone set to show that the message was read and they still don’t answer. Pricks.

From: Whatthefoc
Hey Machino, u trying to get on my pet peeves list? :)

From: DanaC
Thisis... - I hate text messages. You got something to tell me? CALL me, dammit! Too dadgum crotchety old for this texting bs. Damn kids on the lawn again...


From: scentman
When someone says "warsh" instead of wash, oh and the "chimily" needs cleaning!

From: smarba
Scentman: similarly I can't figure out why some people say and type "welp" instead of "well". As in "Welp, even though it's raining I guess I'll go hunting."

From: tm
Dana, when they text me I call them and if they don't answer leave a looking heavy breathing message.

From: timex
For all the grammar police out there. I spent more time in the woods behind school smoking pot than I did in English class. So I do in fact have a legitimate excuse. And by the way I did still pass. But just barely.

I live on the coast in va on the eastern shore. The northerners headed to va beach & the outer banks of NC. Come through here driving like idiots. I just don't understand. Their on vacation & still can't relax.

From: JohnMC
Timex you got to be a ‘trad’ guy! My gammer sucks but did not smoking any dope in high school. But did get a contact high riding around in a car of it one night.

Dana, texts are good for a quick conversation or question. I do call when it’s something in-depth.

From: Bou'bound
Very Few pet peeves but one that really does bother me is leprosy

I know I shouldn’t let it get under my skin but I just can’t help it

From: Brun
I come here to hear hunting stories, see pictures, discuss equipment, etc. I have leaned much and been greatly entertained over the years, but the political hijacking of virtually every thread, no matter what the subject, has left me so disgusted that I have reduced my visits to Bowsite by roughly 90%. It has really ruined this experience for me. I am able to make up my own mind about politics and I come here(or used to come here) to get away from the mindless babble I hear from both sides of the media. I also have one grammatical comment about something I see constantly here. I don't come here to get "advise" I come here to get "advice." I might also hope that at times someone will "advise" me of a better way to do something. I will continue to visit here, but I find myself only opening threads that don't sound political, which usually ends in disappointment. I can't believe I'm the only one who feels that way and I think Bowsite is a much lesser experience than it was only a few years ago. Good luck to everyone in the draw and on your hunts this fall.

From: Bou'bound
Amen brun

From: RK
Yep. We all suffer from being shallow at tiñes Ona variety of subjects Shallow us OK

I learned a long time ago that the channel changer allowed you to not get caught up in things that you did not want to get caught up in

Some people can drive by a car accident and not care, others not so much

From: Brun
RK, I'm interested in your response, but can't find out what tines Ona means. I can't type the neyeh and can't get any translation. The last two lines make sense to me, but my ignorance is keeping me from understanding the first line. If you would be willing to explain I'd appreciate it. Thanks

People that draw tags and never hunt for that tag.

From: fuzzy
No, all my peeves are wild, free range and /or feral

From: Zbone
"Locked down" rather than "Hooked up"...8^)))

Sorry, couldn't help myself...8^)

From: Aspen Ghost
People that bring up old threads.

From: 2Wild Bill
People who overestimate the height they hunt from.

From: Zbone
Good one Aspen Ghost...8^)

Oh, just thought of another - those that exaggerate their gross scores rather than official NET...8^)

From: TGbow
Lazy co-workers

From: Huntiam
Dogs barking out of place !

From: DanaC
"People who overestimate the height they hunt from. "

Or ladder stand manufacturers who tell you the height - as measured from the _shooting rail._

people who tailgate or flash their bright lights in the left lane because even though im passing another not going 20 mph over the speed limit like they would like.

people who continue to click and post on threads they claim to have no interest in. :)

From: huntr4477
"People who overestimate the height they hunt from" And also those who overestimate how deep they hike into the woods to hunt.

From: DanaC
Ricky, the worst was this old lady on route 91 south of Hartford doing 60 in the left lane. Came up on her and dam' near crapped my pants. (This is a stretch of road where people will pass you doing 80 breakdown lane. Scary at the best of times!)

