Moultrie Mobile
Rattlesnake posing yesterday
Contributors to this thread:
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
DanaC 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
wytex 29-Jun-22
JL 29-Jun-22
P&Y400 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
TheGreatWapiti 29-Jun-22
P&Y400 29-Jun-22
Bou'bound 29-Jun-22
Brotsky 29-Jun-22
Casekiska 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
Rgiesey 29-Jun-22
APauls 29-Jun-22
tm 29-Jun-22
Beendare 29-Jun-22
TGbow 29-Jun-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 29-Jun-22
JohnMC 29-Jun-22
Casekiska 29-Jun-22
TGbow 29-Jun-22
Bowbender 29-Jun-22
SBH 29-Jun-22
cnelk 29-Jun-22
cnelk 29-Jun-22
Ironbow 29-Jun-22
Ron Niziolek 29-Jun-22
bigswivle 29-Jun-22
bigswivle 29-Jun-22
t-roy 29-Jun-22
Oryx35 30-Jun-22
DanaC 30-Jun-22
BULELK1 30-Jun-22
hawkeye in PA 30-Jun-22
JohnMC 30-Jun-22
Grey Ghost 30-Jun-22
deerhunter72 30-Jun-22
Beendare 30-Jun-22
goelk 30-Jun-22
SBH 05-Jul-22
nchunter 05-Jul-22
LBshooter 05-Jul-22
badbull 05-Jul-22
JohnMC 05-Jul-22
Pop-r 05-Jul-22
Will 05-Jul-22
From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo
Found this guy yesterday while doing some antelope scouting/visiting with landowners. He was willing to pose for a few photos. We did not harm him maybe against my better judgement.

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: DanaC
Handsome guy, in a 'f* around and find out' sorta way ;-)

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: wytex
Nice pics! We've relocated more rattlers this summer, so far, than last 2 years combined.

From: JL
Beautiful pics!!

From: P&Y400
Cool photos.

From: JohnMC
Wytex where do you relocate them to? Liz Cheney's place? Or is she the snake you are talking about relocating?

Great pics John! Thanks.

From: P&Y400
Cool photos.

From: Bou'bound
gorgeous animal and photos. magnificent.

From: Brotsky
Awesome photos John! Nice work!

From: Casekiska
Thanks for not harming him. Sometimes better to take a picture & a memory than a life. Beautiful photos,..." cover pictures!"

From: JohnMC
Case us hunters normally take lives. It was no where near where I am going to have a blind come season or he would have been dead. Guess I am get soft in my middle age. I have not let many go over the years. Thanks for the complement.

From: Rgiesey
I’ve mostly let them go. Now I kill some near houses or blinds

From: APauls
Cool stuff John.

From: tm
Great pictures.

From: Beendare

Beendare's embedded Photo
Beendare's embedded Photo
I’ve found a couple like that…grin

From: TGbow
John, what species of rattler yal have in Colorado?

Great pictures John. You have quite the talent for photography

From: JohnMC
TG - Prairie rattlesnakes. They are relatively small. I'd guess around 3 feet. That one is typical of what I find in the area in size.

From: Casekiska
Hey JohnMC,...I was just complimenting you on the photos, not trying to make a political statement. I certainly am well aware that hunters take lives,...I've rifle and bow hunted my native Wisconsin, out west, and in Ontario,...and, at age 77, have taken numerous big game animals (the truth is, I've actually lost count of how many). I have also let plenty of animals walk. There is no shame in that, just as there is no shame in pulling the trigger. Either is an honorable outcome. Again sir, very nice photos.

From: TGbow
Ok. .we have the Diamondback and the Timber Rattler here. I've seen some so big I think they would break your leg if that struck you.

From: Bowbender
Where's Rut Nut?

From: SBH
Great pics.....I hope you don't regret your decision. Bet you'll be checking your blind extra close before you climb in!

From: cnelk

cnelk's embedded Photo
cnelk's embedded Photo
I killed this prairie rattler many years ago as it was in the old horse pen we were using. He was 54” long and I still have him on the wall

From: cnelk

cnelk's embedded Photo
cnelk's embedded Photo
I kill ‘em when I see ‘em.

From: Ironbow
They are good eating why not kill the them?

From: Ron Niziolek
Great pics John!

From: bigswivle
I “accidentally” ran over one a couple months ago. Almost 6’, 17rattles and a button.

From: bigswivle

From: t-roy
Great pics, John! Looks like you’re only a couple of feet away when you took the pics. How far away are you actually from him?

From: Oryx35
Nice pics!

Beendare, those bows are beautiful! Did you make them?

From: DanaC
T-roy, judging by the shallow 'depth of focus' I'm guessing he has a good zoom lens on his camera. And is using it beautifully ;-) Those are some great shots.

L@@king good John!

You da Photo Man,


Nice pictures, I've been to close a couple of times and was very lucky. I'm to the point I'm happy not seeing them or hearing them!

From: JohnMC
Troy I was probably about 8-10 feet from it.

From: Grey Ghost
Great pics, John, and kudos for not killing it. I've killed a few that got too close to my house, because I feared for my dogs, otherwise I live and let live. I believe they serve a valuable purpose in Mother Nature's grand scheme.


From: deerhunter72
Awesome pics as always! 8-10 feet is too close for comfort for me because I don't like snakes. Would've been tough for me to let it go alive, but kudos to you for doing so! Just seeing that snake brings to mind the snake bite thread from a few years back. Can't remember who it was, but he was lucky to survive and he sure did suffer.

From: Beendare
Oryx, Those are ILF limbs. I bought the skins on Ebay and glued the skins on myself with waterproof wood glue then dusted 4 coats of matte finish poly over them- easy

It’s been about eight years on the one prairie rattler set of limbs and they’ve been through the rain and many hunts- they have held up well.

From: goelk
cnelk is that a cap & ball 32 caliber

From: SBH
Great pics.....I hope you don't regret your decision. Bet you'll be checking your blind extra close before you climb in!

From: nchunter
Great pictures. I had a farmer in southeastern Georgia ask me to kill the hogs at night that were getting in his corn field and garden. I started my walk to my treestand down a dirt road at dusk. There was eastern diamondbacks every 30 yards on that road through that cornfield. It was terrifying walk out because I had to walk blindly through about 50 yards of corn rows to get out before the dirt road. I heard rattling 2 times as I was going through. I never saw the ones making the noise. The next morning we went driving across the property. I bet the average rattler was 5 feet long and there sure was a bunch of them sunning on the asphalt roads. I told the farmer I was not crossing that corn at night ever again.

From: LBshooter
So deadly and yet beautiful at the same time. I have a set of skins waiting to go on a bow. Not such much of the attitude of killing them when I see them. Most don't need to be killed, they don't want to have contact with you any more then you want with them. Great for keeping verminous down, and let's face it, snakes do what snakes do. If your not going to eat them or use thier skins the. Let them be. Unless they are around the house , but you could relocate them.

From: badbull
John, great pictures as always. I'm a little curious what the landowners say as to whether to kill or let be. Once I had a rancher mad at me for letting one of those mean little buggers live.

From: JohnMC
Badbull most of them will kill them, but they don't seem to worried about them either. I'd say they rarely bring them up unless we do. I would guess they would be more upset about letting a coyote live.

From: Pop-r
I can't imagine seeing that thing and not killing it.

From: Will
Amazing pic's! Super cool snakes.

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