Sitka Gear
More changes to Nebraska Turkeys
Contributors to this thread:
Paul@thefort 26-Aug-22
JohnMC 26-Aug-22
Glunt@work 26-Aug-22
4nolz@work 26-Aug-22
Thornton 26-Aug-22
HDE 26-Aug-22
t-roy 26-Aug-22
cnelk 26-Aug-22
Starfire 26-Aug-22
pav 26-Aug-22
Dale06 26-Aug-22
Sivart 27-Aug-22
Ermine 27-Aug-22
tm 27-Aug-22
Jims 27-Aug-22
Pop-r 31-Aug-22
GhostBird 31-Aug-22
From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will consider recommendations for 2023 wild turkey hunting seasons at its Aug. 31 meeting at Fort Robinson State Park.

The meeting begins at 8 a.m. Mountain time at the park’s Buffalo Barracks, 3200 U.S. 20, Crawford.

The proposed changes to orders for the 2023 turkey season are:

Limit Nebraska resident hunters to two spring permits and nonresidents to one; Limit the number of spring permits available to nonresidents to 10,000; Amend the daily bag limit to allow a hunter to harvest no more than one turkey per calendar day during the spring season; Shorten the fall season to Oct. 1-Nov. 30; Limit all hunters to one permit in the fall season; Lower the bag limit to one for all hunters in the fall season;

From: JohnMC
Paul it is your fault. You have been killing to many for to many years. ;)

I would be happy to see it go to two. I hope not one. Or worse have to draw a tag.

From: Glunt@work
I hope it accomplishes something but I doubt reducing the tom harvest will yield much improvement.

How about checking in a coyote or bobcat to get an extra tag?

From: 4nolz@work
1 bird is going to hurt the big turkey outfitters with so many nr trying to get their merriams,hardly worth the trip.

From: Thornton
This is what happens when all the birds decline across the country and everyone flocks to the one area they stay populated in.

From: HDE
They could always take UT's approach and limit everyone to steel bearings and wrist rockets...

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo
Zach Welch moved to Alaska. That should help tremendously…….

From: cnelk
Not a surprise at all.

From: Starfire
I think this will greatly reduce NR hunting. Last year I saw a lot of guys from as far west as Utah and as far east as Indiana. Will they travel that far for just one bird.

From: pav
I've traveled to Nebraska twice for early archery turkey. Filled three tags on public ground the first trip and three tags on private ground (trespass fee hunt) the second time. Covered up with birds on both hunts. Planned to return in the next year or two...and probably will return if the tag quota drops to two birds. If they go to a one bird limit...not really worth the drive IMO. That said... if this change is biologically driven...hunters should support the change.

From: Dale06
I went to western Ne two years ago. I bought two tags. Killed one bird in three days. I hit some terrible super windy snowy weather. Saw a ton of birds though. I certainly would not drive that far with only one tag in my pocket.

From: Sivart
I'm in favor of both changes. It's good to see they are at least trying to manage, based on biologists data.

From: Ermine
Should help. The turkeys are hurting in Nebraska

From: tm
Depends on the area, I have more Merriams than ever it seems. Several groups of 18-20 poults with 3 or 4 hens and some late hatches just showing up.

From: Jims
1) First, I'm totally amazed Nebraska allows hen harvests in the fall in a declining turkey population! One thing that would help as much as anything is to eliminate hens in the fall bag limit.

2) Anything is an improvement over having 3 tom tags available in the spring plus another 2 either sex tags available in the fall.

3) Any type of predator control incentives would improve both turkeys, pheasants, and big game across Nebraska. There are more predators currently in Nebraska than I've seen for years!

4) Even though Nebraska still has quite a few turkeys, the numbers across the state are a fraction of what they were a few years ago. I decided to hunt elsewhere this past year to give them a break. I hope others...especially nonres do the same! If the trend in the turkey population continues to decline and nonres hunter numbers continue to increase I'm certain fewer nonres will be willing to take the long drive.

From: Pop-r
These turkey biologist are failing us! They are incompetent! Jims said it all. Killing hens is dumb and any biologist that supports it needs shot.

From: GhostBird
Similar changes to the turkey regs are happening all across the country as populations continue to decline. Killing hens never made much sense to me.

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