I'd say old people driving is one of my pet peeves, but I'm one of those old farts ;-)

Naming deer

i get it danac but if the speed limit is 75 and im doing 80 going around someone...the fact that the guy (or girl) behind me wants to do 95 is not my problem...theyre just going to have to wait...not to mention if he honks his horn or flashes his lights...hell be surprised how long it will take me to bet back over. :)

From: fuzzy
Right on all counts RCG! Happy New Year! I hope some day, some where, some how, that I'll be able to flash my brights behind you while you're "camping" in the left lane ;)

i have no doubt that would be your style pretty much do the equivalent of it here on bowsite...why would the highway be any different?

From: KSflatlander
"Hunters" who actively promote illegal killing of wildlife (poaching).

"Hunters" who care only about propagating "their" big game species of choice and nothing of wildlife conservation.

"So Ricky.......... What your saying is that you'll instigate an argument with your vehicle out on the road , similar to the same as on bowsight.

not in the slightest. if im passing someone on the left...its because they are going slower than me...which is usually a few mph over the speed limit. if someone is going substantially faster than me...thats their choice but theyll have to wait until i get around the slower vehicle. if someone chooses to go 90 mph...does that mean i have to speed up to 90 so as not to piss them off? who is initiating the argument? im already out in the left lane...its them that comes up on me flashing their lights and honking their horn. now, if im in the left lane doing less than the speed the jerk.

2 hundred miles or 2 million miles...if you are traveling that fast in a commercial truck...not only are you already breaking the law (which in my state is 10mph less than cars on the expressway) are a dangerous a**hole.

as it specifically relates to hunting...having a buck on ones "hit list"...or attempting to protect deer until they make it to ones "hit list"... or otherwise taking ownership of a deer just because it happens to be seen on your property.

From: LBshooter
The list is long but here’s a few. 1) hit it a little far back= I’m a crappy shot.

2) all the crap shows try to sell hunters, like ozonics and he said lol .

3) guys who get hysterical with laughter after killing, no respect.

4) Most outdoors shows with all their fake hunting. Like I said the list is long but these are a few , the art of “hunting” has faded and will soon be gone with all the tech now in use.

From: Zbone
Just get out of the left lane Ricky, it's simple the the person will go by ya and you'll never see them again, no harm no foul... Why would you promote road rage and put people LIVES on the line... Stupid, freakn stupid people don't get over and let them by... Pleasuring pissing people off can cause people lives like playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun...

"The old man took an excessive amount of time to pass the this time the suv driver was enraged.......when the old man finally got in the right lane in front of the truck, the suv driver got in the right lane in front of the old man and slammed on the brakes, the old man overreacted and ended upside down in the ditch, the Tractor trailer locked his brakes & jack knifed the 2nd suv was in the ditch in the medium.

Lots of wrongs happened, #1 the old man should've never been in the left lane going 1-2 mph faster than the truck, #2 the truck could've completely de escalated the situation by simply slowing down for 1 minute. Absolutely the suv driver lost his composure,,,road rage,,,this driver never should've been transporting children,with such poor mental composure." vehicle is at fault for the entire accident. nothing...let me repeat...nothing would have happened if the guy in the suv hadnt done what he did...period. everyone else was doing what they should have been doing. the truck driver did nothing wrong. the old man did nothing wrong. only the suv driver did something wrong.

"I could be wrong, but I get the impression that you somehow you get some form of pleasure, being the old man in the left lane......"

you are wrong...i dont play games in an automobile.

now let me ask you a question. are you suggesting that in order to pass someone on the left...i must break the law? how many mph is it acceptable to break the law by in order to keep the guy behind me from getting mad? 5mph? 10mph? 20 mph?

if youre a commercial driver and you dont know the answer to those are a dangerous a**hole.

"Just get out of the left lane Ricky, it's simple the the person will go by ya and you'll never see them again, no harm no foul..."

thats exactly what i do...just as soon as im a safe distance past the person im passing. what would you suggest...hit my brakes and get back in behind him so the person can pass me?

if im already in the left lane passing someone...and you come up on me going 10...15 or 20 mph faster than me... would you rather i slow down even more so i can get back in behind the car im passing? or would rather i run that car off the road?

wouldnt the prudent thing be for you to take your foot off the gas a little until i get around?

i have news for you...the guy going substantially faster than traffic in general is the one putting "people lives on the line." if the guy in the right lane is going 70...and im passing him going 75...and some jackweed comes up on us going 90...its relatively easy to figure out who the "Stupid, freakn stupid people" are "playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun..."

