Mathews Inc.
Anybody ever seen this before??
Contributors to this thread:
t-roy 06-Sep-22
fdp 06-Sep-22
midwest 06-Sep-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 06-Sep-22
DanaC 06-Sep-22
JL 06-Sep-22
t-roy 06-Sep-22
Buckiller 06-Sep-22
Huntiam 06-Sep-22
Dale06 06-Sep-22
Glunt@work 06-Sep-22
sitO 06-Sep-22
OTC_Bowhunter 07-Sep-22
WV Mountaineer 07-Sep-22
Shiloh 07-Sep-22
Brotsky 07-Sep-22
APauls 07-Sep-22
Ermine 07-Sep-22
Sivart 07-Sep-22
goelk 07-Sep-22
nowheels 07-Sep-22
DanaC 07-Sep-22
fdp 18-Sep-22
From: t-roy
As I came down the county road, right near my mailbox, I watched a hen turkey walk out of the weeds, about 20 yds in front of me, followed by 2 baby chicks. I’m certain they were her chicks. They were so tiny, they could not have been more than a few days old, at most. Has anyone else ever seen turkey chicks that small, this late into the year?

From: fdp
I never have.

From: midwest
Her first 2 broods were eaten by a big cat. She's no quitter!

Seriously, though, that's crazy! I wonder if they'll survive?

I thought the same about 2-3 weeks ago Troy, these were eating in someone’s front lawn but we the size of baby chickens you get at tractor supply…I couldn’t believe it this late

From: DanaC
I've seen small, late-born chicks but in early summer, never this late.

From: JL

JL's embedded Photo
JL's embedded Photo
JL's embedded Photo
JL's embedded Photo
These yard birds came by the hood last week. I've been watching them for a few weeks. This is northern MI. They're not chicks but they seem pretty small for this late in the season.

From: t-roy
That’s exactly what size they looked to be, MA-PA. They had better start putting some feathers on pretty quickly! I don’t know if her brood was more than just the 2, but that’s all I saw. I have also been seeing a small flock of 2 hens with 4-5 poults that were noticeably bigger than the ones in JL’s pics, just up the road from the other hen.

From: Buckiller

Buckiller's embedded Photo
Buckiller's embedded Photo
Ive seen more small poults this year late into summer then I ever remember. This pic was taken yesterday 9/5

From: Huntiam
climate change=lateturkeyrut

From: Dale06
I’ve not seen them that small this late. Did see two hens together with about 10 poults a week ago. The poults were bigger than a rooster pheasant.

From: Glunt@work
That's super late but if a nest fails they can renest without Mr Tom's help.

From: sitO
Pretty sure they just wanted to give us something to talk about, other than politics

I would be happy just to see some baby turkey chicks. Of all the hens I have seen and trail cam pics, only one hen had one chick. Predators are brutal on them! I hope they make it.

I’ve seen them like that in mid august. Never September.

From: Shiloh
That’s definitely late, but likely at least a 2nd and maybe her 3rd nesting attempt. We have possibly had our best hatch in 25+ years down here. I’ve seen a bunch of babies this summer!!!

From: Brotsky
t-roy, they clearly identify as turkey nuggets, not "chicks". You need to be more sensitive :)

From: APauls
Ya well once that mountain lion got done snacking on 200" of velvet he started on gobblers.

From: Ermine
Late hatch I guess. I saw a calf elk with a cow today that was tiny. Had to be born just recently. Couple months later than usual

From: Sivart
I've seen a hen with very young fresh poults on Sept 15th. That was 2001. They looked like they hatched just days ago. I remember the exact date, because it was opening day of archery deer season.

From: goelk
No never have

From: nowheels
She may have lost a couple of broods to have small poults this late in the year. I flushed a hen off her nest on July 4th weekend one year with 14 eggs, and these look like they would have been hatched in the same time frame.

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo
Took pix of these a week ago, nearly grown. Central MA, mother hen on left for reference

From: fdp

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