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Fiat tractors
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Ok...Russ 16-Sep-22
Ok...Russ 16-Sep-22
APauls 16-Sep-22
t-roy 16-Sep-22
Catscratch 17-Sep-22
fdp 18-Sep-22
From: Ok...Russ

Ok...Russ's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
Ok...Russ's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

Just got back from vacation in Italy and it's grape harvest time. Kept seeing orange tractors between the rows of grapes and figured Kubota. Also visited a dairy farm where they make parmesan reggiano cheese and got a better look.

That's because I didn't know Fiat makes tractors or did at one point. Many of the "kubotas" I saw were actually Fiat when got closer. Not the same shade of orange but close enough from a distance to confuse the two.

Could've been the Chianti too messing with my vision!

From: Ok...Russ
Not sure how this got put into the whitetail section when I selected tractors from the deerbuilder site. Hmmm??

From: APauls
I believe anything from deer builder also populates in the whitetail section

From: t-roy
Fiat and Allis-Chalmers were in partnership in the heavy equipment arena, for a good while, back in the 70s and 80s (possibly even longer) I think they were also in the ag end of things, as well. Allis Chalmers tractors were usually a similar color (Persian orange) to the one in your pic.

From: Catscratch
Ferrari and Lamborghini make tractors too.

From: fdp

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