From: Highlife

From: Zbone
Ricky use some common sense and common CURTESY and let the car go by, you haven't a clue why he's speeding, it could be an emergency, you're an azz...

From: bluedog
Ricky, were you a hall monitor in school? Just curious ;)

From: Zbone
You're kidding right, you're going to back up traffic so you can listen to the radio... Unfreaknbelieveable... Take 30 seconds off your radio and let'm pass, geezzzz...

From: Highlife
In Illinois it's illegal to hang out in the hammer lane unless your passing. Politician got pissed sitting behind a road monitor for 15 miles. Following session the new law.

From: Zbone
I gotta get off this thread to keep my blood from boiling... Take care folks, and please be careful and safe out there on the road...

"Ricky use some common sense and common CURTESY and let the car go by, you haven't a clue why he's speeding, it could be an emergency, you're an azz..."

ill ask again.

im already in the left lane passing a slower car. a car comes up on me at a much faster rate of speed.. what am i supposed to do? am i supposed to speed up even faster to satisfy him? slow down even more and try to tuck back in behind the car im passing... which will piss him off even more? or do i continue at my current speed until im a safe distance past the car im passing and merge back into the right lane? or i guess i could just run the guy im passing off the road.

i can assure you there is only one correct answer here....and the only azz is the guy coming up on me at a high rate of speed.

Nyati, don’t take it personal. Zbone sometimes has a tough time with the jokes on the monthly funnies threads as well. Haha!

From: KSflatlander
Good grief Timex. Did you not see that Ricky said multiple times he was passing. I agree with Ricky that if the idiot driving way too fast, tailgating, and flashing lights can wait a few seconds until he merges right. It's the reckless idiot who is being aggressive.

Poor planning on your part is not an emergency on mine.

"Ricky, were you a hall monitor in school? Just curious..."

quite the opposite really. i suggest you go back and read the thread. all i did was post a "pet peeve" of mine...

"people who tailgate or flash their bright lights in the left lane because even though im passing another not going 20 mph over the speed limit like they would like."

...and it was the usual suspects that take issue with everything i post that decided to turn it into a pissing match.

i was very clear about the situation i was referring to and others had to try to turn it into everything but...just so they could argue.

"Good grief Timex. Did you not see that Ricky said multiple times he was passing. I agree with Ricky that if the idiot driving way too fast, tailgating, and flashing lights can wait a few seconds until he merges right. It's the reckless idiot who is being aggressive."

thank you...we dont agree much...but at least you can read. lol

From: Jack Harris
Gun hunting deer drives and perfectly capable bowhunters using crossbows in general archery season. Oh - and crossbow deer drives.

Oh and for you brother Shug - my personal P&Y scorer... Net score and deductions. I want every inch counted - nets are for fish! Need to come see you soon :)

From: Grey Ghost
I generally make sure there isn't a faster moving vehicle coming up on me, and I have plenty of time to pass, before I move into the left lane.

"I generally make sure there isn't a faster moving vehicle coming up on me, and I have plenty of time to pass, before I move into the left lane."

i do just doesnt always work out that way...people can come up on your pretty quick...especially when youre passing more than one vehicle...or the vehicle youre passing speeds up a little when they realize youre passing...women on the phone love to do that.

From: Grey Ghost
"i do just doesnt always work out that way...people can come up on your pretty quick...especially when youre passing more than one vehicle...or the vehicle youre passing speeds up a little when they realize youre passing...women on the phone love to do that."

I hear you. Even worse than the jackasses who tailgate and flash their lights at you, when you are already driving over the speed limit, are the idiots who pass you, move back into the right lane in front of you, then slow down. I guess where we differ is this:

"...not to mention if he honks his horn or flashes his lights...hell be surprised how long it will take me to bet back over. :)

I usually try to accommodate the impatient jerks by getting back over to the right as quickly as I can do it safely, even if it means speeding up a little more.


"I usually try to accommodate the impatient jerks by getting back over to the right as quickly as I can do it safely, even if it means speeding up a little more."

as do i...i was being somewhat facetious on that part...hence the smiley face.

