Plum Lake Outfitters 2023
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: Plum lake
If you want to be sitting behind one of these bears. Contact us today and we’ll make it happen
If you want to be sitting behind one of these bears. Contact us today and we’ll make it happen
Now that there is no vaccine mandates and are now allowing everyone back into our beautiful country, let’s all get back to hunting. I have spots open for Spring and Fall Bear and November Whitetail hunts. It’s never too early to book your spot. We are still @ 100% success on harvests the past 12 years. Email us at [email protected] or call (204) 768-0051.
From: Plum lake
We did manage to book some hunts through here off BowSite. So putting it back to the top. Thanks guy/gals for reaching out to us. Appreciate the support.
From: Plum lake
We still have spots open for spring 2023 and 6 tags open for our fall hunt. Our fall hunt is a brand new area that we have just acquired. Has not been hunted in many years.
From: kakiatkids
Some nice bears
From: krieger
That sounds awesome, I haven't been up there in the bush in the fall, how are the bugs??
From: Plum lake
We still have openings for spring and fall bear for 2023 and also spots open in our Whitetail season for fall 2023
From: Zebrakiller
cant wait Mike
From: Plum lake
I have 5 spots open for May 28-June 2. This week is prime rut and 5 spots for June 4-9.
Let’s get these spots filled up.
From: bghunter
I am looking forward to the trip in May. Hopefully 3rd time is a charm for blk bear.
From: Plum lake
You’re hunting an awesome in the bear woods Shawn and it’s going to be a blast.
From: bghunter
Looking forward to it as I know Zeberakiller speaks very highly of your camp.
From: Plum lake
We will be at the Wisconsin Open Season Sportsman Expo March 24-26. Come on down for a visit and let’s talk hunting. We’ll be at booth 1815. Tickets are on sale now, get yours today.
From: bghunter
I will have to see if I can swing up that weekend. Might be a good excuse to get away for the weekend
From: Plum lake
Sounds good Shawn. Bill will be there that weekend also.
From: Plum lake
The challenges of getting to some of our bait sits last spring we were forced to bring in canoes and paddle to some sites. When the bait site is on fire you gotta hunt it no matter what is trying to stop you from getting there.
From: bghunter
Now that looks like a fun adventure.
From: Plum lake
Everyday in bear camp is an adventure. Most days are awesome and then you have days like this. Short 6 mile walk back to camp.
From: bghunter
Yea, that looks rough.
From: Plum lake
Picked up the last of our sweets for the bears. We are going to have one deadly combination of snacks for them. We still have a few spots open for this spring and fall. Never too late to book your spot.
From: Plum lake
From: Plum lake
From: bghunter
I was hoping that was the snacks for the week lol
From: Zebrakiller
From: Plum lake
Hardest part will be to try and keep the hunters and guides out of the candy boxes
From: Plum lake
Road to Paradise. With this cold front that we are experiencing now we are dreaming of getting back out in the woods and start baiting.
Road to Paradise. With this cold front that we are experiencing now we are dreaming of getting back out in the woods and start baiting.
From: bghunter
Road looks better then the earlier post of your truck stuck.
From: Plum lake
That day was not paradise. but it was before that
From: bghunter
Been there before. Getting a truck stuck miles from nowhere can really ruin a good day.
From: Plum lake
All winter we are always prepping and gathering all the resources we will need come spring.
From: Plum lake
All winter we are always prepping and gathering all the resources we will need come spring.
From: bghunter
How much bait do you think you go through in a season?
I am guessing a good amount.
From: Plum lake
We go through approx 20000lbs between the oats, sweets, fryer oil and beef scraps
From: Plum lake
We go through approx 20000lbs between the oats, sweets, fryer oil and beef scraps
From: bghunter
I figured it would be a lot, but dam that is more then I thought
From: Plum lake
The last of our Bear bait is picked up. 15000 lbs of corn will be hauled out to the bait sites
From: rattling_junkie
Looks like a lot of work, but the best kind of work!
