Mathews Inc.
William Watson $$ my deer shoulder mount
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Handle 24-Jul-22
Bou'bound 24-Jul-22
Blood 24-Jul-22
fuzzy 24-Jul-22
Charlie Rehor 24-Jul-22
Brotsky 24-Jul-22
Chuckster 24-Jul-22
deerhunter72 24-Jul-22
molsonarcher 24-Jul-22
grizzley21 24-Jul-22
8point 24-Jul-22
Jaquomo 24-Jul-22
JL 24-Jul-22
Scrappy 24-Jul-22
Corax_latrans 24-Jul-22
LINK 24-Jul-22
deerhunter72 24-Jul-22
JL 24-Jul-22
Jaquomo 25-Jul-22
wildwilderness 25-Jul-22
Bou'bound 25-Jul-22
Shawn 25-Jul-22
Quinn @work 25-Jul-22
TreeWalker 25-Jul-22
4nolz@work 25-Jul-22
From: Handle
I have a 6x5 mule deer I shot and it's also in an issue of trophy hunter magazine and I also have those 2 and was wondering what you might pay for that

From: Bou'bound
nothing for me.

Others may have a higher value on it though.

I am sure it is a gorgeous mount of your deer and a great story. congrats.

From: Blood
What’s Trophy Hunter Magazine?

What issue? And do you have some pics of these racks you’re looking for a value on??

From: fuzzy
They make good knife handles, maybe $150

Make sure you think this through. Often times the trophy seller has deep regrets about parting with their trophy.

From: Brotsky
As a general rule, not nearly as much as the owner thinks we should.

From: Chuckster
What's it worth to you? Almost priceless. What's it worth to everybody else? Hardly anything. I still have the crappy little 3x3 antlers from my first big game animal (deer) in the mid 80's. Brings back great memories when I see them. Like Charlie said, think this through.

From: deerhunter72
Good advice from Charlie. Sadly, it won’t be worth nearly as much as you’d think. Always worth more to the hunter who took the animal. I had some WT shoulder mounts given to me when we bought our current home and I had to basically gave them away in a yard sale to get rid of them.

From: molsonarcher
Keep the deer and sell him the reproduction rights instead. You get a cut off of every repro mount he does, plus the upfront sale rights.

From: grizzley21
look at ebay.. some of those big antlers/ sheds go for big money..

From: 8point
Unless you are in dire need for money why worry. I'm 78 , and don't have anyone lined up who wants any of my mounts. I've got a 150" 8 point whitetail, a 36" Dall ram, a 31" full curl ram my brother took on a very special hunt we had together. I have a goat mount, moose antlers, caribou antlers, deer antlers, sheep horns as well as several near P&Y whitetail mounts. They're all hung in my barn, and is the environment they're in good for their condition, of course not. The point is, they all mean something special to me, and they will last as long as I'm around.

From: Jaquomo
Unless the rack is truly spectacular, what Charlie said. Post up a photo and a score for us. The real value in antlers now is for dog chews unless yours is so special that someone wants it for a lodge decoration. There are people who specialize in decorating the big mountain McMansion third and fourth homes of the wealthy.

From: JL
My nephew made a nice antler knife for me this year out of a buck I shot last year. As I understand it....knife makers and other artisans may value certain antlers.

I'd be curious to see a photo of the OP's muley. Hopefully he will post it up. If he is not familiar with how to post photo's here....let us know.

From: Scrappy
Not sure of your question, but if your looking to get the most you can for it. Take it to Jackson, right there on the square where the full size mount of the Buffalo they have a bunch of mounts for sale for outrageous prices. Trying to sale to the billionaires in the neighborhood. Maybe they would sale it for you on consignment.

Check your local Craigslist. See what people are asking.

Probably worth more than they cost if you find the right Decorator working on a multi-million dollar, 8 days-a-year-occupied Lodge….

From: LINK
I wouldnt settle for pocket change and chew toys for a head that was published in a magazine. These guys are just low ballers and dont appreciate what it took to get your story published. I would take nothing less than the price of an outfitted hunt.

From: deerhunter72
Double post

From: JL
FWIW....I have a tanned, hair on Quebec bull moose hide. I was checking EBay and places like that and they go for a pretty penny. More than elk hides.

From: Jaquomo
Link, problem is that the market is kind of saturated with boomer hunters dying off and families selling their mounts because nobody in the family wants them.

Really spectacular 200"+ mule deer mounts are for sale online from $5000-10,000, but that depends on the quality of the mount, the uniqueness of the rack, and finding a buyer at that price. I see really big muley mounts in thrift stores for a few hundred dollars sometimes.

Handle, post up a couple photos if you have them. So much depends upon their value to YOU.

Just because something is listed doesn’t mean it actually sells…..

Not sure where to find that info though

From: Bou'bound
there are buyers for most anything at most any price, but those buyers and seller's seldom cross path as they are so uncommon.

The average person does not ditch or donate their mounts at some point because they would prefer not to monetize them.

From: Shawn
I am going on the road for good, bought a big custom RV and gonna hunt from late august til christmas every year. I had over a 125 racks and 15 mounted whitetails. These were spikes to 180" whitetails. I gave my biggest to a friend and 3 to another who owns an archery shop. The rest of the mounts I gave to my 3 daughters. All the skull caps and the Europeans I sold at a yard sale. The best I did was 75 bucks for a 140" Euro and 50 for another 130" one. All the rest went between 2 and 25 bucks. I don't know what ya have in the mule deer. Even if he is 200"s I dont think more than 500 bucks but ya never know. Shawn

From: Quinn @work
Handle posts and then disappears. Guess he didn't get the answers he was hoping for? Hopefully he didn't quit his day job.

From: TreeWalker
Zero dollars. There are very few mounts I would buy which I did not harvest. If had a fire, I might pick up a comparable size critter for the new house. I do like a mean cape buffalo and a bison and have hunted neither so might put those on the wall but would never pass then off as mine. I just think they look like THE icon from Africa and Western Plains.

From: 4nolz@work
Check prices on eBay as reference

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