From: fuzzy
You're right on all counts RCG. HAPPY NEW YEAR

From: Md2bintn
Pet peave The words professional and truck driver in the same sentence. I’ve done CDL physicals for around 10 years and have met some nice folks but none I’d call professional

From: Highlife

From: BoilerRoom
Velcro .yuck !!!

From: HDE
People adopting or accepting an idea because it's popular or "common" thinking it's right even though it's wrong.

From: fuzzy
Timex I have a similar story. I will tell it over a beer or two after we ride "Back of The Dragon" sometime.

From: scentman
Bowsiters with bogus registered names.

From: bluedog
"had 1 doc require me to drop my drawers & caugh while he fondled my balls,,,,,,"

One of the reasons I've had only female primary Doctors for over 40 years (only 2 in that time ).

Just staying in my comfort zone I reckon ;)

From: fuzzy
Bluedog they (lady docs and NPs) don't fondle your balls as much but they sure like the DPE after you turn 50

From: bluedog
fuzzy.....when a lady Doc slips on the rubber glove their small lady fingers are a plus for sure.

From: Bake
For the people that like to take their time passing or won’t get over or move if someone honks: what if that person has an emergency?

We live 25 miles from the nearest ER. memorial day in 2018 I believe. My 6 year old daughter crashed her Atv. Gaping wound in her forehead the size of a quarter. She’s screaming. Bleeding everywhere.

I’m driving as fast as I can to the ER on a divided highway that sees a lot of lake traffic. Guy in the left lane won’t get out of the way. Then he sees I’m in a hurry so he slows down and won’t let me by.

I had an emergency. He was being a jerk.

I’m still upset about it. I was just about to the point of intentionally running him off the road when we got to the ER. wish I could meet that jerk today

From: midwest
Constant misuse of the verb, "seen". I "seen" this, I "seen" that. Stop it!!

Using "could of" instead of "could've" or "could have".

Improper use of there, their, they're, to, too, quite, quiet.

Que the grammar Nazi meme.

From: Grey Ghost
Bake, I had a similar issue, only with one of our dogs that got hit by a car. The nearest animal hospital is over an hour away. I was pushing my pickup to its limits, flashing, honking, and riding the ass of every vehicle I came up on. It was infuriating how many people were either oblivious to my efforts to get around them, or intentionally wouldn't let me pass. Ultimately, our pup's injuries were too serious and we had to put him down. Ever since then, I don't automatically assume every excessive speeder is just being a dangerous a-hole, and I make every effort to let them pass.


From: drycreek
People who text me but don’t proofread their texts, so I then have to figure out what the hieroglyphics mean.

Politicians who text me wanting money who don’t even live in my state.

Politicians that text me wanting money who don’t even live in my district.

Politicians who text me wanting money.


Pretty much anybody who likes David Petzal. ;-))

From: DanaC
That neighbor with the big built up 'muy macho' pick up truck who has to let it warm up for 20 minutes every morning so he can drive his cotton candy ass to work.

From: Matt
“Timex I have a similar story. I will tell it over a beer or two after we ride "Back of The Dragon" sometime.”

I laugh every time you tell me the story of that time you impersonated a DOT doctor. Great stuff….

From: fuzzy
Lol@ Matt ;)

From: Bou'bound
Midwest a lot of people prolly agree with you on that grammar thing

From: muliemad
Smoked em!! Hate that phrase, seems to be the favorite of all tv celebrity hunters.

From: Groundhunter
Wow. Some of you guys are wired wrong.... no deer drives, geesh.... we always drive our farms. And you all must live in heavy traffic areas. I Stay in right lane. ,,when on big hwys.

From: Rock
cnelk X2, "2 faced people - the kind that are nice to your face and then stick it to ya when they can"

From: Bou'bound
Midwest a lot of people prolly agree with you on that grammar thing

From: Scoot
I seen what you did there, Bou!

From: Nick Muche
Hotdogs wrapped in bacon.

From: Coyote 65
When someone asks you for advice on a particular unit, you give it, and then you never hear back from them.


From: fuzzy
I have saw that happen alot Terry.

From: Mule Power
People who don’t grasp the value of good public land elk hunting spots.

My brother used to show up with “some guy from work”. What do you think happened? Two years ago I took a young guy to Wyoming. He was sending his Colorado partner screenshots from OnX. I told him with all seriousness… your phone will end up in the wood stove! Yesterday talking about license apps he asked if he could bring a friend. I didn’t even answer. Just laughed.

