Mathews Inc.
US spending Bill Passes
Contributors to this thread:
hunt forever 07-Aug-22
bigeasygator 07-Aug-22
groundhunter50 07-Aug-22
TGbow 07-Aug-22
scentman 07-Aug-22
spike78 07-Aug-22
TGbow 07-Aug-22
hunt forever 07-Aug-22
Novembermadman 07-Aug-22
RonP 08-Aug-22
Jaquomo 08-Aug-22
TGbow 08-Aug-22
JusPassin 08-Aug-22
fuzzy 08-Aug-22
JusPassin 08-Aug-22
spike78 08-Aug-22
spike78 09-Aug-22
70lbDraw 09-Aug-22
TGbow 09-Aug-22
From: hunt forever
Back in June the house passed a spending bill that includes previously rejected language to ban the import of African lion and elephant trophies from Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Is this the same bill that passed the Senate last night? Please say No!!

From: bigeasygator
No, it’s not. That bill has not passed the Senate.

Those weenie Republicans, who talk BS all the time, continue to spend money, most of them should all be replaced...... It will pass the Senate, because that spineless Manchin, has cut a deal, for what he wants.......... Their all in the same basket....... Place went to hell, after Trump left

From: TGbow
Bush blew more money than Clinton did..and that's bad. Don't depend on those spineless puppies to stand up.

Biden and his leftist cronies have already done a lot of damage..very plain to see that, but like I said before....maybe we will be the first nation to tax our way to's never happened before but maybe we will be the first.

From: scentman
I agree groundhunter, I believe they've been inkahoots for some time playing "the good cop, bad cop routine" till Trump tipped they're cart over... now it's all making sense.

From: spike78
I can’t wait for all those clean energy rebates!!! For free!!! Imagine that everyone gets to upgrade their homes and cars for free from the money tree!!!!

From: TGbow
Brad,, what they don't ever mention is all the harm to the environment involved in their green deal hoax

From: hunt forever
Whats all in the bill they just passed?

......and the power grid can't handle the strain it's under on a hot summer day in places like CA now. If everybody has an electric car or semi that should definitely help! Truly the most idiotic administration that has ever stepped foot in the White House (now more appropriately called the Chithouse!)


From: RonP
"Whats all in the bill they just passed?"

It's in the name, Inflation Reduction Act. This bill is to inflation as the Affordable Care Act was/is to healthcare.

If you recall, you're saving $2500/year in healthcare since the ACA passed more than a decade ago. This current bill will save you even more money by reducing inflation caused by Putin. In addition, the air you breath and water you drink will be cleaner, there will be more living-wage jobs created, greedy corporations will pay their fair share in taxes, the deficit will be reduced, and climate change will be slower and less severe. enjoy and rejoice!

edit: this is sarcasm for anyone that is easily triggered.

From: Jaquomo
Corporations don't pay taxes. This is a tax increase on everyone who buys goods and services, disproportionately imposed on those who can afford it least.

I agree that there are too many RINOs, but Republicans can't stop this bill because of the reconciliation rule in the Senate. We are screwed. Again. FJB.

From: TGbow
We are a nation of gullible sheep. Raising taxes never helps anything or anyone in the working class..never has and never will. If you believe it does you are just blind.

From: JusPassin
Sure wish someone with a degree in economics could explain how you can tax yourself into wealth and prosperity. I want to buy that money tree.

From: fuzzy
Juspassin, it's simple. Tax "the rich" (whoever they are) and hand out "stimulus money" , which is then spent to "stimulate " the economy, which enriches the rich who are then taxed again. It's a perpetual motion machine. (Sarcasm international)

From: JusPassin
Yeah, like 20 guys standing in a circle. At the word go everyone reaches into the pockets of the guy in front of him and takes his money and puts it in his own pocket, and they all get rich. (I'm paraphrasing Paul Harvey)

From: spike78
Are they planting those trees before or after they cut them down for solar farms?

From: spike78
Just read that all those sweet EV rebates will not even be used due to them not following the conditions of the rebate due to the batteries are not 100% from the US.

From: 70lbDraw
You guys talk as though you believe it when they tell you it’s “good for the American people”.

There’s a reason you can’t find any good aspects of it. It’s funny how the only folks happy about it are the ones that built it. Unless I’m missing something. There are plenty of folks here that voted for this tripe. Funny thing is, they can’t tell you anything good about it either!

From: TGbow
The folks getting the hand outs from money extracted from us are happy

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