Sitka Gear
Contributors to this thread:
Mike Ukrainetz 22-Jun-22
Mike Ukrainetz 24-Jun-22
Mike Ukrainetz 25-Jun-22
Mike Ukrainetz 27-Jun-22
Mike Ukrainetz 27-Jun-22
Daff 28-Jun-22
carcus 29-Jun-22
hunt forever 07-Aug-22

Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike's bull from Sept 15, 2021. Killed on a spot and stalk style hunt.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike's bull from Sept 15, 2021. Killed on a spot and stalk style hunt.

Mike Ukrainetz's Link
Hey Bowsiters, we have an opening for one bowhunter for a one on one guided Canada moose bow only hunt (no crossbows allowed) for this fall, 2022, Sept 7 to 14 for a 7 day hunt, here in Alberta, Canada. The cost is $6500 USD plus 5% GSTax and a $530 license, totaling $7355 USD. It's our last moose hunt opening for 2022.

You'll get 7 full days to hunt beginning in the afternoon on Sept 7 to the afternoon on Sept 14. We never lose any days to weather like you do with so many fly in or boat based hunts. Ours is a lodge based hunt so we can go by truck, 4 wheeler and walking to get into a new place to hunt every single day. You can take all of your meat home if you drive up. In many remote areas in Canada you don't get to keep all your meat, here you can take it all. Our moose, elk and mule deer hunts are all normally done as 2 hunters on 1 guide so this is a rare opportunity to do the hunt 1 on 1 guided at no extra charge with a local guide who lives right in the hunting zone.

The 45" moose pictured is a pretty big one for the area, most of the archery bulls we kill are smaller, 30-40 inches wide, but some we kill with rifles are much larger, so it’s always a possibility to kill a big 50 inch wide bull. That’s about as big as they get here though. It can be a physically easy hunt, where you can hunt out of tree stands and also do some spotting and then calling the bulls into bow range. We do light social calling that is very effective in this pre/early rut period.

Call anytime at 780 864 7736 for more info or post any questions here. I'm not always quick to respond on bowsite messaging.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike’s bull from 2019
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike’s bull from 2019
Here’s another archery bull I killed in 2019. It’s the quality of bull that is available in our area if you hold out and are willing to maybe not kill a bull. As an Alberta resident I can get an over the counter tag and I killed in 2019 and 2021 but not in 2020, I held out in 2020, hunted moose and elk for myself for about 5-6 days and didn’t kill one. We also haven’t had dedicated moose only guided hunters in the Sept 7 to 14 time frame when the bulls are hard horned and more susceptible to rut-like calling as the rut begins.

If you are on a 1 on 1 guided moose hunt with us for a week with no elk tag to distract you from your mission, I believe you can get a shot at a bull of this class on this 7 day hunt with a mix of treestand hunting and spot and stalk, or more like spot from the truck, then call into range or walk up on them while calling. The tree stand hunting over natural salt licks is very effective for getting a close range, very controlled shot with little likelihood to miss or wound, but most of the bulls that come into the licks are younger, 2-3 yr old, less than 35 inch bulls. Spot and stalk style moose hunts are where you are more likely to find a bigger bull but it's also where misses and wounds are a bit of a problem too but we can’t do much about that, we can't keep people's emotions under control. We can usually range find every shot and get shots under 40 yds, and even a 60-70 yd shot on a target as big as a moose is very doable if you know the distance, aim in the right spot and can keep your sh*t together.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike’s 2016 bull.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike’s 2016 bull.
Here’s a small one I killed in 2016. He was in an easy to get out spot so I decided to take him. Plus I had spooked him out of a patch of woods and he ran 200 yards away down an open cutline so I wanted to see if I could bring him back to me. I did pleading, short cow calls as loud as I could and he stopped his running, turned towards me, listened for a bit then came trotting all the way back. I shot him at 20 yds in the wide open. I guess he liked my calls.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike’s 2013 moose, called into 25 yds.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike’s 2013 moose, called into 25 yds.
I drew a rut tag in 2013 and held out for a Pope and Young qualifying bull. I called in about a dozen bulls different bulls to less than 40 yds but none would make it. It’s difficult to assess a rutting bull as he closes in on you and not just shoot him but I was able to hold out. I finally found this bull and thought he might make it and I had ran out of days to hunt. I had to get back to guiding. I called him into 25 yds, shot him, complete pass through. He didn’t make P and Y, oh well, he tasted the same!


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Jake Carrick from Ontario with another archery bull from 2020.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Jake Carrick from Ontario with another archery bull from 2020.
Well, I was just getting going posting archery moose kills when I think I’ve got the hunt sold. Will know for sure in a about a week. More pics to come if not sold…good luck on your moose hunts!

From: Daff
They require proof of covid shot?

From: carcus
Thats a great deal Mike

From: hunt forever
Mike can you pm me

  • Sitka Gear