"I was pushing my pickup to its limits, flashing, honking, and riding the ass of every vehicle I came up on."

sorry but regardless how serious the injuries might have put your pups life over the lives of every single person you encountered (as well as your own) on the highway that day...and put them all in danger.

like it or were the "dangerous a-hole" that day.

From: fuzzy
Ricky you so funny! ;)

From: Mule Power
TBM is that you?

From: Grey Ghost
"like it or were the "dangerous a-hole" that day."

Damn right I was. And it was nanny pricks like you that made it worse. I think bluedog has you pegged, you were a hall monitor in school. I also don't think you were being "facetious" about intentionally holding up faster drivers. It fits your irritating argumentative personality perfectly.


From: fuzzy
Matt, I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier. I'm so sorry about your dog. It hurts.

From: Grey Ghost
Thanks Fuzzy, it still hurts. The pup was only a year old and shaping up to be the best dog we've ever had. Watching him take his last breath in the hospital room is a memory I wish I could scrub from my brain.

From: HDE
People type (write) how they speak.

You really don't notice it until you read it...

From: Mike B
My #1 Bowsite pet-peeve is seeing where RTCG enters a thread, and within just a couple posts gets into a big pissing match over some meaningless jot or tiddle in another's comment....after awhile, the pissing match boils down to just three or four pissers, which dominates the thread for eternity.

Md2bintn: I guess it depends on how you define "Professional". True, not every driver has a college education or looks as sharp as the Maytag repair man, however I've met hundreds of big truck drivers who have a million miles, or more, of accident free safe driving. Add in a commitment to the job plus some decent customer service traits and you've got a "Professional" driver. As much as I dislike Walmart for keeping China in business, their drivers are professionals, and most earn over $120k a year.

And sadly, just as in any other profession, there's a few boneheads as well.

From: btnbuck
I can't stand tail gaiters. Get off my azz or go around. I even move over in my lane (and sometimes slowdown) so they can see it's clear to go around. If you back off 2 seconds worth of distance, guess what. You'll get there two seconds later. Oh, and don't take my front bumper off reentering my lane also. That takes away my "clear stopping distance"

Guys wanting every inch of antler counted, but still like that "empty" spread measurement. :-)

People who don't like it when I say something is more better or the udder one I use "eggsactly".

Arrogant people or people who feel entitled or rude people in general.

From: fuzzy
Mike B, you're right ;)

From: jjs
Bicyclist riding double in one lane, especially women, need to read the rules of the road.

From: HDE
People driving in the left lane of a 4 lane hwy (closest to the median) as though it's a cruising lane.

And then referring to it as "the fast lane"...

From: Canepole
I still despise rubbernecker's.

From: Bent arrow
Jobama and his crew of clowns.

another pet peeve of mine is when someone repeatedly pokes a dog...and then whines like a baby when they get bit.

From: Stoneman
Lack of accountability, pick any application.

From: fuzzy
RCG right again!

From: BC
Not hunting related but people texting while driving. Very dangerous and plain rude to other drivers.

From: Matt
My pet peeve is hypocrites

“you are wrong...i dont play games in an automobile.”

“...not to mention if he honks his horn or flashes his lights...hell be surprised how long it will take me to bet back over. :)”

From: RK

From: fuzzy
Matt and also the dog-poking thing. ;)

"...and also the dog-poking thing."

lots of people poke the dog here...thats to be expected...its the dogs reaction that differs.

some dogs bite back...some dogs snarl and bark...some dogs lay in wait for the right opportunity to attack...some dogs attack in packs...some dogs walk away...and some dogs just whimper and dribble pi** all over the place.

bowsite is a real study in canine behavior for sure... :)

From: fuzzy
You are very right Ricky

""""(((HUGE)))""" difference between poking the dog with a keyboard & words on the internet......

Or out there on the road imposing your will upon others with your vehicle......"

i couldnt agree more...

"pushing my pickup to its limits, flashing, honking, and riding the ass of every vehicle I came up on" monumentally stupid...not to mention extremely dangerous. i dont care what anybody dog is worth risking the live of another human being who just happens to be driving down the road.

From: fuzzy
^We already said you're right.

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