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Antelope Landowner Tags Colorado
Contributors to this thread:
HuntersDomain 19-Aug-22
JohnMC 19-Aug-22
Rock 19-Aug-22
HuntersDomain 19-Aug-22
Glunt@work 19-Aug-22

HuntersDomain's embedded Photo
Landowner Tags for Antelope Colorado for Sale
HuntersDomain's embedded Photo
Landowner Tags for Antelope Colorado for Sale

HuntersDomain's Link
Landowner tags are still available for antelope elk, and deer. Please view our link above to see the most recent list of available vouchers. This list changes almost daily as new tags come in and others sell. Most tags as of now are cancellation hunts and can be bought at a discount. Check out our inventory by clicking the HuntersDomain Link on this page.

From: JohnMC
Do I buy them from you?

From: Rock
I see the following note on some these PLO hunts. I thought that all vouchers included the private land to hunt on. Am I wrong on that?

"Colorado PLO DEER Tags *Private Land Only!!! You Will Need Additional Ground To Hunt*"

Yes you buy them for me in Colorado you must be the designated land manager for a ranch to sell the vouchers which I am. The reason the PLO vouchers say need additional private ground to hunt is not that you cannot hunt the private ground. It’s just that you would not be happy hunting the small property where most of these tags are issued a lot of times Outfitters or hunters or landowners will buy a private land only tag from a smaller property so that they can put somebody on their property to hunt. Most of the tags that you see for sale are on smaller ranches; because if they were a big huntable ranch with a sustainable population of elk or deer or antelope, they would probably have a guide or outfitter on that particular property. Therefore the smaller properties sell tags only and the hunter typically has a better ranch or property to hunt.

When you purchase a tag in Colorado whether it is PMO or unit wide you’re always granted permission to hunt the ranch where the tag was issued. Just keep in mind that that’s not always a good option. We typically sell all vouchers based on the value of the public land not the private. Thanks hope that answers most of y’all‘s questions.

From: Glunt@work
For those unfamiliar with CO, a nonresident tag is $420.00 and change and isn't included when you buy a land owner voucher.

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