WY sheep unit 5
Contributors to this thread:Wild Sheep
From: DonVathome
If anyone is willing to share info about rifle hunting sheep in WY unit 5 please PM me. I cannot bowhunt unit 5 in August or September. I drew unit 22 and my permit let's me start sheep hunting in unit 5 October 1. I am looking for anyone willing to share where they found sheep, Nonwilderness areas only please.
From: DonVathome
Maybe some got annoyed I asked for intel on where they found sheep. I only said that because I do not need any other info. I have hunted this area for elk twice the same time of year. I have hunted sheep twice before (Rockies in Co & desert in NV). I have been following unit 5 for 20 years and have already spoken to a dozen guys. If anyone has hunted WY sheep unit 5 in the last 15 years please send me a PM if you are willing to talk about your experience. I will only be hunting nonwilderness.