From: Zebrakiller
O Mike I cant wait
From: bghunter
X2 zebrakiller
From: Plum lake
We have a few spots open in a prime Bear hunting week. June 4-9. We have been on a roll at 100% success on kills the past 12 years. There’s still time to book your spring Bear hunt
From: Plum lake
Officially started to get the baits out today. It won’t be long and the snow will start to disappear. Getting excited to see what this spring will produce.
Still have 4 openings for June 4-9 & I’m going to open up another week for 3 hunters for May 7-12.
From: Plum lake
Didn't pull a Bear tag this year for your State? We got you covered. Tags available without drawing. A email or phone call, and we will have your next Bear hunting adventure waiting for you. Limited tags available in our vast wilderness hunting area.
From: Zebrakiller
See ya soon Mike at open season
From: bghunter
I cannot wait!!
From: 2xLung
Great outfitter, great accommodations and equipment. Mikey and the guys run a first class operation with fantastic food and lots of bears. Travels take me a different way this year or I’d be back!
From: Plum lake
If your in Wisconsin. Stop by the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells for the Open Season Sportsman expo. We are at booth #1815. Stop by for a chat and book your next Black Bear or Whitetail adventure.
From: bghunter
Wish I could have made it up.
From: mooseslayer
6" to 8" and still coming down here. Should be able to make it Sunday.
From: Plum lake
We had a fantastic weekend and the Kalahari Sportsman's Expo. Talked with many great people, visited with lots of our repeat clients and also made some new ones.
Thank you to all who stoped in for a chat and thank those that trusted us in your next black bear & whitetail hunting adventure.
From: bghunter
Wish I could have made it up to chat about the May hunt. Unfortunately couldn't make it. See you in May.
From: Plum lake
We have a few openings left for our spring hunt. We have May 7-12 open for 3 hunters. This will be the first week of our hunt. And only 3 hunters will have the camp to themselves. Group rate available. I have one spot open for May 21-26 and 2 spots open for June 4-9.
From: Plum lake
Got a bunch of more baits done today. We will be finishing up what we can with the snowmobile by Wednesday. After that the rest will be done when the snow drops a little more and we can use the quads.
From: Zebrakiller
1 week closer!
From: bghunter
With the finally warm weather here in WI this hunt can't get here fast enough .
From: Plum lake
The last two days our snow pretty well disappeared so we’ll be out baiting again here very soon with the quads.
From: bghunter
Cannot wait to see the trail cam photos.
From: Plum lake
All our baits are done and cameras are up. Bears have already been hitting the baits so it’s looking like a good start to the season.
1 tag still left for the spring hunt. Can be used in either the week May 21-26 or week June 4-9.
From: Zebrakiller
From: jmiller
Looks great, I'll be following along closely! We are excited to join you next spring!
From: bghunter
Thats one interesting looking bear lol
From: Zebrakiller
Zebrakiller's Link
From: bghunter
Cool video
From: bghunter
If my math is right about 3 weeks
From: bghunter
Any good trail camera photos ?
From: Plum lake
We are at camp now refilling the baits, hanging stands and checking the cards. Tonight I will be back and try to post a few pics here
From: bghunter
Awesome, cannot wait.
From: Plum lake
First bear of the season and it’s a great bear. Second night on stand and Josh from Montana scored his first ever black bear. Congratulations
From: bghunter
Awesome bear. Cannot wait to get there
From: Zebrakiller
way to start the season Josh
From: bghunter
I am starting to get the gear ready. Lol
From: Plum lake
You’re going to need them. Bugs are starting to wind up now
From: Plum lake
Mike from Colorado passed on a bunch of bears all week and also passed up a coloured one. Then connected on an awesome bear on day 6 of his hunt. Congratulations Mike. We had a great week with you guys in camp.
From: bghunter
Another great bear.
From: Plum lake
Mike from Colorado passed on a bunch of bears all week and also passed up a coloured one. Then connected on an awesome bear on day 6 of his hunt. Congratulations Mike. We had a great week with you guys in camp.
