Utah Gen deer draw question
Contributors to this thread:Mule Deer
From: wildwilderness
Does anyone know off bay how the Utah general deer draw works with a mixed group of Residents and non- residents?
Can you mix groups? Will points be averaged?
From: HDE
Points are averaged and rounded down to the nearest whole number.
From: wildwilderness
So residents and non-residents can put in together?
From: DConcrete
Yes they can but, it’ll Severely hurt your draw odds.
I suggest calling them. I can’t remember exactly how it’ll work but basically, it was, you go in with the non resident odds. Even for the residents.
In essence, I believe this’ll make you not draw.
From: HDE
The reason it hurts your odds as a Res putting in with NR's is there have to be enough tags available to satisfy both sets of applicants.
If there are 3 NR's on an app with 1 R, but there are only 2 NR tags available, you're out as an R even if there are plenty of R tags available.