Mathews Inc.
Unusual question for P & Y
Contributors to this thread:
t-roy 17-Aug-22
RK 17-Aug-22
Buffalo1 17-Aug-22
t-roy 17-Aug-22
Rut Nut 17-Aug-22
deerhunter72 17-Aug-22
Lucas 17-Aug-22
RK 17-Aug-22
Pete In Fairbanks 17-Aug-22
elkmtngear 17-Aug-22
deerhunter72 17-Aug-22
Ambush 17-Aug-22
Brotsky 17-Aug-22
BOHNTR 17-Aug-22
APauls 17-Aug-22
ahunter76 17-Aug-22
tobywon 17-Aug-22
ND String Puller 17-Aug-22
deerhunter72 17-Aug-22
Rut Nut 17-Aug-22
Whatthefoc 17-Aug-22
Mule Power 17-Aug-22
Whocares 17-Aug-22
Ron Niziolek 17-Aug-22
drycreek 17-Aug-22
sitO 17-Aug-22
WV Mountaineer 17-Aug-22
Rgiesey 18-Aug-22
maxracx 18-Aug-22
BULELK1 19-Aug-22
Bowboy 19-Aug-22
Charlie Rehor 19-Aug-22
Rut Nut 19-Aug-22
BULELK1 20-Aug-22
t-roy 22-Aug-22
BULELK1 23-Aug-22
midwest 23-Aug-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 23-Aug-22
From: t-roy
I posted a thread back in May, about the mountain lion encounter that my wife and I had while turkey hunting, here in Iowa. On August 8th, I also captured a trailcam video of him. (I’m assuming it’s the same cat). In Iowa, mountain lions are not considered a game species and they can legally be killed here.

My question is, if I killed this lion with my bow, and he scored high enough, would he be eligible for entry? I know the chance of even seeing this cat again are astronomical, but stranger things have happened.

That is a great question. If he travels past my stand I will be sending an arrow his way! Maybe I should bring a few hounds back from my hunt in Arizona next week?!

From: RK
Why would it not be eligible?

From: Buffalo1
I don’t think (not positive) cougar is recognized as a game species in Texas either.

From: t-roy
RK…..My question pertains to the fact that there is not a sanctioned season on them in Iowa.

From: Rut Nut
I’m thinking it may not be eligible because it is not considered “native” to Iowa.

But an interesting question!

From: deerhunter72
Good question! My first thought is no, but I have nothing to back that up other than you wouldn't have a legal permit for the cat because they aren't recognized as game. I'm interested to find out if someone has a definite answer.

From: Lucas
No, for a mountain lion to be eligible it must come from a state that has a season and a license, cats from Texas are not entered for this reason also.

From: RK
Got you. I bet you can still enter it. If it is a legal take you should be able to enter

Buffalo 1. Mountain lion in Texas can be taken year round. Not a game animal unless it changed this year

Only restriction on harvest was that they could not be killed from a helicopter. That restriction has been removed

I think T-roy's point is that there could be a subtle LEGAL difference between legally sanctioned and "not illegal!"

Our opinions don't hold water.... it is a policy decision on the part of P&Y.


From: elkmtngear
As long as the controlling State considers it a legal kill, seems like it should be accepted, according to their posted guidelines:

"To be eligible for entry into Pope & Young's Records Program, an animal must have been taken:

Entirely by the use of the bow and arrow (as defined by Pope & Young) In complete compliance with the controlling state/provincial hunting regulations In complete compliance with the Club’s Rules of Fair Chase After official measurement, the score must meet or exceed the corresponding minimum score entry requirement for that species category On any antlered big game species (for which the inside spread measurement is part of the final score), the skull plate must be completely intact and unaltered (i.e., the skull plate can not be split, either intentionally or otherwise) Repairs or alterations to the antlers or horns are acceptable on a case by case basis only (See P&Y Policies)".

From: deerhunter72
I just found out from the Illinois Forum that cougars are now protected. I wasn't aware of this:

Legal Status Cougars were eliminated from Illinois before 1870 due to habitat loss and hunting pressure. In the last several years there have been confirmed sightings of individual cougars moving through the state. There is no evidence that resident breeding populations of cougars exist in Illinois at this time. As populations in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Rocky Mountain states increase, it is possible that cougars will disperse through Illinois in search of new territories.

