Sitka Gear
Bad outfitters
Contributors to this thread:
firemen 29-Sep-22
Overland 29-Sep-22
Buffalo1 29-Sep-22
Quinn @work 29-Sep-22
Bowfinatic 29-Sep-22
firemen 29-Sep-22
fuzzy 29-Sep-22
TreeWalker 29-Sep-22
Highlife 29-Sep-22
fuzzy 29-Sep-22
Highlife 29-Sep-22
BTM 29-Sep-22
t-roy 29-Sep-22
Highlife 29-Sep-22
PECO2 29-Sep-22
Highlife 29-Sep-22
Rut Nut 30-Sep-22
Highlife 30-Sep-22
Buffalo1 30-Sep-22
fuzzy 01-Oct-22
Rut Nut 01-Oct-22
firemen 20-Oct-22
firemen 20-Oct-22
fuzzy 20-Oct-22
wytex 20-Oct-22
From: firemen
Allan Schank Safiris and Bayete Group are two outfitters to steer clear of! I first booked with Bayete for a free range hunt.Then Schank safaris contacted me and told me he was working with Bayete and not getting paid.So I called no I send a deposit to shank safaris then I broke my back then covid hit.both said they had a refund policy .Never received a contract. so I ask for my deposit back.$3800 Bayete has since disappeared and Schanks says he is bleeding from covid.All Iam trying to do is save some one from making the same mistake I did by booking with these outfitters.

From: Overland
Threads like this are absolutely useless without details. They're bad because...they didn't have the exact right type of beer for you? Or bad because they had you hunting a 200 acre fenced property with only Impala? This thread, as it stands, does absolutely nothing for my view of the outfitters.

From: Buffalo1
Elaborate your accusation please

From: Quinn @work
Did you not get your hides back or did your wife take a new job 4,000 miles away in another part of the US? Asking for a friend.

Quinn lol =)

From: firemen

From: fuzzy
fireman you can say that again

From: TreeWalker
Details are not needed dear sir. You appear very trustworthy. In fact, I just learned you have inherited a large sum of money and as soon as I gather a few details then can process your inheritance and release the funds. Please contact me via PM as you just don;t know who can be trusted these days.

From: Highlife
What'd they make ya cut firewood and make ya split it? Lol

From: fuzzy
Dave no way an outfitter would Sink so low! ??

From: Highlife
Touche great wordsmith brother lmaooooo

From: BTM
Great literary/musical works: 1. A Tale of Twice Cities 2. Tea For Twice, Twice For Tea 3. Twice Tickets to Paradise 4. Goody Twice Shoes

From: t-roy
My buddy’s granddaughter is a ballerina. She often dances wearing a twice-twice….That count?

From: Highlife

From: PECO2
Is this the place that makes you stay in a crack house and doesn't even have coffee?

From: Highlife
All I can say is Randy y'all missed a good time!

From: Rut Nut
Sorry you got taken fireman! But thanks for trying to warn folks..................

From: Highlife
With all respect y'all should have bailed and went with one of the bowsite outfitters. You got screwed but I'm thinking you didn't do your due diligence on this matter. IMO

From: Buffalo1

Why didn't you initially give more details ? You edited your post !!

From: fuzzy
Buffalo1 yeah that kinda makes us look like asses to anyone who reads the thread now. Would have been better to add details in a subsequent comment rather than edit the original. Or else make a note of the edit.

From: Rut Nut
Yeah, I didn’t know he edited his post and added more info. Now that makes sense! I thought the responses were out of character for those that appeared to be making light of his misfortune. Now I see what happened.

From: firemen
I did not edit my post.I added some more detail, trying to save anybody from making the mistake I did. They must have gave me their friends as references.I look at it like this Karma is a Bitch and she is alive and well.What comes around goes around!

From: firemen
I did not edit my post.I added some more detail, trying to save anybody from making the mistake I did. They must have gave me their friends as references.I look at it like this Karma is a Bitch and she is alive and well.What comes around goes around!

From: fuzzy
You added information. By hitting the "edit" button. I'm not criticizing the edit. It makes the post easier to understand. I edit posts fairly often. If it's just a misspell I don't bother noting the edit. If I materially change the content I do note that. It's not a requirement and I don't expect others to follow suit. If qn edit changes the post so as to make my subsequent comment appear irrelevant, incorrect, or rude, then I will note that fact.

From: wytex
Well you tried to warn folks but got flack instead. Guess they'll just have to learn on their own.

  • Sitka Gear