First time ever
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: Pat Lefemine
In ten years I’ve never seen a bear eating soybeans. Big guy too. Season opens in two weeks and I’m taking the entire week off.
Anyone ever seen a bear in soybeans?
From: ND String Puller
He looks fat! Hope you get a shot at him. Good luck!
From: t-roy
Looks like he’s been working your corn in the background, over pretty good, too! Hope you get a crack at him!
From: spike buck
global warming
From: Bearman
Yes, they eat soybeans.
From: Screwball
Yep, here in WI see them wading through eating pods frequently.
From: drycreek
No, not in East Texas….. ;-) Seen these turds though, in soybeans, IC peas, clover, buckwheat, and winter wheat. If I planted daisies they’d eat those too.
From: APauls
LMAO!!! You're getting old Pat! You started this exact same thread a couple years ago with a pic of a bear in soybeans and said you'd never seen it before. They sure do. Here in MB where the bears are thick as fleas we see it all the time.
From: APauls
From: APauls
From: Rut Nut
That must have been 11 years ago Adam! ;-)
From: Pat Lefemine
Really? LMAO! Sorry - I must be getting cognitively impaired - just like Joe...Oh never mind.
From: APauls
Woah woah Pat don't be so hard on yourself. You are still thinking on your own.
From: JohnMC
JohnMC's Link
Adams is right but it was 3 years ago. See attachment. That's ok I just went into basement to grab a box of shotgun shells. Then took 10 mins to find them again. I thought I took them upstairs instead I found something else I didn't know I was looking for and sat them down 5 feet from where I originally had them in basement.
From: WV Mountaineer
Never seen it before. But, I’d say that’s a sow. No matter eitherway. Just sayin….
From: hawkeye in PA
It only gets worse:(