From: Plum lake
From: ElkHntr81
I’ve been a long time bowsite watcher and this is my first post. I’m Mike from the post above. I heard about Plum Lake on bowsite and went hunting with Mikey last week. I have nothing but great things to say about his outfit. Me, my cousin and another buddy went on the trip and we saw a ton of bears and had an awesome time. As Mikey said, I was picky and just had a great week watching bears and enjoying the great area. On the last night I was able to take this great bear. Mikey runs a great outfit and I can’t recommend Plum Lake enough. We will definitely be back! Good luck to all in the rest of the season. Thanks!
From: Zebrakiller
Great job Mike glad you had a great trip
From: Plum lake
Myles from our Arkansas crew shot a beauty colour phase on the first night of his hunt. Congratulations Myles and a great Manitoba bear. We’ll see you and your son next spring again.
From: bghunter
Awesome bear. Hopefully there are more like that around for next week. Cannot wait.
From: Plum lake
Dave one of our repeat guests added another chocolate bear to his collection. Way to go Dave. Hell of a nice colour phase. Congratulations
From: Plum lake
Jerry from Wisconsin shot this true Manitoba Monster on day 2 of his hunt. He passed it up on day 1 of his hunt but couldn’t resist it on the second night. Congratulations Jerry. Great having you in camp with us.
From: bghunter
I hope this WI guy can follow up next week with one just as good
From: Plum lake
our repeat client Tim from Arkansas had a crazy night on stand with 9 bears on stand and had one come into his blind. Congratulations Tim and we’ll see ya next spring
From: Plum lake
First night on stand and Patti from Virginia shot her first black bear and it’s an awesome one as well.
From: rebelmdb
Man I really have the bear bug again. I sent you an email about getting something going possibly.
From: Plum lake
Chris from Minnesota took home his first bear and a great one too. Perfect shot made for a short recovery
From: Plum lake
Shawn from Wisconsin is taking home his first black bear. First trip to Manitoba and it paid off
From: Zebrakiller
Another awesome week in camp mike
From: rebelmdb
Holy smokes Zebra that’s a giant bear!
From: mooseslayer
ZK, is that one of the bears you passed on last week?
From: Plum lake
Mike from Illinois didn’t waste anytime on stand and after watching 11 bears that evening he took his first Manitoba bear on his first night. Congratulations Mike
From: Zebrakiller
mooseslayer yep had it at 11 yards, I passed a ton of bear this week looking for a giant
From: wraith8
Congratulations Mike and everyone at Plum Lake. BTW, Mike developed the nickname First Night Mike elsewhere by capitalizing on opportunities at big critters on the first night.
From: rattling_junkie
Looks like a great season so far!
From: Plum lake
Wyatt from our Wisconsin group took his first Manitoba black bear.
From: Plum lake
Tom didn’t waste any time on stand and made a great shot on his bear. “Didn’t go 20”
From: Plum lake
Son of Tom. Josh made an excellent shot on his bear also. Great shooting and great bear.
From: Plum lake
Ron made his 4th trip up to hunt with us and shot his bear on day 3.
From: Plum lake
Trevor put the challenge up and hunted with his recurve. He is our first client to ever take a bear with a recurve while I have owned the camp. Thanks for sticking it out and making a great shot at 15 yards. “Didn’t go 20”
From: Zebrakiller
Great job in the heat it has been crazy
From: Plum lake
What an absolute giant of a bear. Scott with his first ever bear and he made his shot count. 475lbs and 21 6/16 skull.
From: Plum lake
Al from Illinois killed a great bear on day 5 of his hunt. This is the last bear of our spring season. 335 lbs and 20 4/16 skull. An awesome way to end our season
From: Plum lake
Rick from Wisconsin shot his first ever bear on day 2 of his hunt.
From: Plum lake
Now that our spring season is over and getting camp all put away for the summer I’d like to thank all our clients that made the travel up to Manitoba to come and hunt with us. We had a great season with many awesome bears taken and the amazing people that we met. Everyone leaves camp feeling like family. Thanks to Bowsite for allowing us to advertise on here. It’s such a great platform of people and I can’t thank our Bowsite hunters enough for putting your trust in us. Thank you everyone for making our season a success once again. Cheers.