Snow crabs what say you?
Contributors to this thread:Small Game
From: spike78
spike78's Link
Not sure if I’m buying this. What’s your thoughts? Alaska cancels snow crab season. Odd how our entire food industry has been hit someway or another from Chickens to cattle to Maine lobsters and now snow crab. Either very odd or very convenient. Every time I watched Deadliest Catch those Bering seas looked mighty damn cold!
From: yooper89
Yeah Alaska F&G is in cahoots with Bill Gates to get everybody eating lab foods
From: KSflatlander
Well that went off the rails in like 30 seconds.
From: Joey Ward
I always felt Sig was good, but dayummmmm…..he must’ve been sandbagging.
From: Glunt@work
14-Oct-22 illuminati sabotaging snow crab populations or man-made climate alarmist mocking that theory. I can't decide which side of this thread is the pot vs the kettle.
From: tobywon
Snow crabs what say you?
I’d shoot for the middle of the middle!! Maybe with my recurve. Figure it’s appropriate since I shoot off the shelf with it!!
From: Mike B
No season for King crab last year, and now no Opilios? That's pretty much going to decimate the crab fleet.
Same thing happened to the Chum salmon run here in the Skagit river. Over a two year period the run went from robust to just busted. Don't know if it's what caused it, but the tribes were gillnetting the crap out of them, selling the eggs to Asian markets and just leaving the fish to rot.
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Ya mike, you can kiss probably 70% of the fleet good bye… seems high but damn possible
From: Joey Ward
Guess it's back to beef on the Wednesday night Golden Corral buffet. If that REALLY is beef. ;-)
From: KSflatlander
Matt Matt, you’re making way too much sense. There no place here for that.
From: 70lbDraw
Crab COVID! They’re hiding from all the mask/vax mandates.
From: Inshart
Yup, covid for sure -- once they dropped off that shelf, they have to quarantine for 6 months.
From: fuzzy
It's obviously Trumps fault
From: 4nolz@work
Meanwhile the Russians are wide open
From: Glunt@work
Places that import Russian crab are going gangbusters. The prices are low. We don't import Russian crab due to Ukraine.
Russia is cutting back on some fisheries now due to illegal crabbing hurting the resource (their story).
From: spike78
Is it possible the population is fine but they are currently elsewhere? Serious question as I do not know what methods they use to locate crabs and how do they count them?
From: Mpdh
Aren’t the quotas determined by last year’s catch? Maybe the fisherman had a bad year but the crab are just fine.
From: MA-PAdeerslayer
Mark they do summer survey study’s that determine the quota for the year.
From: spike78
Is it possible the population is fine but they are currently elsewhere? Serious question as I do not know what methods they use to locate crabs and how do they count them?
From: WV Mountaineer
It’s been a trend is my guess.
From: 70lbDraw
I wonder which group will be the one to claim that filming Deadliest Catch in the first place, is what caused it?
From: butcherboy
They will find something else to fish for. They have to in order to survive. The ones that can’t will be gone. Bairdi, blue king, cod, halibut, tendering, etc. the die hards will find a way. Hopefully….
From: Cazador
My take, man has destroyed everything we touch. We are locusts! Alaska from the US perspective and even globally is the last of it and yet we have milked it dry and then some. The salmon situation is a slap in the face to conservation and the world as a whole.
Sad story
From: HDE
Mankind aren't locusts, but mankind's glut behavior is. Moderation in all things, including wealth...
From: LTG 11
Poaching from foreign vessels doesn't help....
From: DL
On deadliest catch they had an episode where Russian trawlers were fishing in US waters. Trawlers, aka drag boats have massive nets that drag across the bottom catching of destroying everything in their path. I lived near Monterey bay for 21 years. For decades there were drag boats fishing there. Dungeness crabs were a rare find back then. No one fished for them because there were hardly any there. They finally banned that type of fishing. Now the crabs are back. I went out fishing with a friend. His crab traps were packed with legal crabs. If those trawlers in Alaska go through a biomass of crabs they could get tons in one net.
From: fdp
The publicizing of this story was a conspiracy to encourage the promotion of conspiracy theories. It worked.
From: DL
One of these Russian boats can catch 150-200 tons a day. Whatever is in the way gets killed and leaves the bottom looking like it’s been plowed. Then there’s the issue of tons of too small fish that die and are shoveled overboard. These giant factory boats catch and process fish 24 hours a day. They should be banned.
From: 70lbDraw
70lbDraw's Link
And the culprit is…global warming! Because of global warming the crabs disappeared suddenly. Because global warming is not a gradual change. It happens over night!
From now on, if I get skunked on a fishing or hunting trip, I’ll simply blame climate change.
From: drycreek
I don’t know come here from sic ‘em about snow crabs but things aren’t always as the seem (or officially represented). We had a pretyy big fish kill on a 3,000 acre local lake a year or two ago and the Texas Department of Wildlife represented it to be due to a golden algae bloom when they had been spraying the hell out of all the vegetation in the upper end of the lake for two weeks prior. Coinsidence ? Maybe, but I doubt it.
From: spike78
Dry creek that sounds more plausible then climate change. They basically said it was like a 3 degree temp difference. Not sure if I buy that.
From: Missouribreaks
The climate has always been in a state of change, and that will continue with or without man. Do we play a role ? Sure we do, just the way it is. As far as the harvest, there are plenty of other things to eat besides snow crab.