Cougars have been protected in Illinois since 2015. Cougars may not be hunted, killed, or harassed unless there is an imminent threat to person or property. If you feel that your person or property is being threatened, contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to learn about options available to address potential threats. The IDNR may issue a nuisance animal permit and assist you with control measures.

From: Ambush
Troy, you should be more worried that one of those giant bucks lounging around your place doesn’t kill the cat before you do.

From: Brotsky
I believe it would be eligible Troy. I would reach out to Roy Grace, he can tell you for sure. He may comment here as well at some point.

Big game animals recognized by both Clubs (P&Y / B&C) taken from those states/provinces that do not have designated seasons and/or tag structures may still be considered for entry into the records program. They are usually a case-by-case decision by the respective records committees. The animal in question must be taken within the rules of fair chase and be free of any other potential issues. As such, we would consider accepting a cougar from Iowa if it meets the requirements established.

From a conservation standpoint, it would be a huge success to have one legally taken there to show their range expansion.

Roy Grace P&Y Records Chairman

From: APauls
GO Getem Troy!!!!! Is it considered baiting if he has too many large fat bucks on his property?

From: ahunter76
ASK P& Y. I would think, legal kill should be. I saw one taken in Iowa at the Deer Classic a few years ago. Huge male taken near Cedar Rapids. Some fellas had one a camera in our area 2 years ago.

From: tobywon
No Adam, as long as he stays away from the plot with catnip. :)

I’d be checking his feeders for meow mix ;)

From: deerhunter72
Sounds like you are good to go t-roy! Hope you get a chance at that big kitty;)

From: Rut Nut
Sounds like your question is answered Troy- good luck! : )

Now the next question.......................Can you still call it a “Mountain” Lion if it is killed in Iowa?! ;-)

From: Whatthefoc
Better yet - get SCI to recognize a new subspecies called the ‘Midwest meower’. If you kill it, you might have the world record and a head start on your NA30.

Kinda like Shockey did with the ‘island bear’.

From: Mule Power
Good luck. That would be very cool!!!

From: Whocares
Hope you get the lion Troy, cuz I suspect you'll lose the Pig. Your wife will be happy on both counts.

From: Ron Niziolek
What a wealth of knowledge on this site. Thanks for chiming in, Roy!

From: drycreek
In Texas we have some funny game laws. You can kill a cougar on sight but you can’t harm a bear. We have a fair crop of cougars but very few bears. Last time I checked cougars don’t tear up feeders, raid camp houses or swim in backyard pools. Go figure !

Good luck Troy !

From: sitO
Those early morning, and late evening, walks to and from the stands will be a bit different this Fall buddy ;?)

Get you a seven arrow quiver. :^)

From: Rgiesey
Had a friend shoot a bison in Alberta. He tried to enter it in BnC but wasn’t able as he didn’t need a license. Was fair chase.

From: maxracx
Troy, when you kill that cat I will be the first to award you an "ATTA BOY" award. We can have a dinner and everything!! If given the opportunity I wouldn't think twice about running an arrow thru his crest cavity. Best of luck my friend!!

There ya have it.

Go get 'em young fella.

Good luck, Robb

From: Bowboy
Did you shoot him yet T-Roy? Better hurry before he starts killing all your deer.

Velvet entries are now accepted so try for him early.

From: Rut Nut
t-roy's probably busy looking for some trained hounds! ;-)

Have ya seen any Cougar kill covered in dirt and branches?

If so, perfect spot to keep an eye on for when he returns for a snack.

I've got a Spot-n-Stalk only Cougar tag in my pocket for my home state, No hounds, no bate.

I've sure been noticing more about Cougars than in the past.

Good luck, Robb

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo
Thanks, Roy!

I’d consider putting out the Meow Mix bait piles, but I’d probably go bankrupt from the insane coon numbers here. I can’t lie, I’m a little apprehensive about how few trailcam videos I’ve gotten of bucks this summer. I normally get lots videos every year in certain spots, but this year, very few. None of the bucks that I know made it through last season, have shown up on camera….yet. Hopefully, they’re in a bachelor group somewhere, and I just haven’t seen them yet. Makes a guy wonder, though.

Robb……a friend found this last fall, not too far from me.

Damn nice and looks active!

Good luck, Robb

From: midwest
That cat needs to go!

Troy that musta been coyotes, there’s no mt lions in the Midwest ;).

I suggest you cook the fella some bacon and see if he wants a snack lol

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