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Curt Wells Goat Hunt TV
Mountain Goat
Contributors to this thread:
Bou'bound 27-Jun-22
Charlie Rehor 27-Jun-22
Pat Lefemine 27-Jun-22
Jasper 27-Jun-22
groundhunter50 27-Jun-22
Old Bow 27-Jun-22
BULELK1 28-Jun-22
BC 28-Jun-22
SBH 28-Jun-22
Chuckster 28-Jun-22
bigeasygator 28-Jun-22
iceman 28-Jun-22
No Mercy 28-Jun-22
Dale06 28-Jun-22
Taxidermy man 28-Jun-22
Bou'bound 28-Jun-22
Bowfreak 28-Jun-22
Old Reb 28-Jun-22
t-roy 28-Jun-22
BULELK1 29-Jun-22
Robear 29-Jun-22
Pat Lefemine 29-Jun-22
Dale06 29-Jun-22
bigeasygator 29-Jun-22
t-roy 29-Jun-22
bigeasygator 29-Jun-22
Bou'bound 30-Mar-23
4nolz@work 30-Mar-23
BTM 31-Mar-23
Saphead 31-Mar-23
From: Bou'bound
If people have not seen the new Bowhunter TV show with Curt going after BC goat, second time 10 years later, it is must watch TV. A lot of hunting shows get a well earned bad-rap, but this show was absolutely excellent. I don't know that there has ever been a better more complete show fit into that timeframe.

The viewer was taken along and felt the emotion, the ups, downs, pains, frustrations, respect, fatigue, weather problems, slips and falls, anxiety over injuries, the whole gamut of of what it means to try to get in range of those things.

It's next to impossible to get all that into 20 minutes of video, but they did it with this show like none I have ever seen. If people get what they deserve, which is not always the case, Curt certainly deserves to get his goat at some point. One thing is for sure, he took tens of thousands of people who will never go goat hunting along with him on that adventure. Amazing.

And today he’s with Rob Nye and Kent Wolowski on a remote bear hunt in Saskatchewan. Livin the dream. Quite a Bowhunter and great guy.

From: Pat Lefemine
Curt is the best. He has definitely earned the high bar set by MR and Dwight. I have the utmost respect for the crew at Bowhunter.

From: Jasper
Gotta watch this!

I always enjoyed all of their hunts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Have no idea where the money comes from, since I have done 10 hunts, in 40 years, out of the box, and know the costs,,,,, I think all of the guys are first class,,,,,,,, I miss Dwight Schuh, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I could do less of Carney, but would love to see Larry Jones more, that guy was the real deal.................Curt does a great job,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

From: Old Bow
Ground hunter 50 X 100

It was pretty good to watch.

I think he said he was 67 years old at the time of the hunt.

Good luck, Robb

From: BC
The crew at Bowhunter is top notch.

From: SBH
Is there a way to watch online?

From: Chuckster
Yep, said he was 67, incredible. It was a great episode to watch. That pack looked like it weighed about 70lbs.

From: bigeasygator
Have it taped and looking forward to watching it when I get home. Something about goat hunts that pull me in unlike any other species.

From: iceman
Same for me. Got it on the DVR

^^^^ x3

For me it’s where goats live, they are very tough, with an iconic profile. To me, more iconic and unique than the mountain sheep species.

From: No Mercy
Curt is a great bowhunter, a humble man and has filled the shoes of his predecessors very well. I am proud to call him a friend.

From: Dale06
I sure do like that show, when Curt is hunting. He seems like the real deal and unlike some others in that kind of role, he’s not full of himself, or a phony.

It said this is part 1 of 2? But it sure looked like the hunt was over?

From: Bou'bound
I did not see it was a part 1. They packs up and left at the end of the show.

From: Bowfreak
I am glad I started bowhunting when I did. I will never forget my excitement when the new Bowhunter magazine came out. Whenever I got one in the mail I would set down and power through it. Things have changed so much in that amount of time, but I couldn't wait to follow the adventures of all of the writers. M.R. James set the bar very high, but I am sure he couldn't be more proud of what both Dwight and Curt brought to the table. The whole Bowhunter crew has been and still is the epitome of class.

That being said.....I can't wait to watch it tonight.

From: Old Reb
I think part 1 was when he went goat hunting in 2012.

From: t-roy
Agree with Dale06. Curt comes across to me, as a pretty humble guy.

+1 on the backpack looking like it was very full and Heavy!!

It was on again this early AM and I watched it again.

Good luck, Robb

From: Robear
Curt and I hunted the same ranch in Kansas at the same time for several years. He always had a cameraman with him, of course. Never once, was there any kind of friction between us, and he was genuinely happy whenever I killed a nice deer, as I was for him. I know he is under pressure to get footage for a show, but he was always a good sportsman, and represented our sport very well. We still hunt with the same outfitter, although that ranch went to another outfitter. I hope to see Curt this fall and enjoy another meal with him. He had some great stories!

From: Pat Lefemine
The show is on right now, 9:30 Eastern on Sportsman Channel

From: Dale06
Just watched his latest goat hunt. I’m now way to old to try such a hunt, and not sure I was ever tough enough to do a back pack goat hunt.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
There’s nothing quite like them, Dale. I know the thought of quitting certainly crossed my mind at times on my goat hunt. It may sound somewhat cliche, but I do believe there is something to even going through with a goat hunt. I know I can’t wait to get back after them.

From: t-roy
Is that a grin or a grimace, BEG??

From: bigeasygator
Yes, t-roy!

From: Bou'bound

From: 4nolz@work
I happened to see that show and was impressed

I have always been shocked that sheep hunts are drastically higher in price when everyone knows. The goat is the G.O.A.T.

They live above sheep for a reason :>))))

Look forward to the show. No corny music, no chest thumping and they show warts an all when the hunt doesn’t go well.

From: BTM
"He seems like the real deal and unlike some others in that kind of role, he’s not full of himself, or a phony." So true!

From: Saphead
Great episode! A little clip of long ago hunt with a kill thrown in was interesting. Curt was amazing on his "March of death"

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