A Marten Along The Bark River. SE WI.
Small Game
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Riverman's Link
A Marten got right in front of my camera while along the Bark River in SE. Wisconsin
Endangered? (As the video graphics claim...) I think not! There are millions of them across Canada and Alaska and many places in the L48. They are an important furbearer, caught and sold by trappers all over the place.
Fun to see in places at the extent of their range where they are not common. But certainly not endangered by any stretch of the imagination
Sorry, but that's a mink.
In the same family (Mustelidae), but definitely a mink, not a marten.
As a trapper you have done a great disservice to us. Please better identify and understand the animals you claim to be endangered and rare before making more videos like this.
Yep Mink... Martins have orange colored throats and bellies...
That's nothing! I caught this wolverine in New Jersey!
Boreal………What kind of gun did you use?….a 12gauge?
And this is a marten, lol (last winter at my door).
What kind of real man shoots a baby wolverine? Lmaooooo Boreal
Give the guy a break. We live in a world where you can be whatever you want to be. Maybe he's a mink that identifies as a marten..
Right now our school is full of kids that think they're dogs and cats. Crazy world!
"Boreal………What kind of gun did you use?….a 12gauge?"
A frickin' 12 gauge. What do you think?
Is there an award for most threads started with trail cam videos I was unaware of?
Dang, Boreal...was it attacking your cousins?
Of course! What the heck would you do in a situation like that?
I'd kill like 50 of them!
Here’s a rare exotic Beaver caught on camera in a Walmart parking lot
Here's a purple one that's been hangin round my place
Golly it's like a pack of jackals around this place :) :)
I've never seen either one, so I can't judge. I would like to trap a mink. I know we have a few around, but I've never targeted them. Wish I had more time. . . .
Does it have sharp talons?
Martens taste like the white meat in chicken and Mink ... do to there "oily" fur/skin taste like the dark meat in chicken.
So, if in doubt ... bash that little bastard over the head with a nearby log and cook that sucker up ... that's how you definitely know whether its a Marten or a Mink.
I’ve heard they like to eat a delicious bass occasionally, too.
Just a good honest mis identification of similar animals. Thank you Riverman for sharing your pictures.
I promise you that 75% of Bowsiters didn’t know how to identify either species also. Don’t let them get to you Riverman. Some never mentally left the locker room.
Cool video and thanks for posting.
Rough crowd. Maybe this is the reason people are inherently so defensive when they are told they are wrong? Perhaps it's how we tell them they are wrong?
Riverman, google stone marten in the southern kettle moraine. The Bark is very near the kettle which has population of stone marten. Here’s a mink I trapped with my kids on a tributary to the Bark.
Riverman……..I promise you that 99% of the guys poking fun on this thread, are doing so purely in jest, with zero malicious intent geared towards you.
Some guys must live some pretty miserable lives….. SMH
A few thin skinned individuals here. If you can't take some ribbing, you wouldn't last long in the circles I hang with. Gawd, what a bunch of wussies.
Troy that fish Looks a bit better than one of them green carp.
Yes, "thank you Riverman"...and "don't let them get to you"
Keep posting videos of animals that are "endangered" for the viewing public. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, oh and Kumbaya also.
Gray Ghost- Just extending an olive branch.
Norseman, Hilarious!
I think this is fun lighthearted ribbing. I hope it was just a misinformed new trapper. Not as GG suspects a tree hugger that slaps “endangered” on an animal that is not even threatened or rare. let alone endangered.
If it’s the later, those type of people deserve more than the good humor shown here.
A really crappy pic from back when mink were worth some $.
spike buck - I think that's a Fisher...
Are you crazy, Zbone? That’s a Booner Kodiak! (He’s just long-arming the barrel).
Sad to say, but the average American these days is so knowledgeable about wildlife that I wouldn’t be half surprised if TRoy’s picture were to go viral as “evidence” of Mutant Frog-legged Snakeheads that are poised to take over city park lakes, where they will grow large enough to devour small children & pets!