Moultrie Mobile
One Tough and Hungry Cat
Contributors to this thread:
elkmtngear 25-Oct-22
Joey Ward 25-Oct-22
drycreek 25-Oct-22
deerhunter72 25-Oct-22
smarba 25-Oct-22
Corax_latrans 25-Oct-22
molsonarcher 25-Oct-22
WV Mountaineer 25-Oct-22
Corax_latrans 25-Oct-22
LBshooter 25-Oct-22
Zbone 25-Oct-22
RonP 25-Oct-22
Jim McNamara 25-Oct-22
BULELK1 26-Oct-22
Mhg825 26-Oct-22
Alexis Desjardins 26-Oct-22
Bearman 26-Oct-22
From: elkmtngear
I've seen some similar videos, never ceases to amaze me!

Those snow leopards must be boneless?

From: Joey Ward
Dangerous way to tenderize meat.....I guess cats don't always land on their feet. Must have something to do with what's in their mouth.

Awesome footage, though.

From: drycreek
All cats are remarkably agile, but that stretches the imagination ! Way to hold on to your dinner there buddy !

From: deerhunter72
That’s incredible! I wonder if that’s will to live, or extreme aggressiveness in that cat?

From: smarba
Aye caramba!!! Amazing either one survived. Cushioning snow and sloped glancing blows surely contributed, but still...

At first I thought the fall had broken the horns off of that ram, but then I looked more closely and it was a different animal that got chased off the cliff.

I’m just sitting here thinking about the processing power that it takes to sprint at top speed across a snow covered scree field without snapping a limb…

Incredible animals. If that’s what it takes for them to survive, it’s no wonder they’re endangered!

From: molsonarcher
Amazing feat no doubt. Anyway you cut it, that cat had to feel it for sure. But damn, i just cant quit watching it.

That is incredible. Unbelievable.

Can you imagine that cat’s thought process on the way down?

“ well, I guess I had better make this stick, because I’m probably not gonna feel much like running for a few days…”

From: LBshooter
That cat and ibex are a coup,e tough critters, and the cat deserved every bit of that meat. Imagine being the videographer, wow.

From: Zbone
Absolutely freakn amazing...

From: RonP
WOW! Unbelievable.

From: Jim McNamara
Got to leave a bruise or two. Amazing both animals survived that fall. Well at least till the cat finished the Ibex off at the end.

Good lord, I'm gonna be sore for a week from just watching that vid!

Good luck, Robb

From: Mhg825
Figured the first fall would have done it.amazing the cat survived that.

That’s unreal they both survived the first cliff never thought that’s how they do it.

From: Bearman

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